Nov 4 2012, 01:09 AM
I was wondering, without using Nanotech or Cultured Bioware (Just part of GM requirements). Could a 400 BP Vampire Mystic Adept be done. I was going for about a 2/2 split between Adept Points and being a mage. 12R is my cap for gear, and the Restricted Gear Quality is off the table. I always had a hard time making Mages or Mystic Adepts in Shadowrun with 400 points that work, and adding vampire into the mix makes it a whole nother cup of tea.
Nov 4 2012, 02:07 AM
Vampires pay 100 bp for 80 points in characteristics, -1 magic, and having to be human. That's not that terrible. You will be subpar, but by simply putting less BP in characteristics than you would if you were human and letting the vampire bonuses balance it upwards should fix it. You get Regeneration, which is worth a magic and 20 bp, more or less, and you get 2 IPs (which don't stack with anything else).
I can give you more specific advice if you want. A few questions:
Does your GM rule Mystic Adepts use their reduced or full magic for calculating maximum Force of spells?
How does your GM think Heightened Concentration works?
Can you use Way of the Adept?
Can you use Martial Arts?
Do you have a more specific focus? "Mystic Adept" is kinda open ended. Do you just want to do something useful, or do you have a specific role already in mind?
Nov 4 2012, 04:24 AM
My favorite and most powerful build is a 400 BP Nosferatu Mystic Adept. A vampire could easily be done, and I just may have one floating around here somewhere... I'll have to chase it down.
EDIT: Some things to consider:
1) Get a 1/6 contact so you'll have a perfectly loyal hobo contact. Get him addicted to Renfield and use him to siphon Essence Drain twice a day so you can always walk around with a boosted Magic rating. Depending on how your GM wants to rule the wording you're looking at either a Magic of 10 (liberal reading) or 7 (conservative reading).
2) Whenever you gain Magic you get to select whether you gain Adept points or Mage points, which means when you use Essence Drain to boost your Magic you get to select this. Every time you lose Magic you get to choose if you lose Mage or Adept points. This allows Special Infected to uniquely re-select their choices in gameplay. For example; your character uses Essence Drain to gain 3 Magic, all of them going in to Adept points. When your Magic reverts to a 4, you decide to lose two points of Mage points and one point of Adept abilities. Twelve hours later, after boosting your Magic by 3 again, you decide to lose three points of Adept and retain three of Mage, leaving you at Adept 1/Mage 3.
Nov 4 2012, 08:06 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 4 2012, 06:24 AM)
1) Get a 1/6 contact so you'll have a perfectly loyal hobo contact. Get him addicted to Renfield and use him to siphon Essence Drain twice a day so you can always walk around with a boosted Magic rating. Depending on how your GM wants to rule the wording you're looking at either a Magic of 10 (liberal reading) or 7 (conservative reading).
Isn't he dead, once you drained 6 points of Essence?
Nov 4 2012, 08:23 AM
QUOTE (Makki @ Nov 4 2012, 02:06 AM)
Isn't he dead, once you drained 6 points of Essence?
Usually, yes, but it's possible to work around that.
A better bet is to make that contact a GROUP contact.
Its also worth mentioning that the Cellular Repair from augmentation puts a price tag on a vampire's diet.
Nov 4 2012, 01:58 PM
Did you read the whole of what I said? Get him addicted to Renfield - in addition to the nice bonuses you get from it, every dose gives you 1D6 Essence to offset the Essence Loss weakness it also grants. This means that you can manipulate your current Essence (costs 1 point to make a dose of Renfield) and, with a Loyalty 6 bum contact (possibly also represented with Dependant), you can manipulate how much Essence you can drain in an hour, meaning that every 12 hours you have a maximum effect Essence Drain ability.
Nov 4 2012, 08:00 PM
These are the books I have access to.
20th Anniversary Core Book, Arsenal, Augmentation, Runner's Companion, Street Magic, Unwired, Running Wild.
Basic gist of the story for the character is before they were a vampire, they were a human Mystic Adept (Voodoo Tradition), but she was using her magic to heal and help others (She was not a runner before coming a vampire.) But was able to defend herself if she got into rough situations (I planned to use Pistols or Machine Pistols), so her maybe at most had stunbolt for combat magic itself. Also spell force would be limited by twice my magic attribute.
Nov 4 2012, 10:31 PM
Holy shit, which book is Renfield in?
Nov 4 2012, 10:35 PM
Running Wild
Nov 5 2012, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Nov 4 2012, 03:00 PM)
These are the books I have access to.
