Mar 7 2014, 11:20 PM
Yeah, I figured that was one of his from before, not the high grade one we all got courtesy of our mercenary friends.
Mar 8 2014, 04:42 AM
Seeing as the lack of matrix talent in the crew has been mentioned, do we want to advertise for a new player, specifically one who wants to play a matrix specialist?
Mar 8 2014, 06:26 PM
Planning rolls to go with Jovan's tactical plan and to hopefully give bonus dice to Zo's and Void's actions:
Logic 6 + Plotting 1 = 7d6 =
1 hit + Edge to reroll failures =
3 hits total.
Logic 6 + Tactics 1 = 7d6 =
3 hits + Edge to reroll failures =
4 hits total.
Other small rolls to complement the above, particularly the tactics roll:
Physics check to see how much chlorine is needed to kill most or all FAB in a circle of radius 0.33 meters: Logic 6 + Physics 4 (5) = 11d6 =
1 hit
Physics check for the diffusion rate of chlorine through FAB nutrient gel, i.e. how quickly the chlorine will spread through the gel and kill all the FAB in that circle:
3 hits. This is to figure out how much time it would take after Zo injected chlorine into the FAB before a spirit could pass through the hole.
Since Void has a hacker as a contact, I would actually be ok with having his contact take care of major matrix tasks that we need done. I do kind of like not having to deal as much with advanced Matrix things - it streamlines play a good bit.
Mar 10 2014, 06:19 AM
QUOTE (Sephiroth @ Mar 8 2014, 02:26 PM)
Planning rolls to go with Jovan's tactical plan and to hopefully give bonus dice to Zo's and Void's actions:
Logic 6 + Plotting 1 = 7d6 =
1 hit + Edge to reroll failures =
3 hits total.
Logic 6 + Tactics 1 = 7d6 =
3 hits + Edge to reroll failures =
4 hits total.
Wow. You
really want to help!
Other small rolls to complement the above, particularly the tactics roll:
Physics check to see how much chlorine is needed to kill most or all FAB in a circle of radius 0.33 meters: Logic 6 + Physics 4 (5) = 11d6 =
1 hit
Physics check for the diffusion rate of chlorine through FAB nutrient gel, i.e. how quickly the chlorine will spread through the gel and kill all the FAB in that circle:
3 hits. This is to figure out how much time it would take after Zo injected chlorine into the FAB before a spirit could pass through the hole.
Since Void has a hacker as a contact, I would actually be ok with having his contact take care of major matrix tasks that we need done. I do kind of like not having to deal as much with advanced Matrix things - it streamlines play a good bit.
Yes, it would. Though, if I can get away with it with the players, I tend to streamline the matrix stuff and make the rolls look more like most every other roll in the game. In this case, LOG + Skill capped by program rating.
Mar 10 2014, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Mar 8 2014, 12:42 AM)
Seeing as the lack of matrix talent in the crew has been mentioned, do we want to advertise for a new player, specifically one who wants to play a matrix specialist?
I would vote for a yes--preferably a rigger decker. As much as an NPC decker leads to a lot less hassle on figuring out matrix stuff, it does remove one of the challenges of the game which is how you deal with security cameras, drones. It becomes too much of a handwavium thing. However, as a GM, I usually take note of the capability of the decker/technomancer and only require rolls on the stuff that would challenge them.
Mar 10 2014, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Mar 10 2014, 08:07 AM)
However, as a GM, I usually take note of the capability of the decker/technomancer and only require rolls on the stuff that would challenge them.
As for me, I tailor the runs to the crew. Sure, I might give them a twist that is a pain when they are missing some talent, but there is no point making a run impossible.
Mar 11 2014, 03:01 PM
Well, I'll jump the gun and try to get info from my fixer contact Roper:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4428030/6d6.hits(5) → [4,3,2,2,6,3] = (1)
Yeah, I'll hear from him sometime tomorrow.....
