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Full Version: OoC Emerging: Circles of Power
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I was working on the character I had in mind and thought I'd try someting a little different: Borrowed Time. I've never had a character that had it, and thought I'd give it a shot. If that's a problem, let me know. But I have no problem with playing a character that knows he's just about out of rope. Might be something worth trying.

Rather than the typical "I've got cancer" or something, I was thinking something more along the lines of his family having angered the wrong people. Say a mafia family, Saeder-Krupp, or something like that, and threats have already been made against them. Perhaps in retaliation for something they did politically or something they stole. Right now still looking at him being a member of either the French or Austrian aristocracy, although a displaced Tir noble could work as well.

QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Jul 8 2012, 04:56 PM) *

I've got no problem with the quality - sounds like it could work quite well! We'll call it an unofficial price on your head for now, nobody would let you in the party door if they thought you were about to be offed and the opening scene I'm mulling over is going to be at a shindig to get across the glitz and glamour of the game smile.gif
Sounds good. I wasn't looking for it to have an open bounty or something. More like a grudge or debt that was going to come terminally due at some unknown point in the future.
How are people's characters coming along? I've begun plotting the openings but I'd like to make things as character driven as possible so the more I know about the motivations of your (anti-)heroes the better smile.gif
If I stick with Tris, should I strip the pbp karma from End of Days or can I keep it? biggrin.gif

I'm moving back home from South Korea to the USA in a few days, which is why I've been MIA in a lot of threads. I'm sorry about that. x_x I can probably just plug and play Tris as is with just some changes in gear and knowledge skills.
Mine is staying as-is unless there's something you'd like me to change/clarify?
almost normal
Okay. New concept, and more attuned with the game-type.

Master sorcerer/archaeologist. Spends his time spanning the globe in search of magical artifacts. His tower resides atop an intersection of old magic leylines running through 'old Ireland'.

Combo of brains, magical aptitude, and charm.
They all sound good...JxJxA, can you tweak Tris to fit the current character gen rules? Would prefer it if we start on a level playing field but as you've committed lots of time to my Emerging games I'm happy for you to keep karma earnt so far! Not to much as I recall?

Can everyone concentrate on backgrounds and motivations before stats please? To begin with they are what will drive the game (don't worry, you'll get to roll those hard earned 'D' as we go along smile.gif)
Sure, I don't need Tris tossing maxed out manaballs at people (hopefully) ^_^
QUOTE (JxJxA @ Jul 17 2012, 11:46 AM) *
Sure, I don't need Tris tossing maxed out manaballs at people (hopefully) ^_^

I hope so too...if your main PCs get into combat the sh*t will have really hit the fan...but then again... ork.gif
Ok, so I'm trying to make this work with Tris (and I'm really, really, really sorry for being MIA---wanted to spend my last few days in Korea with the gf and had to clean out my crappy apartment, but I'm heading home today and I'll have time to crunch it out), but I just want to make sure this is okay with people...

Trismegistus has a Dark Goddess mentor, so he likes escalating conflicts. I also originally gave him bad rep and vindictive. Will this be a problem with people if I play him like the spoiled little bitch he probably should be? biggrin.gif
Not a problem for'll fit right in with the other spoilt brats smile.gif

Hopefully you'll still be able to work with the others...if not, on your head be it ork.gif (even powerful people need friends! smile.gif)
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 19 2012, 04:45 PM) *
Not a problem for'll fit right in with the other spoilt brats smile.gif

Hopefully you'll still be able to work with the others...if not, on your head be it ork.gif (even powerful people need friends! smile.gif)

Hehe, I've tried very hard to make Tris a team player in End of Days. In this situation, though, he might be more ready to casually mention that he's willing to melt someone's brain if they slight him...
We seem to be loosing some pace on this one...are people still interested? If it's just one or two I might fold the IC into the 2072 thread rather than have a separate IC for this one...hopefully that will keep exposure up and give the players some other interesting IC to read other than their particular segment...
still waiting for the fun to begin.

Looks like Fisty's going through an unexpected absence, though
I'm still interested, but it's okay if you guys want to start without me. I made it home, and now I'm just trying to get my life back in order.
almost normal
Personally, I'm still unsure if my initial character idea was accepted.
QUOTE (almost normal @ Jul 24 2012, 03:50 PM) *
Personally, I'm still unsure if my initial character idea was accepted.

Oops, sorry, assuming you mean this one:
QUOTE (almost normal @ Jul 16 2012, 08:36 PM) *
Okay. New concept, and more attuned with the game-type.

