The game will be set in and around Europe, principally in the UK as I know the most about that area. The timeline will be around 2073 and I’ll be using bits from Jet Set, Corp Conspiracy Theories and whatever my own twisted imagination can conjure up.
Depending on players’ preferences I am considering running things as a series of snapshots rather than trying to string out a traditional ‘run.’ I would like things to be character driven as you each pursue your own agendas (whatever they may be) along with an overarching plot line that will develop with time. The group will be linked by membership of the Ordo Nobilis (someone with more than pseudo Latin may be able to tell me what that should really be?!?), an Old Boys network dedicated to maintaining the status quo.
Players will build a central character who I imagine will be the central person of power. As an alternative you could play the major domo to a bright young thing, or at a pinch the head of their security detail. Whatever you choose you will need to have a stake in the action and a reason to work with (or possibly against?!?) the other players. You will also have access to an entourage (1-3 key N/PCs) that will allow you to undertake more dubious activities that you wouldn’t normally dirty your hands with (there will be some opportunities for shadowrunner type activity in the game). Don’t worry, I don’t expect stats for these extras (unless you really want to), a small background write-up will be sufficient and then we will base them on built 400BP archetypes (including UmaroVI's archetypes if you want) or leave them stat free for non-combatants.
I would like a commitment of one or more posts per week (within reason), and if we don’t hear from you for a while I will fade you out of the action. But in exchange for your efforts you will be awarded one karma point per post so advancement could be fast! Money will be fairly flexible, you will have lots, and contacts and availabilities will become the limiting factor on whether you can get hold of something you want.
Main Character Generation:
- 400BPs, all books and RAW. If you want to play an alternative metatype or similar from RC there will need to be some serious justification. Likewise, I’m not sure this game is suitable for an AI or free spirit unless you can convince me otherwise. I will frown on obvious munchkinism but the game is meant to be about important people (they will be the first to tell you how important they are!) and ideally suited to high level faces, mages and other power broker types.
- You can take the following additional qualities which must be offset by these negative qualities up to an additional +25/-25BPs. Positive: Born Rich [10BPs] College Education [5BPs] Fame [5BPs] Privileged Family Name [5BPs] Negative: Day Job [-5 to -15BPs] Dependants [-5 to -15BPs] Distinctive Style [-5BPs+] Prejudiced against poor people [-10BPs]
- You are automatically a SINer for no bonus BPs (a criminal SIN is worth -10BPs still as getting caught is a serious faux pas!) Records on File isn’t worth BPs either. If something is never going to come up then I would prefer it if you didn't try and take it as a negative quality.
- You automatically have a free luxury lifestyle (I encourage you to go to town with the advanced lifestyle rules and make a flamboyant abode!), car and driver, staff and other perks of being obnoxiously wealthy. Of course if you want to be a down at heel aristo then you can swap these for a crumbling mansion somewhere with a mountain of debts and only your good name to live off.
- Resources points should be used to purchase restricted or illegal gear, any and all ‘ware and matrix gear. Otherwise your wardrobe and ordinary gear is outside this pot of cash (and again I encourage you to use Attitude and the like to add some flare to your outfits).
- You get a free group contact of the Ordo [Loyalty: 3 Connection:3(9)]
- You get an additional Logic x2 in free knowledge skills exclusively for skills that deal with the nobility and/or history
- When writing up your character background please give special thought to what your in-game motivations will be (other than acquiring more wealth/influence!). The Ordo support the status quo but you might just be with them because it’s the done thing to do (if you can’t get into the Ordo Maxiumus, and yes, you can belong to both for the magical types amongst you!). Also, what do you think about the technomancer phenomenon? Bear in mind they may pose a significant threat to your assets/income, or at least so the media would have you believe.
Any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to yell! I am going to continue running my other Emerging games in the 2072 thread and End of Days thread (the last one is winding down unless I get some more PCs), feel free to take a look as recruitment is always open in those too!