Luke Hardison
Apr 22 2004, 03:23 AM
I'm working on a character who is a defected CASMC Ferret, and I'm wavering on what close combat skill(s) to give him. My first concept was that his hand to hand training was picked up after leaving the military, but I've been convinced that Ferret training includes hand to hand fighting. My proposal MA is Ferret.
Ferret Developed by the CASMC Ferrets for close combat in an unarmed environment. It is taught exclusively to CASMC Force Recon volunteers training for the Ferrets. Advantages: Ferret uses suffer only a +2 Target Number penalty to Called Shots. Disadvantages: Ferret is used to incapacitate or kill. Users get -3 dice when using the Pulling Punches option. Maneuvers: Blind Fighting, Close Combat, Full Offense, Ground Fighting, Kick Attack, Multi-strike, Sweep, Viscous Blow, Zoning
Comments / suggestions? Should I just use Wildcat without chage (other than a name) ? Should I just call it brawling and leave it generic?
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 22 2004, 03:31 AM
Change "Pulling Punches" to "Subduing Contact" and you're golden. Personally, I'd just go with Wildcat and say Ferret is a variation of it, like you said, but what you have is basically the same thing anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Crimsondude 2.0
Apr 22 2004, 10:57 PM
I like it.
It's a lot like (as in, almost identical save the Kick Attack (because how do you kick with 15+kg of armor on?)) the MA I created for Aztechnology called "Guerrero."
OTOH, it also (IMO) assumes the Ferrets are the ones described in Just Compensation (or the web), and not the ones Szeto described in SoNA.
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