my SR3 brain was reading and translating the TN's for that combo of mixed-up terror....ouch.
And then the price tag: Also ouch.
Btw: the MAO drops 1d6 off the initiative and 1 quickness (old-timey person, don't know if SR4 kept MAO) and the Jazz was simply there to keep them upright, and suddenly addicted.... (as per the M&M rules)
Breaking it down (SR3, I don't have the SR4 versions)
$10 - DMSO, gets around the whole "needs injection as a vector" problem.
$5 - Pepper-Punch: 12L stun
$180 - Hyper: 6S stun, +1 all TN's (mild vertigo), effects last for 10 minutes per box of damage suffered, tasks requiring concentration (ie: spellcasting) TN's increase to +4. Any physical damage suffered adds 1/2 Stun damage to the sufferer. Ie: take 2 boxes physical, get an additional box stun.
$280 - MAO: 12L Stun. Drops initiative by 1d6, and reduces reaction by 1. (lasts 10 combat turns)
$40 - Jazz: Increases Quickness by 2, initiative by 1d6, lasts 10 x 1d6 minutes. Downside: Crash = 8L Stun, resisted by body; +1 TN to all tests and -1 Quickness penalty for 1d6 x 10 minutes. ADDICTIVE: 4 mental, 5 physical, Tolerance 2, Edge 2/8, 3 days fix factor.
$TBA - Deepweed: Increases Willpower by 1 and forces the magically-active to astrally perceive. ADDICTIVE, 7P, Tolerance 2, Edge 5/20, fix 7 days.
So, $515 + deepweed and you've got a crowd of unconscious twitching, addicted wretches who won't be of any use to anyone until they dry out.
Sum damage: 12L stun, the 6S stun, the 12L stun, -1 Reaction, and the horrible addiction rules WITH the modified TNs that the cocktail of ugly
Bonus: Victim has +2 quickness, +1 willpower for a little while....
Conclusion: horribly effective on unsuspecting guards, who will be a drain on the security company's coffers until they dry out, necessitating replacements with hastily-produced id....

Social engineering via chemicals:)
No, no K10 or Kamikaze, that shit be wrong. If I was to use it, it'd be on a sewer full of feral ghouls near an overly-cocky sammy:)