QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Feb 4 2012, 03:50 PM)
So, just got an idea of using a microdrone with Signal upgrade as a hacking relay - rigger/hacker sends out a drone to maximum Mutual Signal Range, where the drone gets into the MSR of a target system and the hacker uses it as a relay node to hack the target system (that is, for some reason, unreachable otherwise). Would that even work?
Absolutely. In fact, this is how
almost the entire Matrix works in SR4.
Any wireless device is also a router for the wireless network, so a
commlink can be a router,
even if it's just some guy driving past! That's how the distributed mesh works.
Technically, you can also buy retrans units for your drones, specifically to do what you're suggesting, but they're holdovers from SR3 that don't need to exist in SR4, but apparently somebody wasn't thinking that day: every wireless device is a "retrans unit" with a range determined by its Signal.
This means, of course, that you can route to even very remote locations by using a string of devices to get there. It doesn't matter which devices: it could be a satellite relay to a drone to a toaster to a bystander's commlink to the target network. This makes truly isolating systems difficult, but the idea then is that you'd just not use wireless on those sorts of things, or block the wireless signals with wifi inhibiting paint or whatnot.