Master sorcerer/archaeologist. Spends his time spanning the globe in search of magical artifacts. His tower resides atop an intersection of old magic leylines running through 'old Ireland'.

Combo of brains, magical aptitude, and charm.

Absolutely, no problems with this one at all! If you don't want to deal with the pointy ears you might want to locate your tower in good olde Engerlande but I have no problem with Tir nA nOg either...lots of fun to be had with the Seelie Court ork.gif

For those of you who have already posted sheets just give me a nudge when you've fleshed out some background/entourage/contacts and I'll go and scrutinise them in detail. Glad to hear there's still interest biggrin.gif
almost normal
Allrighty, awesome. I'll start whipping something up.
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 24 2012, 05:37 PM) *
For those of you who have already posted sheets just give me a nudge when you've fleshed out some background/entourage/contacts and I'll go and scrutinise them in detail. Glad to hear there's still interest biggrin.gif

Did you want me to add to mine or is it good to go?
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Jul 25 2012, 01:59 PM) *
Did you want me to add to mine or is it good to go?

Can you spell out his key motivations for me please? Power / money etc...?!? Some background info on the contacts would be good too, want to make this character driven so contacts are the best way into the action smile.gif

Also can you give me some notes on his entourage?
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Jul 24 2012, 08:46 AM) *
still waiting for the fun to begin.

Looks like Fisty's going through an unexpected absence, though

Just got back. Had to go Do Work, so to speak. I've put in my rough draft version and now I'm working out some kinks and trying to get the free time to add in those fun details like the more detailed background, lackeys etc.

Looking at an elven noble, although still tossing it up in the air betwen Austrian or French. Elven elitist, very into style. Certainly a narciscist. Speaker's way adept for in-game crunch. I'm having to do some rework under the idea that he's NOT a shadowrunner. Old habits and all that.
Hello people.

I am new to dumpshock (although not new to shadowrun pnp) , and would quite like to try play by forum.

This thread looks very interesting. If there is any space, I would quite like to join it.

I would like to play an entrepreneur in simsense gaming who has made it big. I started the company when 15, and by 20 we had three best selling (slighly moral) internet games such as Bodyguard II, Ninja Burger III (deliver the burgers w/o being seen, or any one getting hurt), and Hurricane Harry (you are the first sent in to national the people, rescue the damsels...). My company was bought for a large pot of cash by Aztechnology, who messed it up and the games became all about violence and sex (and even though they made more money, I am obviously a bit bitter about the loss of moral content). I am happily married to Alicia Marconi (of old money but running out) with two pre-school children.

I am the youngest member of the I have twice been asked to give evidence at Public Administration Select Committees, and am an expert witness at hacking trials, so I know my way around the legal system, parliament and the house of Lords.

Being now a member of the idle rich I no longer work. I am banned by my exit contract from producing games for another three years, although obviously I have a few new ideas. I have a small company that does penetration testing for corporations, and a country house with a few acres in which I have a few combat drones that I play with to experiment with to give me ideas for games.

[ Spoiler ]
Welcome on board! Concept looks good if you want to start thinking about stats etc.

The spoiler is fine, perhaps at least one of your entourage got you out???
almost normal
Character will be up today.
I'm wondering how to model the worshipful company / house of lords link.

How about "made man"? that gives quite a nice set of contacts in exchange for them saying "do this" and you do or else. The social aspects of made man in a standard shadowrun game are probably similar to that. My other option is a group contact with perhaps a "code of conduct", "duty" or "day job".

I like the idea of the entourage. I'll put some effort into thinking of how I met them and the links between us. If they got me out of "that place" then there are probably stronger links than just money.

I'll post a first draft this evening.
My name is Buckminster Fuller Scott, an accidental entrepreneur in simsense gaming who made it big. I started programming when I was 15: it was a way of dealing with the wheelchair. The accident that left me wheelchair bound occurred during a year in America. It was messy. There were explosions. I don't really want to talk about it.

Being an actually quite good programmer, by 20 I had three best selling (slighly moral) internet games such as Bodyguard II, Ninja Burger III (deliver the burgers w/o being seen, or any one getting hurt), and Hurricane Harry (you are the first sent in to national the people, rescue the damsels...).

My company (Esoteric Games) was bought for a large pot of cash by Aztechnology, who messed it up and the games became all about violence and sex. (I take a few deep breaths and smile through gritted teeth) and I am happy that they are doing well. I have a Non Disclosure and Non Competitive contract with them for...another 2 years, 312 days and 10 hours.

