In the games I've played we have simply assumed that the runners all have eye recording units in cybereyes, or at least micro cameras. Now the latter might be an oversight, but how does one prevent espionage using Cybereyes?
This is like the many cell phone cameras in the world today, except you can't even see anyone using it (without hacking his 'ware), can't see if they have it without a Cyberware scanner, and surely can't easily take them away without ripping out eyes - something which is not considered polite even in criminal settings.
So how can Mr. Boss man even speak to anyone without risking being recorded in trideo? How to prevent the runners from doing it in a meet? How can the runners prevent anyone from doing it when being a witness?
Eye Recording unit: This comes for free with Cybereyes and allows data to be recorded from the optical nerve to an UNLIMITED storage unit, which vaguely can be set to only communicate with an Datajack or Sim Module.
I find that this game still opens up these kinds of questions despite having used the rules for awhile and not thinking about it.
On another note, what exactly is needed for mentally interfacing a commlink? Sim Module and Trode Net/Datajack? Implanted commlink? This is another thing we take for granted every runner can do.