20th Anniversary Core Book, Arsenal, Augmentation, Runner's Companion, Street Magic, Unwired, Running Wild.
Basic gist of the story for the character is before they were a vampire, they were a human Mystic Adept (Voodoo Tradition), but she was using her magic to heal and help others (She was not a runner before coming a vampire.) But was able to defend herself if she got into rough situations (I planned to use Pistols or Machine Pistols), so her maybe at most had stunbolt for combat magic itself. Also spell force would be limited by twice my magic attribute.
Should work fine. My suggestion would be to make a Channeling-based character who works by buffing and being possessed by a summoned spirit, then shooting people with a gun. Don't have high base physical stats - use Possession to boost them (and Vampire means you'll have higher augmented maximums than a human). You can use the essence boost to pump yourself up right before buffing/summoning. Keep in mind that while possessed, your Adept powers get suppressed and you use the spirit's Magic score, so I would suggest picking adept powers that you want to have while
not possessed, ie, noncombat stuff like Kinesics or Improved Ability for useful things. Just don't try to make a character who is half a mage and bad at it, and half an adept and bad at that too.
Nov 5 2012, 06:13 AM
I disagree. A strong point of Regeneration is the ability to recover from the effects of drugs much better than normal. With the proper Willpower and Body enhancing spells you should not have a problem resisting addiction, and your stats will be quite amazing.
For a small investment in four Renraku Manservant-III drones, a Profession (Chemistry) Autosoft, and a Chemistry shop you can keep yourself fairly well supplied also. Get your PPP forearm guards with two auto-injectors and a biomonitor and enjoy the ability to Bane out when needed.
I'm tired now, but I'll try to get a list together with benefits and track down that vampire character I have lurking around my papers somewhere.
Nov 5 2012, 12:07 PM
That's also a reasonable option, and it's not a bad idea to have drugs ready in case you can't be possessed. I just wouldn't invest in a lot of unaugmented physical stats.
Nov 5 2012, 01:48 PM
Personally, I'd go with a 1 Adept / Rest Magician split. The 1 Adept point goes into Heightened Concentration, which, combined with Psyche, allows you to sustain up to MAGIC rating number of spells without the usual penalty. For the Magician side, the Voodoo tradition fits like a tee: Charisma based (your augmented max is 12) possession tradition and all the spirits you'd want for possession.
This character plays alot like a D&D Wizard or the Batman character from DC comics. You rely alot on preparation, and will suffer if caught off-guard, but the latter will rarely happen if you prepare properly, and the tradeoff is that you become a nigh-invicible powerhouse given enough time.
Spells you'll want:
Alleviate Allergy. Makes Regeneration slightly more useful, and allows for social interactions/combat during daylight hours.
Increase [Attribute] for the following: Body, Reaction, Charisma, Willpower and Intuition. If you have to choose, make Charisma and Willpower a priority.
Increase Reflexes. Vampires start at a nifty 2 IP, and the spell increases it up to 4. Note that they overlap but do not stack.
Combat Sense. Makes either you or one of your teammates really hard to hit.
Heal. It fits your theme, and allows you to heal whatever you can't regenerate (other than Drain).
Stunbolt. Knocks out most unprotected foes in one hit. Consider Stunball if your sessions are combat heavy.
Helpful, but not strictly necessary:
Levitate. It's basically flight + Telekinesis. If you need fine motor telekinesis, consider Magic Fingers.
Improved Invisibility. A nifty stealth ability that automatically defeats drones and cameras if you beat their OR.
Physical Mask. A disguise spell to counteract the somewhat obvious nature of Vampires. Also allows impersonation.
Physical Camouflage. A stealth/ranged defense spell.
Mind Probe. Allows access to information. Some people object to this spell for "killing legwork", but point out the only reasonable alternative: roleplaying out interrogation/torture.
Control Thoughts. Let's face it, most DMs have a very limited understanding of the impact of social abilities, and this let's you brute force through such encounters.
There are many other helpful spells out there, and I'm sure the other Dumpshockers will point them out.
Now, the skills you strictly need will be: Spellcasting, Binding, Summoning, Perception, Social skills (Influence group), Infiltration. Prioritize those, then spend the rest how you see fit. Remember that due to access to Guardian and Task spirits, you have easy access to combat, physical and technical skills, so you need not spend points on those unless you really want to.
List of other handy stuff:
F2 Power Focus (within your starting limit)
Lifestyle with Aspected Domain
A few doses of Psyche
A few doses of Zero
Binding materials
Renfield + the 1/6 Hobo Neraph mentioned
During play, spend your first Karma on getting into a magic group and initiating. What you want ASAP are Channeling (makes possession so much more awesome) and (Improved) Masking (to hide the fact that you're a Vampire and the bazillion buffs).
