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Full Version: Critter Powers as Metamagic
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
SR3 Magic in the Shadows introduced the Horse totem, which let followers learn the Movement critter power as a metamagic. (Restrictions: self only and 3 times per day use)
I wonder if we should elaborate on this as a potential house rule.

1. Do you think this is/was overpowered? (I never played SR3)

2. What other critter powers are reasonable for the cost of one initiation? What totems would you connect them to?

some quick thoughts:
Great Mother -> Guard
Sea -> Weather Control
Mountain -> Binding
Trickster, Raven -> Accident
Wise Warrior -> Natural Weapon
Seductress -> Compulsion
Spider, Snake -> Venom
I think this has potential, yes. smile.gif Would you couple this with one of the rules about power/spell transparency (detection, dispelling, etc.)? Could such a rule benefit from using the power 'prices' provided by the Free Spirit rules?
QUOTE (Makki @ Sep 23 2012, 04:21 PM) *
SR3 Magic in the Shadows introduced the Horse totem, which let followers learn the Movement critter power as a metamagic. (Restrictions: self only and 3 times per day use)
I wonder if we should elaborate on this as a potential house rule.

1. Do you think this is/was overpowered? (I never played SR3)

Well ... It lead to the ludicrous Mach 3 Adept, but apart from this .. No, not really overpowered. Depending on the choice of critter power it could very well be, though.

2. What other critter powers are reasonable for the cost of one initiation? What totems would you connect them to?

some quick thoughts:
Great Mother -> Guard
Sea -> Weather Control
Mountain -> Binding
Trickster, Raven -> Accident
Wise Warrior -> Natural Weapon
Seductress -> Compulsion
Spider, Snake -> Venom

I like the idea, but there are really no downsides. Some of those are really powerful and using them should lead to drain rolls at least. But in general, I think your idea has potential.
Yeah, X uses per day may seem like D&D SLAs, but it makes good sense as a limitation. Depending on what it is, it should maybe have that in addition to a drain roll, fewer than 3 uses, or other limits.
[Initiate grade] uses per day?
perhaps more along the lines of IG/2 round up? much like many of the other Metamagics? then add a DV ontop based on the effect as if stat'd for a spell?
Whenever the power is activated, the Magician/Adept has to resist drain equal to twice the power cost as statet in the Free Spirit Powers table (RC p.92). Drain is always stun damage.

This would even make Regeneration viable. IG/2 uses per day, causes 10S drain.
Hm. I wonder if that doesn't make a lot of powers' Drain pretty trivial, while 10S is a lot even for Regeneration. I'd have to look at the list, but maybe something like 3+Cost Drain?
The Jopp
Stealth based traditions should have the Concealment power available as well.
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Sep 24 2012, 01:27 PM) *
Stealth based traditions should have the Concealment power available as well.

Like Rat and Cat, i presume?!
The Jopp
QUOTE (Makki @ Sep 24 2012, 11:53 AM) *
Like Rat and Cat, i presume?!

Yea, sounds about right.
QUOTE (Makki @ Sep 23 2012, 10:09 AM) *
Whenever the power is activated, the Magician/Adept has to resist drain equal to twice the power cost as statet in the Free Spirit Powers table (RC p.92). Drain is always stun damage.

The free spirit PC power table is completely bad, though, and breaks with the entire rest of the spirit system. Its not a good crutch to support your system with.

I'd be more inclined to base the drain off the initiate grade(since its times/day is already tied to that) - kind of like attribute boost - and increase it by 1 for each time you've used the power that day.

also you may want to restrict Great Form powers from being taken, like regeneration.
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