QUOTE (Tashiro @ May 1 2012, 06:58 PM)

Well, consider this. If you have a case of 400 bullets, you can divide them any way you want between different types, and for each and every shot, have the type of bullet you want. No 'additional clip' required. You just split the ammunition all in one case. Mind, this would only work for belt-fed ammunition or box ammunition, but that's actually not too bad. An additional clip has to be fixed to the weapon and takes up slots within the weapon itself for what it can hold. This bypasses that.
As for smart grenades - I've not seen anything about being able to tell a grenade not to detonate, or to detonate 'now' for example, in mid-flight. That would be really handy if you overshot your target, and for arc firing. It would reduce the 'scatter' result of grenades significantly (like, to 'none' in some cases).
No, I *understand* what D-A-B is. I'm asking if anyone can supply actual use-cases where it provides significant utility.

The use-cases for Additional Clip are already quite scanty; I usually use that mod just for the extra ammo cap.
AFAIK, all grenades in SR4 are fully wireless, programmable, multi-triggered, etc. already; if you add Airburst, as others mentioned, it's just gravy.