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I spoke to Ronin. He had some serious problems at work. He said if we can hang on for a few more days we will get going again.
Misfit Toy
Rock. smile.gif
Relief. This was the best-organized online game I've ever been in. I wassurprised to see it apparently dying.
Sorry guys....things have been a bit overwhelming. And it doesn't help that we just moved into a new place and won't have internet access until this evening.

Anyway, I haven't abandoned the game...I refuse to let it die before it's finished.

I posted the cursory recon of the hospital, but that's probably all I'm going to be able to do until tonight or tomorrow. If anyone needs any clarification about what I wrote, please post it on this thread. Also, if you guys want it, I can put together a crude drawing of the hosptial grounds, but it's gonna take me a while to find the time for it.

BTW, who is Misfit Toy?
Misfit Toy
Oops. Forgot to announce the name change here. Again. T'is, I, the puppetmaster of Nikolai. Sorry.
Dude, you changed your name AGAIN? What is this... the fourth time now?
Misfit Toy
This year.
Misfit: Are you sending the team updates and photos of the area? I had a comment to make, but I wanted to make sure I am seeing what you are seeing.
Danny is talking over the radio.
Misfit Toy
Of course. Nikolai is sending a burst with all the data over the secure BattleTac commlink he established earlier.
Beast of Revolutions
So, any progress towards giving up on receiving other applications for the game?
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