For actual gameplay, some pointers:
-At the start of a session/during downtime, bind spirits. Specifically, bind this one: A medium-high Force (as much as you're comfortable with. Personally, I find F4-6 is usually plenty) Guardian spirit with the combat skill of your choice (Automatics or Pistols for your concept). This ensures that you have an ace up your sleeve when caught with your pants down. Later on, a high Force (F6+) Spirit of Man with Heal makes a fine combat medic.
-Always make sure you have a summoned spirit with you. When in doubt, choose a Guardian spirit.
-In order to summon and bind successfully, do the following: Cast Increase Willpower, use heightened concentration ("spell sustaining penalties"), Cast Increase Charisma, use heightened concentration (see above). This will ensure that you stay conscious after a botched summon/bind roll.
For combat with preparation:
-Buff yourself with the relevant Increase Attributes, Increase Reflexes and Combat Sense/Physical Camouflage. Use Psyche if necessary. Possess yourself with a Guardian spirit. Hurt people.
For combat without preparation:
-If you can reasonably flee: Cast Improved Invisibility, get to safety. Buff yourself. Hurt people.
-If not: Let the bound backup spirit possess you. Hurt people. Or just stunbolt them without possession.
For social encounters:
-Increase Charisma with a Vampire's stats give you a good dice pool, allowing you to function as the party face.
-Control Thoughts gives you some more options if pressed for time.
For tech encounters: Does it require AR/VR?
-If not, use a Task spirit.
-If yes, buff your team specialist.
Basically, this kind of group can always contribute to the team's success, and is a great addition particularly in small groups that need to cover a lot of areas. Hope this helps.
Patrick Goodman
Nov 5 2012, 02:14 PM
I never have popcorn handy for when these things pop up....
Nov 5 2012, 02:30 PM
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 5 2012, 03:14 PM)
I never have popcorn handy for when these things pop up....
For the informational value contained in these threads? Or for the (hopefully avoidable) flamewars?
On a side note, weren't you the one suggesting a possible change/errata on Alleviate Allergy? If so, is there anything official yet?
That said, here's a sample character:
== Info ==
Street Name:
Name: Vampire Mystic Adept
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 1
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 13
Judge Intentions: 13
Lift/Carry: 4 (15 kg/10 kg)
Memory: 8
Nuyen: 0
== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 3
REA: 3
STR: 1
CHA: 7
INT: 6
LOG: 2
WIL: 6
EDG: 3
MAG: 4
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 5
Initiative: 9 (12)
IP: 1 (2)
Astral Initiative: 12
Astral IP: 3
Matrix Initiative: 7
Matrix IP: 1
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11
== Active Skills ==
Binding 4
Influence(Group) 1
Perception 1
Spellcasting 6
Summoning 4
== Knowledge Skills ==
24 pts to distribute
== Contacts ==
Hobo (1, 6)
== Qualities ==
Incompetent (Banishing)
Infected: Vampire
Mentor Spirit (Sun)
Mystic Adept
Nano Intolerance
Poor Self Control (Vindictive)
Sensitive System
== Spells ==
(Tradition: Voodoo, Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (13))
Alleviate Allergy
Combat Sense
Control Thoughts
Improved Invisibility
Increase [Attribute] (CHA)
Increase [Attribute] (WIL)
Increase Reflexes
Mind Probe
Physical Mask
== Powers ==
Heightened Concentration
== Critter Powers ==
Allergy (Sunlight, Moderate)
Allergy (Wood, Severe)
Dietary Requirement (Metahuman Blood)
Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell, Thermographic Vision)
Essence Drain
Essence Loss
Immunity (Age, Pathogens, Toxins)
Induced Dormancy (Lack of Air)
Mist Form
Natural Weapon (Bite: (STR/2+1)P, AP 0, -1 Reach)
== Lifestyles ==
Barrens Safehouse 1 months
Comforts: Low
Entertainment: Low
Necessities: Low
Neighborhood: Street
Security: Low
Qualities: Aspected Domain [5LP]
Defective CHN [-1LP]
== Armor ==
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2
+Chemical Protection 6
+Nonconductivity 6
SecureTech PPP Armor (Ensemble)2/4
== Weapons ==
Ingram Smartgun X
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Personalized Grip
+Smartgun System
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 4 DV: 5P AP: - RC: 5
Ruger 100
+Imaging Scope
+Shock Pad
+Smartgun System, External
Pool: 4 DV: 7P AP: -1 RC: 0
Ruger Thunderbolt w/ Smartgun
+Personalized Grip
+Smartgun System
Pool: 4 DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 3
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 2 DV: 1S AP: - RC: 0
== Commlink ==
Meta Link (1, 1, 1, 2)
+Vector Xim
== Gear ==
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Sports Rifles) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x160
Contact Lenses Rating 2
+Vision Enhancement Rating 3
+Flare Compensation
Earbuds Rating 1
+Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake License Rating 4
Fake SIN Rating 4
Glasses Rating 3
+Image Link
+Low Light
Power Focus (Bonded Foci) Rating 2
Psyche x4
Spirit Binding Materials Rating 6
Spirit Binding Materials Rating 4
Zero x3
Nov 5 2012, 03:56 PM
Elfen Lied, not only do I love the anime your name is taken from, but I agree with the vast majority of what you're saying. I disagree on a number of minor points though:
1) Tradition should be Black Magic. Fits the theme of a blood-sucking evil dude and is a Cha + Wil tradition.
