wow this started quite a discussion!
anyway all this cyberware stuff is kinds irrelevant
seeing as my 4 armed troll is an adept!
its cool though
anyway with it being a -5 flaw....
the GM said at the time it was a flaw and an edge, but decided for social reasons that it was more of a flaw than an edge , since everyone would be freaking out al lthe time. (basically he saw it as a +5 edge, but a -10 flaw.... at the same time, they cancel eachother out, another friend of mine just said it has to be one or the other, but not both.... honestly, i tihnk it can have its pros and its cons, it can be useful as well as annoying, such as the social factor, as well as the fact that i'd automatically get "distinctive style" since i'd be pretty freakin easy to track... being unique and all.)
my troll adept with 4 arms actually utilized 4 katanas.
later i thought about it and figured... 4 katanas would be almost impossible to wield effectively in combat. so i thought i'd come here and ask what people thought.
I'm actually remaking this character for various reasons... wanted to get the 4 arms thing right, as far as the rules went and for other reasons.
i agree with my previous GM that its a flaw as well as an edge, but that the flaw outweighed the edge, giving the negative number. but it seems you guys think that the 4 arms are quite an edge.... hmmm
with all this talk of cyberware and full auto stuff.... wow you've really gotten far off the topic.... basically this has turned into a "how uber can a troll be with 4 arms" discussion. belive me i know it can be uber (rolled 14 net successes when chopping up some street trash ganger, turned him into dog food.)
anyway, all this discussion is cool even if its all off-topic.
lemme just throw a few questions into the mix:
If i where to engage someone in melee combat with weapons,what do you think having 2 more weapons would do? Add more dice? Would it even be possible to attack with 4 melee weapons? The rules say that only certain weapons can be used as primary and secondary weapons, you get 1 big weapon and one small weapon basically; so how would it work with 4 arms? 2 big weapons & 2 small weapons (seems most logical to me). but then if i'm using 2 of 2 different weapons, what dice do i roll?!?
as far as martial arts goes, i think this would definately be possible, though i'd probobly have to have trained since the day i got the arms in my own custom style to have it work at all... my character is a samurai so this is pretty feasable. probobly more so than the melee weapons. anyway, what would this effect? would i just get more dice to roll? lowered target numbers? damage bonuses?
as far as things like climbing go... would i get bonuses here or no? someone told me that climbing with 4 arms would probobly just get in the way.
(BTW in my groups house rules, you can't just get cyberlimbs, you can only get them if someone blew your arms off or somthing, because most people would never get thier real, working arms chopped off unless they HAD to. But thats just our rules...)
anyway thanks for all the cool feedback! even though alot of it is just specualtion, its still cool.