Mar 10 2012, 06:15 AM
Does North American even have rail travel in 2072? We barely have it now; any chance it made a comeback? I'd hate to give up on the idea of a train caper.
Mar 10 2012, 06:17 AM
There are trains. The customs checkpoints are a major pain, especially if you're a UCAS Citizen trying to go from New York to Seattle.
Mar 21 2012, 09:32 AM
i always imagined it as a subway network tbh. Im not from the US so i dont really know but if i had to guess, increase in population would mean either building up or building down and since i dont see any floating monorail lines in the book art im gonna guess subway. Plus, how else could i get some classic subway fight scenes?
Mar 21 2012, 11:52 AM
The maglev tube train from Seattle to Portland in the Tir featured in our games. Run by the Resha [?] Corporation as I recall.
Mar 21 2012, 02:20 PM
Subways are really good for relatively small distances. Going from New York to Seattle is over 2800 miles (4500+km). Overland rail is really the best option for that kind of distance.
So there will be in-city subways, overland normal rail and likely some maglev rail lines between major cities on the country for high speed rail travel. That's my expectation anyway.
Mar 21 2012, 02:33 PM
Per RC, p. 29, all of the metroplexes are connected via the maglev system, a few smaller settlements are not.
Mar 23 2012, 02:20 AM
Considering the Interstate Highway system is fractured now, I'd think the same would happen to rail.
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