Oct 4 2012, 09:02 AM
Hello again!
Things are starting to settle down a bit more now so I thought I'd give this another look. It's not been active for nearly a month so this is just a mini-resurrect to see if you think it'll still go forward
Oct 5 2012, 07:16 PM
I think this is still going on, but Aria's family just welcomed a new baby to the world, so it might be a bit before he gets back into things.
Oct 9 2012, 11:50 AM
I’m back! Let’s do a roll call of those still interested in this game and if there aren’t enough then I may launch another recruitment drive. Ideally I’d like 3+ committed players so that we can get some good interaction going, perferably more.
Oct 9 2012, 02:15 PM
Well I'll still be kicking about here
Oct 9 2012, 11:50 PM
good timing! I was away for a goodly chunk of when you were away. but! I'm back. yay!
Oct 18 2012, 08:48 AM
I haven't forgotten about this thread but as there aren't quite as many takers as I was hoping for I think that I will make this one a sub thread of the 2072 ic thread like several of my other games. Provided nobody has any objections? Character gen will be as stated here but I guess karma awards will have to follow the 2072 rules as some of you may already have a PC there...
Oct 19 2012, 12:51 AM
so how does this subthread thing work?
Oct 19 2012, 08:38 AM
Easy enough. Ic posts are labelled not only with a time stamp but also a label of which sub thread they are for. That way everyone else can choose to read that post or ignore it. The reason for making it a single ic thread is that the world is consistent and sometimes threads interact. For example an explosion in one might be a distraction in another. At the moment the various threads are separated in the timeline but that won't always be the case.
Oct 23 2012, 05:19 PM
I've moved things over to the 2072 OoC thread so if we still have interest please could you post your sheets over there? Character gen rules stay as originally posted here rather than the 2072 rules.
JxJxA: I thought Gemeaux might want to consider taking part in this thread in your James Bond role...Lady deBathyre will be making an appearance
Oct 23 2012, 06:38 PM
@ Aria: If we're bringing UK E:PL to a close, then sure. If not, I'm happy to keep jamming along with the group. ;-p Sorry, I didn't mean in the other thread to sound like I was stepping out, just that I figured deBathayre was going to get him killed.
Oct 24 2012, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (JxJxA @ Oct 23 2012, 07:38 PM)

@ Aria: If we're bringing UK E:PL to a close, then sure. If not, I'm happy to keep jamming along with the group. ;-p Sorry, I didn't mean in the other thread to sound like I was stepping out, just that I figured deBathayre was going to get him killed.

Not yet anyway, and there's plenty more E:PL before we're done!
Oct 24 2012, 11:31 PM
Very nice!
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