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I'm not following you. How does only killing the Comstocks-to-be create a paradox?
Food for thought:
Also, you should probably go and play Burial at Sea 1 & 2. Circles within circles within circles.
I have played Burial at Sea.

Booker DeWitt is Zachary Hale Comstock. Therefore the only way to prevent the creation of Columbia is to kill Booker during his transformation into Comstock.

The first part of this statement is misleading; the second part is outright false. Some Booker DeWitts are Zachary Hale Comstocks; specifically, the ones who accepted the baptism. The Booker DeWitts who rejected it are not Comstocks, and never will be.

In order to prevent the creation of Columbia, you don't have to kill DeWitt at the baptism; any point prior to it will do just as well.
The obvious explanation: Elizabeth is kind of a drama queen wink.gif
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 28 2014, 07:21 PM) *
I just finished Burial At Sea, episode 2. Was Ken Levine on downers when he wrote the DLC?
[ Spoiler ]

Finally got around to playing part two.

That was simutaneously phenomenal and depressing as hell. Kinda just stared blankly at the screen for a bit after the ending.

Then went to hug my cat. Cos I don't have a kid to hug.

[ Spoiler ]

Also: Jesus H. Christ fucking Tom Cruise in the ass while Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes cheer Him on, Frank Fontaine was a monster.

I am tempted to play Bioshock again just to kill the bastard one more time. Maybe I have a saved game near the end.

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