2) Use Calling to get access to Possession spirits if you need them. Materialization spirits are more group/GM friendly and you have the drugs that'll outperform Possession simply through retaining your own abilities without having to toss in Channeling.
3) Everyone should have 30 points of In Debt and either SINner or Addiction (Betel).
I've got to take my son to an appointment, but I'll be posting what notes I have on a vampire when I return.
Patrick Goodman
Nov 5 2012, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (Elfenlied @ Nov 5 2012, 08:30 AM)
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 5 2012, 08:14 AM)
I never have popcorn handy for when these things pop up....
For the informational value contained in these threads? Or for the (hopefully avoidable) flamewars?
I learn a lot through threads like this, and that's always nice. And then, as you said, there are the flamewars, which I admittedly should not take so much pleasure in, but I do anyway. So what can you do but sit back with a snack and watch?
On a side note, weren't you the one suggesting a possible change/errata on Alleviate Allergy? If so, is there anything official yet?
I'd like one, not gonna lie, but I don't see it happening. To make it not work for the Infected would probably just nerf the spell for everyone, and it does have uses that don't strike me as twinky. So I don't think anything's going to change.
Nov 5 2012, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 5 2012, 09:57 AM)
I'd like one, not gonna lie, but I don't see it happening. To make it not work for the Infected would probably just nerf the spell for everyone, and it does have uses that don't strike me as twinky. So I don't think anything's going to change.
A simple tweak of not allowing it to remove an allergy, just reduce it to Mild would work just fine.
Nov 5 2012, 04:04 PM
Mentor Spirit (Sun)
== Critter Powers ==
Allergy (Sunlight, Moderate)
Now, that paradox is awesome.
Patrick Goodman
Nov 5 2012, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (Makki @ Nov 5 2012, 10:04 AM)
Now, that paradox is awesome.
Nov 5 2012, 04:17 PM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 5 2012, 04:56 PM)
Elfen Lied, not only do I love the anime your name is taken from, but I agree with the vast majority of what you're saying. I disagree on a number of minor points though:
1) Tradition should be Black Magic. Fits the theme of a blood-sucking evil dude and is a Cha + Wil tradition.
2) Use Calling to get access to Possession spirits if you need them. Materialization spirits are more group/GM friendly and you have the drugs that'll outperform Possession simply through retaining your own abilities without having to toss in Channeling.
3) Everyone should have 30 points of In Debt and either SINner or Addiction (Betel).
I've got to take my son to an appointment, but I'll be posting what notes I have on a vampire when I return.
The OP requested Voodoo. Personally, my favorites are Shinto (with a slight twist, in that you summon spirits like Onryo, Ikiryo or Gaki instead of Kami) and Psionic (the whole "strengh of will" theme just strikes a chord within me). Black Magic is of course another flavorful choice. I'd go with something with a Faustian background, especially if Calling is used. I've got to admit that I haven't taken a closer look at those rules.
As for the qualities, I've tried to go with something neutral. In Debt is kinda controversial, and depends highly on your DM, I guess.
I'd love to see your input on this!
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 5 2012, 04:57 PM)
I'd like one, not gonna lie, but I don't see it happening. To make it not work for the Infected would probably just nerf the spell for everyone, and it does have uses that don't strike me as twinky. So I don't think anything's going to change.
Personally, adding a vulnerability to Vampires/other critters with Regeneration like they did with Shapeshifters would be a reasonable change. Assuming, of course, that it comes with a clarification on what Vulnerability actually does (Is there one? I've always ruled it as "bypasses ItNW and blocks regeneration", and I've seen others handle it as a severe allergy). This way, the spell would do loose most major loopholes.
