Oct 25 2003, 05:25 PM
Hoi there fellas - Stormy |& Honourableman. Didn't catch you at the show today and I've been wearing the hat too. We're off to turbinenhalle this evening (well, nighttime as your German licensing laws go later than our British ones

) hope to scan you later Terms.
Hoi there Guys, care to give me an update on how the meet went, if there was any gathering at all.
@Beeste: Hope you had fun in Essen once more! Next time I'll hopefully be there as well. I already talked to a friend who said it was pretty crowded this year. So it' no wonder you missed Stormy and Hon.Man, I guess.
As for me, aside from regretting not attending the fair, I really can't complain, I've had a stunning night in Toronto downtown...and visited Niagara yesterday...