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Full Version: Unique Seattle Map
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Not Shadowrun based, but could certainly spice up a Seattle based adventure.

There’s no other map quite like this in the world. I’ve rendered every building in downtown Seattle and Capitol Hill in meticulous detail. Habitable areas, structures, and hazards to navigation are clearly marked. I’m also printing a guidebook, “Dee Dee’s Doomsday Guide to Surviving in Post-Apocalyptic Seattle” that provides valuable information for the visitor, such as the location of the radiation leak in Sodo, who sells fresh produce in Belltown, and what’s the worst threat to your safety in Cal Anderson Park, not to mention the locations of zombie infestations, landmines, biological hazards, underground distilleries, and roving motorcycle gangs.

$5 for a PDF version isn't bad, $20 for a standard map fold is quite a deal.
Looks like he spared my condo building. I'm not sure whether I should be relieved or disappointed that it didn't come to a more interesting fate, like having a ferry or a train smash into it.

Regardless, I chipped in. Good find, Draco.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Feb 12 2013, 07:43 PM) *
Good find, Draco.

Once in a while I trawl through the recent projects in the gaming section.
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