QUOTE (Makki @ Nov 5 2012, 05:04 PM)
Now, that paradox is awesome.
I couldn't manage to fit Glamour in there without making some major cuts
Nov 5 2012, 04:25 PM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 5 2012, 04:56 PM)
3) Everyone should have 30 points of In Debt and either SINner or Addiction (Betel).
Come on, you're not that desperate, are you?
Nov 5 2012, 04:42 PM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 5 2012, 04:56 PM)
1) Tradition should be Black Magic. Fits the theme of a blood-sucking evil dude and is a Cha + Wil tradition.
I'm not saying that one should be unique for the sake of it.
But not every vampire needs to be an evil soulsucking monster (or the polar opposite for that matter)
If you look at the nature of vampirism in SR it makes a whole lot of sense that some infected would treat it as a disease or unfortunate situation rather then embracing the fact that they need to embark in essentially cannibalism to sustain themselves.
Playing a vampire as we have come to expect them to be, just seem like a wasted opportunity to me
and no... they don't sparkle
Nov 5 2012, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Nov 5 2012, 05:42 PM)
and no... they don't sparkle
There's a spell for that.
Patrick Goodman
Nov 5 2012, 06:04 PM
QUOTE (Halinn @ Nov 5 2012, 11:11 AM)
There's a spell for that.
Yup. Slay Vampire.
Nov 5 2012, 06:23 PM
I wanted Voodoo Tradition but I am up to other traditions if I find them fitting. And from my character's point of view there vampirism is an unfortunate affliction and while they do eat to survive, they are not the stereotypical vampire.
Also I have not looked over your info yet Elfenlied but I will be doing that today. I just got out of work and only did a quick glance. I will comment when I am done.
Also, I love threads like these too, I do spend a bit of time searching the forums to find the info if I can first, but if not I pop up a thread more specific to my character concept and see what I can get. The Magic side of Shadowrun I am still new to.
Nov 5 2012, 08:31 PM
QUOTE (Elfenlied @ Nov 5 2012, 10:17 AM)
I'd go with something with a Faustian background, especially if Calling is used. I've got to admit that I haven't taken a closer look at those rules.
Fun with Free/Ally Spirits.
QUOTE (Elfenlied @ Nov 5 2012, 10:17 AM)
Personally, adding a vulnerability to Vampires/other critters with Regeneration like they did with Shapeshifters would be a reasonable change. Assuming, of course, that it comes with a clarification on what Vulnerability actually does (Is there one? I've always ruled it as "bypasses ItNW and blocks regeneration", and I've seen others handle it as a severe allergy). This way, the spell would do loose most major loopholes.
It also increases the DV of the attack... Page 219,
Running Wild.
QUOTE (Xenefungus @ Nov 5 2012, 10:25 AM)
Come on, you're not that desperate, are you?
How is going for the best logical choice desperate?
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Nov 5 2012, 10:42 AM)
I'm not saying that one should be unique for the sake of it.
But not every vampire needs to be an evil soulsucking monster (or the polar opposite for that matter)
If you look at the nature of vampirism in SR it makes a whole lot of sense that some infected would treat it as a disease or unfortunate situation rather then embracing the fact that they need to embark in essentially cannibalism to sustain themselves.
Playing a vampire as we have come to expect them to be, just seem like a wasted opportunity to me
I prefer to play them as what they were originally intended to be - monsters with a human veneer.
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Nov 5 2012, 12:23 PM)
I wanted Voodoo Tradition but I am up to other traditions if I find them fitting. And from my character's point of view there vampirism is an unfortunate affliction and while they do eat to survive, they are not the stereotypical vampire.
Also I have not looked over your info yet Elfenlied but I will be doing that today. I just got out of work and only did a quick glance. I will comment when I am done.
Also, I love threads like these too, I do spend a bit of time searching the forums to find the info if I can first, but if not I pop up a thread more specific to my character concept and see what I can get. The Magic side of Shadowrun I am still new to.
Like Elfenlied said, Psionic is also very good - it's also one of my favorites. Again, I like materialization over possession, not because of the problems with possession being too powerful but with the versatility materialization has over possession (no need for a homunculus).
Also, with
Nutrition (page 170,
Street Magic) you do not need to eat to survive - you'd only need to use Essence Drain, and with the Renfield Hobo you're set with that while making a minimal impact on society. If your GM doesn't like that you can do the +30% Lifestyle cost (or Advanced Lifestyle rules) presented in
Runner's Companion (
Optional Rule: Infected Lifestyle sidebar, page 78).
