Nor by slinging significant mojo around, when there's no mojo around. No distinction between adept and mage magic, there.
In other words: He survived (as most other immortals do) because he's
smart. And crazy. But mainly smart.
However, there's no real reason for him to be using adept powers when he has anchored spells that boost his attributes (hm, much like adept powers, aren't they?

He has 19 dice with his sword, focus power not included. That's only one less than MY adept, and that's with a customized grip factored in. Were my char to use a generic sword, he'd have a whopping 15 dice. So, there.
It does not really matter, though. The second you need to roll stuff for him, you're browbeating your players with a spiked electrified mace covered in dikote.