QUOTE (Ryusukanku @ Jun 29 2012, 12:24 PM)

That was really well written out ShadowDragon8685.
I only see one error in the write-up. The 'English Architecture' trend and creation of Blimey Estates was during the Twenty Fortys and not the Nineteen Fortys.
Erp, yeah... I don't know what happened there. Typographical errors, because immediately below two instances of the 1940s comes a mention of the 2040s.
That being said, I am liking this very much. No doubt there are different 'regions' in the gated community to allow some variety so I see no real reason that a 221B Baker street can't exist there. among other 'English' buildings.
True that. I figured that the wanker who built it didn't do any more research beyond looking up the movies and shows he remembered from his early adulthood circa the 2000s.

A friend pointed out to me that the Town of Sandford ( From the film Hot Fuzz ) could make useful reference material for players as much as my own Coronation Street and wallace and Gromit thoughts. Concidering how the film works out in the end, I'd say that is almost perfect for Shadowrun.
I dunno... I mean, Sandford's in the country. And Renton, even the edge of Renton bordering Redmond, isn't really the country... You'd need to move the Estates into Puyallup, I'd think.

Though the village buildings and all, yeah, sure, no question. Plus, Nicolas Angel would be a perfect force in Shadowrun, a seemingly unstoppable PhysAd badass of an honest copper.
I guess since Mister Spencer really didn't do any genuine research when he drew up the plans for Blimey Estates, any movies or TV series or books that feature an 'English' theme are fair game for the players to point at, laugh and say "That's where I live/work in Blimey Estates".
Yeap, fair game indeed. I can't wait to mention the lawn gnomes in their back yard.
Maybe the lawn gnomes are actually little drones, and they come to life at night to march on the lawn gnomes in the neighbor's yards...
Of course the real fun might come if you have a player who has a Shadowrunner who comes from the real deal and winds up living in this bastardised, americanised version of his or her homeland.
"'Ere now, 'Morning 'Govnah! Nice day for it, Eh wot?"
"Sod off you bloody git."
Actually, I
do. The amnesiac elf
is from the UK. I made her give me a Composure roll (threshold 4) which she failed and told her about how this hit her, at once with a feeling of homesickness, and then with a feeling of fakeness.