I found my incomplete notes on the Vampire I was making.
[ Spoiler ]
Vampire (100)
Attributes (195)
B 4 (30)
A 4 (10)
R 3
S 2 (10)
C 4 (10)
I 4 (20)
L 3 (20)
W 4 (20)
M 5 (55)
E 4 (20)
Qualities (+20)
Astral Chameleon 5
Mystic Adept 10
Addiction (Mild, Betel) 5
In Debt 30
Skills (78)
Spellcasting 5 [20]
Clubs (Maces) 4 [16]
Automatics (Battle Rifles) 4 [16]
Perception (Hearing) 1 [6]
Counterspelling (Combat) 4 [16]
Spells (12)
Increase Reflexes
Increase Charisma
Increase Willpower
Notes: 33 BP left.
This is what I had, with only a minor tweak (I thought I had more...). Dropping Magic to a 4 nets 25 more points for skills, and you really don't usually need more than about 30k on gear to cover some good armor and a couple weapons.
My 3 month old is getting restless so this is all I can get for a brief moment...
EDIT: Fleshed it out a little more.
Nov 6 2012, 06:42 PM
Fleshed out the build a little more.
Nov 7 2012, 08:36 AM
Neraph, because you are essentially saying that all other negative qualities are pointless because you are using two of them that have little to no impact on the character at all and thus consider those "optimal choices". Such a situation clearly shows that the rules are imperfect (now, who would have thought!11), and abusing that fact is not a noble thing to do in my book. The amount of discussion found here on dumpshock on the in debt quality alone indicates how many people are unhappy with it and see the urgent need to change it.
Nov 7 2012, 09:41 AM
QUOTE (Xenefungus @ Nov 7 2012, 04:36 PM)
Neraph, because you are essentially saying that all other negative qualities are pointless because you are using two of them that have little to no impact on the character at all and thus consider those "optimal choices". Such a situation clearly shows that the rules are imperfect (now, who would have thought!11), and abusing that fact is not a noble thing to do in my book. The amount of discussion found here on dumpshock on the in debt quality alone indicates how many people are unhappy with it and see the urgent need to change it.
Such a situation also clearly shows that the rules as written is conducive to a certain style of play and that style may rub some people the wrong way. The amount of discussion found here on dumpshock on the in debt quality alone indicates just as many people are who are happy with it and see no need to change it.
Nov 7 2012, 11:14 AM
Hence why my build avoided it, since quite frankly, every team it comes up people hijack the thread and start discussing about In Debt, which does not help the OP.
@Sinistra: Choose whichever Negative Qualities you feel are appropriate for your character. Personally, I prefer personality flaws to show the corrupting influence of HMVV (e.g. Vindictive).
Nov 7 2012, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Elfenlied @ Nov 7 2012, 05:14 AM)
@Sinistra: Choose whichever Negative Qualities you feel are appropriate for your character. Personally, I prefer personality flaws to show the corrupting influence of HMVV (e.g. Vindictive).
I can't stand the idea of getting BP for purely RP choices - things like Vindictive, Poor Self Control, and the Mania/Phobias. That seems more "cheatery" to me than saying "I owe 30,000
to someone who would break me if I don't pay it back." The former is getting something mechanical for a roleplay choice (which is simply unimaginative), whereas the latter is providing the GM with certain hooks and motivation.
Nov 8 2012, 12:29 AM
I loved the info you provided so far Elfenlied, but I was not able to find the Psionic tradition anywhere.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Nov 8 2012, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 7 2012, 09:02 AM)
I can't stand the idea of getting BP for purely RP choices - things like Vindictive, Poor Self Control, and the Mania/Phobias. That seems more "cheatery" to me than saying "I owe 30,000
to someone who would break me if I don't pay it back." The former is getting something mechanical for a roleplay choice (which is simply unimaginative), whereas the latter is providing the GM with certain hooks and motivation.
Certain Hooks and Motivations that last a single Run or two, at most (Because IIRC, you roll with the interpretation that once you have paid back the money, your NQ is gone). No thanks *shrug*
Nov 8 2012, 01:50 AM
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Nov 7 2012, 06:29 PM)
I loved the info you provided so far Elfenlied, but I was not able to find the Psionic tradition anywhere.
Digital Grimoire, a lesser-known magic resource.