I am happily married to Alicia Marconi with two pre-school children Jonathan and Rebecca. Alicia and I met just before I sold before Aztech bought me out. The Marconi family have land in Italy and Scotland. Alicia has given me quite an education, and I am no longer the social hand-grenade that I once was. Alicia's father, Andrew, sits in the House of Lords, and as she is an only child, I guess I will take his place some time in the future. I hope it's a long time in the future, as I like the old man.

I am the youngest member of the I have twice been asked to give evidence at Public Administration Select Committees, and am an Expert Witness at hacking trials, so I know my way around the legal system, Parliament and the House of Lords. I'm doing my bit to help them, and while not working as hard as I used to (nothing is as tough as a start up), I still put quite a lot of time into good works, charity fund raising, and educating and mentoring up and coming entrepreneurs. If you want to find me when I am in London, it is a toss up between the Institute of Directors, Institute of Electronics, Technology and Magic, and the Royal Society of Arts.

I am very interested in the so-called Technomancer threat, and am working with the IETM and the RSA to assist the government to come to a considered opinion on any threat. Personally I am becoming convinced that they are far less of a threat than, say, the impact of Magic. Like mages they can be good or evil. Even the evil ones only appear to be about as good as a skilled hacker, and while those are a potential threat, they are not even on the same scale as, say, Insect Spirits or Toxic Shamans.

Although I am banned by my exit contract from producing games for another 2 years, 312 days and 9 and a half hours, obviously I have a few new ideas. I work with a small company that does elite penetration testing for corporations, and have a country house with a few acres in which I have a "few" combat drones that I experiment with to give me ideas for games.

Malcolm Hunt is the head of my security detail. He and I had a bad time in the States when the rest of my family died. It was only by working together that we both survived. Malcolm is a physical adept of the invisible way. I based my Ninja Burger game on him. His shares in that game mean that he is actually financially independent, but I am glad that he stays around.

Jason Hunt is Malcolm's cousin. He too has the gift of magic, but is a registered Druid. Jason looks after magical defenses, and helped quite a lot with game design. Jason has two children of a similar age to Rebecca and Jonathon, so he and his wife Felicity look after the children. Strange how you get opposites. Felicity is as cybered as a mortal can be, but she and Jason seem very happy.

Race: Human
Attributes: 150
[ Spoiler ]

Technomancer 126
[ Spoiler ]

Skills: 122
[ Spoiler ]

Qualities -20
[ Spoiler ]

Contacts: 22 pts TBA
Knowledge skills: TBA
20 xp: Submersion level 2: Blur and Overclocked, specialization (threading) in software

Notes: This is my first technomancer, so I am very interested to see how it works. I am planning on a youngish Professor X look, with a sleek wheel chair (probably Evo-Orderly stats). I still have some choices to make, but I would appreciate any feedback.

Things not in my bio that are important:
I am obviously not openly a technomancer: My commlink security is handled by my penetration testing company, before forwarding to my bionode. Alicia my wife is also a technomancer, although weaker than myself. Her social skills are a lot better than mine, so we complement each other well. The children show signs of becoming technomancers too...

The spreadsheet for the character is:
almost normal
Ack, Delayed a few hours. Up tomorrow.
QUOTE (Stave @ Aug 2 2012, 05:44 PM) *
I'm wondering how to model the worshipful company / house of lords link.

How about "made man"? that gives quite a nice set of contacts in exchange for them saying "do this" and you do or else. The social aspects of made man in a standard shadowrun game are probably similar to that. My other option is a group contact with perhaps a "code of conduct", "duty" or "day job".

I like the idea of the entourage. I'll put some effort into thinking of how I met them and the links between us. If they got me out of "that place" then there are probably stronger links than just money.

I'll post a first draft this evening.

I think the group contact is the best way to don't have to take the entire group in terms of membership as that might be overkill...the connection, matrix ratings etc are perhaps more important

Note on the Evo Orderly: I see this as a humanoid drone (not a wheelchair) and that the Arsenal artwork is just wrong, but feel free to use those stats if you like!
I've linked the three sheets I found so far at the beginning of the thread but give me a nudge if you've posted one and I missed it!
link to post 4, if you want. it'll be the one I'm keeping up to date.
I'm tweaking Mr Scott, in response to some suggestions. Being a person who loves creating characters, I'll probably be fine tuning him for days smile.gif

I'll keep him up to date in #77
Aria, I'm back, but found out for certain I'm going back out for at least another month fairly soon. I think I'm going to have to bow out on this one. Sorry . I'll probably be watching when I can because this sounds like a great premise, but I just won't be able to be reliable.
QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Aug 3 2012, 06:06 PM) *
Aria, I'm back, but found out for certain I'm going back out for at least another month fairly soon. I think I'm going to have to bow out on this one. Sorry . I'll probably be watching when I can because this sounds like a great premise, but I just won't be able to be reliable.