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Nov 7 2012, 06:54 PM)
Certain Hooks and Motivations that last a single Run or two, at most (Because IIRC, you roll with the interpretation that once you have paid back the money, your NQ is gone). No thanks *shrug*
A hook is a hook, first off. Secondly, while you may not have paid the 60 karma required to remove the debt from your character, you've paid back the money that whatever group is after. You can rule that the debt is still on the character's credit rating until he pays off the quality with karma, but as written once the money is paid back the creditors go away. You're also assuming you can get 45,000
in a month to spare for paying back the debt in one lump sum.
Nov 8 2012, 10:10 AM
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Nov 8 2012, 01:29 AM)
I loved the info you provided so far Elfenlied, but I was not able to find the Psionic tradition anywhere.
Glad I could be of assistance! Like Neraph mentioned, the Psionic tradition is from the Digital Grimoire, a PDF supplement. If your group happens to use German sourcebooks, then Digital Grimoire is already a part of Street Magic (German releases often combine PDFs with the main books. You'll also find the "Heightened Concentration" power in Digital Grimoire.
One thing to note: Please ignore the part about Psionics being unable to take Mentor spirits/bind foci. That part was scrapped in the most recent print (the German one), and all it did was make Psionics weaker compared to other traditions without offering benefits in return.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Nov 8 2012, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 7 2012, 06:50 PM)
A hook is a hook, first off. Secondly, while you may not have paid the 60 karma required to remove the debt from your character, you've paid back the money that whatever group is after. You can rule that the debt is still on the character's credit rating until he pays off the quality with karma, but as written once the money is paid back the creditors go away. You're also assuming you can get 45,000
in a month to spare for paying back the debt in one lump sum.
If the NQ is on your sheet, the Creditors do not go away.
As for the availability of funds, If I remember correctly, you were chief among the group in the many discussions that mentioned that the use of such a quality rarely lasts more than a session or two, as resources are immediately funneled to pay of the debt. As such, how, exactly, is that a Negative Quality?
And if it was not you (apologies if I am wrong about you here), there is pretty overwhelming evidence on Dumpshock that many others treat it as such. In my opinion, the In-Debt quality should never go away unless paid for in Karma (as the rules actually state), and is enforced as such at our table (you also cannot pay of large lump sums of In-Debt without also paying off large lump Karma reimbursments at the smae time, at our table, so...). *shrug*
Nov 9 2012, 05:27 AM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Nov 8 2012, 09:05 AM)
If the NQ is on your sheet, the Creditors do not go away.
"We're here to collect on your debt. You owe 0:nuyen:, at a ten percent increase per month."
"So... I pay you nothing?"
"Exactly sir. Have a good day and see you next month at the same time."
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Nov 8 2012, 09:05 AM)
As for the availability of funds, If I remember correctly, you were chief among the group in the many discussions that mentioned that the use of such a quality rarely lasts more than a session or two, as resources are immediately funneled to pay of the debt. As such, how, exactly, is that a Negative Quality?
And if it was not you (apologies if I am wrong about you here), there is pretty overwhelming evidence on Dumpshock that many others treat it as such. In my opinion, the In-Debt quality should never go away unless paid for in Karma (as the rules actually state), and is enforced as such at our table (you also cannot pay of large lump sums of In-Debt without also paying off large lump Karma reimbursments at the smae time, at our table, so...). *shrug*
That being said, I've stated that by RAW you can pay off or manage the quality relatively easily. Especially easy is to link the debt to a fake SIN and then burn the SIN or take the Erased quality and welcome your free cash. On the other hand, the GM in me (and RAI in me) would say that your debt is owned by those in ill repute, and they do not use pesky things like SINs as ID - rather, they use vocal recognition, gait analysis, and DNA scanners (I know, these things are often linked to SINs but they do not limit themselves to only that info, they gain the info independent of SIN databases), and when all else fails they send people with printed, hard-copy photographs of you to collect. Depending on the amount they have DNA samples for ritual
Dreams in order to make sure you pay on time, or offer ways to put "credit" on your account.
Again, legitimate hooks, if the GM is willing to be creative.
Nov 9 2012, 07:18 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 9 2012, 04:27 PM)
"We're here to collect on your debt. You owe 0:nuyen:, at a ten percent increase per month."
"So... I pay you nothing?"
"Exactly sir. Have a good day and see you next month at the same time."
What good loan shark charges interest by the month anyway?
"30% per week minimum normally, but then considering your occupation chummer, 100% interest per week!"
Nov 9 2012, 07:48 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 9 2012, 07:27 AM)
"We're here to collect on your debt. You owe 0:nuyen:, at a ten percent increase per month."
"So... I pay you nothing?"
"Exactly sir. Have a good day and see you next month at the same time."
The unanounced showing up at the most inconvenient of times every week is pretty ugly in itself.