Ok, not to worry. I mean what I say with "Recruitment Always Open" so feel free to join in again when your schedule allows. Hope RL doesn't interfere too much smile.gif
I've been without internet for a bit, and now I'm going on holiday for a week. Dunno if you guys are ready to start without me or if you'll still be character creating when I get back. I'll check in if I can.
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Aug 10 2012, 09:35 AM) *
I've been without internet for a bit, and now I'm going on holiday for a week. Dunno if you guys are ready to start without me or if you'll still be character creating when I get back. I'll check in if I can.

And I'm off on holiday the week after that lol...

Let's propose a deadline for pre IC stuff for the 28th Aug and I'll try and get the first IC post up before Sept is upon us. I've no objections to people tweaking their characters once the IC has started but I'd like the background and entourage stuff up so that I can incorporate that into the opening scenes...happy writing smile.gif
Sounds Good!

Cool, have a great holiday! ^_^
Argh, sorry guys, but I don't think I'll be able to join this game. I started to get myself over-extended in games again, so I'll just stick with the games I'm currently in. When End of Days comes to a close, I might have a remodded Tris jump into this thread if you'll still have me. frown.gif
I'm back!!! Just a quick word of warning, if in the next month or so I disappear for a while it will be because my wife has given birth and I've got my hands full with screaming baby! I'll be back after a couple of weeks smile.gif

@JxJxA: sorry to hear that, I hadn't anticipated EoD continuing - beginning to think I might be over extending myself too nyahnyah.gif but anyway, you'll be more than welcome at any time!
Ok, well, if End of Days is coming to a close, I'll jump in with a redesigned Tris once it's over. ^_^ I have a really bad habit of reading games and thinking, "Wow, that looks really cool!!!" and then joining five or ten and having to crunch out different characters for them. It's kind of an OCD thing, so I have to clamp down and just stick to a few. Otherwise, suddenly I'm pbp-ing during all of my free (and not-so-free) time. nyahnyah.gif
almost normal
I'm so confused as to what's going on.
QUOTE (almost normal @ Aug 30 2012, 03:49 PM) *
I'm so confused as to what's going on.

I'm hoping people are finalising characters now and we'll start this IC ball rolling in Sept. My other game E:EoD will wind up at some point after that and JxJxA will hopefully come and join us here for this thread.

Can I have a roll call of people that are still interested? To anyone else reading this thread it's not too late to join us!!!
almost normal
Likely still interested.
still here and still ready. work's been a little crazy lately, though, so I haven't had a chance to post recently. hopefully things will calm soon!
Ready to rock and roll.

I hope you had a good holiday
Sorry I haven't been on for weeks. Work is manic at the mo. Not even getting lunch times nevermind forum time. I'm still interested but haven't done any more to my char yet and it'll be a couple more weeks till things steady down again and I can post regularly
I have to confess I haven't been giving this one as much thought recently as I ought to, the EoD getting a new breath of life was unexpected! 3 players is a bit less than I would have liked but I am happy to run it that way if you guys are willing to commit to one IC post a week (within reason). Given that I'll be off for a couple of weeks in the not too distant future I'll hold fire on the IC posting for a bit to give you all a chance to polish those characters and see if anyone else wants in.

If that gap means the game sort of dies then I'll relaunch it when I get back from paternity leave.

Hope that's ok with everyone. I'll keep checking OoC to see if there are any questions etc. Remember, the more background you give me to work with the better!!!

Cheers, A biggrin.gif
Thanks for running this Aria. I'm happy with the post per week.

I hope you enjoy the paternity leave.

Hi All,

In case you're still planning to go forward with this, I'd like to join the party. I have in mind an ultra rich, thrill-seeking arcana-archaeologist type that stars in his own trid-show. Mechanics-wise, he would probably be a speaker's way adept focused on social and historical background skills.

Going over the thread, I realize this may clash with almost normal's character concept. What exactly did you have in mind, normal? In case are character would be too similar, I can always tweak my guy.

Shana tova!
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