Patrick Goodman
Nov 9 2012, 02:33 PM
And it's still not the subject of this thread, and several people (including the OP, I believe) have asked you to take it somewhere else.
Nov 9 2012, 06:16 PM
Sinistra, does your GM rule Mystic Adepts by the actual rules, or by the FAQ contradictions? If the latter, you might consider a different route to get a working character.
Nov 9 2012, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 9 2012, 03:33 PM)
And it's still not the subject of this thread, and several people (including the OP, I believe) have asked you to take it somewhere else.
While I had not I would not mind it moving to it's own thread if people wish to discuss it. I may even chip in my own two cents.
I am still looking over the Adept stuff, particular traditions since I am limited to Street Magic, Runner's Companion, Arsenal, Unwired, 20th Anniversary Core(That is the book we prefer to use), Augmentation, and Running Wild. I tried convincing our GM to use other sources and he would rather not.
Nov 9 2012, 06:18 PM
QUOTE (All4BigGuns @ Nov 9 2012, 07:16 PM)
Sinistra, does your GM rule Mystic Adepts by the actual rules, or by the FAQ contradictions? If the latter, you might consider a different route to get a working character.
What is the FAQ contradictions? Though I think he goes by the standard. We do not have one and I have not asked I am not sure.
Nov 9 2012, 06:21 PM
Ruling by the actual rules would put the Mystic Adept using full Magic for spell Force. The FAQ contradictions completely hose the character type by requiring maximum Force go by the 'alloted' amount for spellcasting (which by the rules ONLY affects the dice pool rolled).
Nov 9 2012, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (All4BigGuns @ Nov 9 2012, 07:21 PM)
Ruling by the actual rules would put the Mystic Adept using full Magic for spell Force. The FAQ contradictions completely hose the character type by requiring maximum Force go by the 'alloted' amount for spellcasting (which by the rules ONLY affects the dice pool rolled).
I actually believe he is going by Full magic for spell force.
Nov 9 2012, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (Sinistra @ Nov 9 2012, 12:17 PM)
While I had not I would not mind it moving to it's own thread if people wish to discuss it. I may even chip in my own two cents.
I am still looking over the Adept stuff, particular traditions since I am limited to Street Magic, Runner's Companion, Arsenal, Unwired, 20th Anniversary Core(That is the book we prefer to use), Augmentation, and Running Wild. I tried convincing our GM to use other sources and he would rather not.
A) I'm pretty much done with the side discussion on those particular Qualities. My points have been made and I believe I have validated my points.
B) Again, I highly suggest Black Magic. Aztech would also work, as would Shinto. Any Charisma tradition would work, but those three I think would fit the darker aspects of an Infected the best. A dark shaman, giving in to the spirit of the hunt, believing mankind to be the most dangerous prey, for example. A Norse
bear sark who follows Hel would also be valid. With a little imagination, any tradition can be twisted for the use of an Infected.
Nov 9 2012, 09:54 PM
What self respecting warrior would follow the mistress of the underworld? her legion is the sick and eldery, the cowards and the turncoats, the frozen hells are no place for a warrior infused with the righteous fury of the Aesir!
Asatru is quite weird in that way.
Besides Hel is more of a pawn rather then a mover and shaker, her only role in the grand scheme of things is to bring forth the lost armada led by Nagelfar.
Loki is the real mover
An Seiškonur speaking for the norns might work though, very uncaring and fatalistic... Embracing that the threads of fate were vowen long before time
Nov 9 2012, 11:02 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Nov 9 2012, 03:54 PM)
What self respecting warrior would follow the mistress of the underworld? her legion is the sick and eldery, the cowards and the turncoats, the frozen hells are no place for a warrior infused with the righteous fury of the Aesir!
Asatru is quite weird in that way.
Besides Hel is more of a pawn rather then a mover and shaker, her only role in the grand scheme of things is to bring forth the lost armada led by Nagelfar.
Loki is the real mover
An Seiškonur speaking for the norns might work though, very uncaring and fatalistic... Embracing that the threads of fate were vowen long before time
From a Westerner looking in, it was my understanding that Hel was a goddess of the underworld - her legion the dead and undead, not the sick and elderly. Possibly one that is dead and rejected from Valhalla, as one could interpret their Infected nature in the SR universe.
Nov 9 2012, 11:13 PM
Die in battle with glory = Odins hall in Valhalla
Women and children = Freya's hall
Die from disease or old age (as a coward) = Hel's domain
The point was mostly that a bärsärk a warrior, wouldn't align with Hel. The battlefury was considered a divine gift, a sign of good standing among the gods.
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