Mar 14 2014, 07:39 PM
Sloooooowwwwwww doooooowwwwwwwnnnnnn please. I've been busy almost constantly for the last few days and am overwhelmed with work for the entire day today - I won't be able to answer until probably tomorrow morning. And I need time to defend Jovan properly IC. Not to mention that he really is the planning role on our team, a role that he is relatively good at, and it's looking like he might actually have to blow a gasket for being "usurped" by a ganger human.
Mar 15 2014, 01:06 AM
Hey, I'm enjoying the anticipation!
And how often do you hear "slow down!" in PbP games???
And I think Professor is doing just fine keeping a lid on things ... isn't he?
Mar 18 2014, 06:35 PM
And I check it every day. Oh we'll maybe that's why Zo is so talkative.
Hmmm, it's a good thing ZO and Jovan aren't in the same room. Some one would probably be
Mar 25 2014, 04:08 AM
Stick close to Void. I think Jovan would puke anywhere near him!
Mar 25 2014, 05:03 PM
Remind me not to take astral perception.......
Mar 26 2014, 01:35 AM
Don't wanna get too close to Void. Drape an arm buddy-style around his shoulder, and *poof* go 4 points of adept powers. The good thing is, with his fractional Essence, you practically do have to touch him to be affected by his astral hazing.
Mar 26 2014, 03:05 AM
I apologize for the delay - I'm in the middle of a really important two-day research trip, which is why I haven't had time to respond. I'll try to get to this after I don't have other high-priority things on my plate.
I had actually previously thought Void's aura was bigger than a tenth of a meter, which is one reason why Jovan didn't want to show up to the meet in astral-person (because yes, Void's aura would likely make Jovan puke, and if he got too close, it would dissipate his astral form and knock him unconscious. Ouch).
Also pbangarth, you mentioned previously that Professor had spotted no signs of magical talent from Zola the previous evening. Was Zola possessed, or wasn't he?
Mar 26 2014, 04:56 AM
*sigh* Read your own posts, Bangarth.
Details. Who needs them, eh? Fuck it. Professor's research tells him Zola walks possessed most of the time.
Mar 30 2014, 05:47 PM
Is anyone waiting for something from me? I was a little out of touch for a while.
Mar 30 2014, 06:41 PM
Did a quick reply for Void (originally I envisioned him not saying anything or just muttering, but I thought of a few things he would say), but mostly he is letting the other two hash out their disagreements and only occasionally interjecting something. The last I heard, Sephiroth was having some RL issues delaying his posting.
Mar 31 2014, 01:59 PM
Kind of in limbo my self, waiting on Seph's reply and the possibility that it will cause Jovie to go on a homicidal rampage.
Apr 2 2014, 05:33 PM
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Mar 31 2014, 08:59 AM)
Kind of in limbo my self, waiting on Seph's reply and the possibility that it will cause Jovie to go on a homicidal rampage.
No worries, I don't consider RPing a somewhat-unstable serial-killer-by-nature character with multiple complexes as an excuse to PVP, even if Jovan really wants to murder Zo. I dislike PvPing in tabletops and I never really know what to do on the few occasions when my players do it. Sorry again for taking such a bloody long time to post.
Apr 2 2014, 07:23 PM
Hi there!
I am looking for a PbP game and pbangarth told me to write something here to be put on the waiting list. I have a few years experience with SR now, but I only ever played in one PbP before and that was long ago.
Although I may have to re-read the rules, I would be willing to build a hacker for the game. I could also fill other roles, but I was looking for a reason to read the chapter (and Unwired) anyways.
I am from germany, so GMT +1 if being online at the same time is relevant. I can usually post once or twice a day, when I'm gone for a longer time I should usually be able to still post every other day.
At last, a bit about me: as I said, I am from germany, so english is not my native language, but I would say I am fluent and I am able to use a translator. Currently I am at Bielefeld University in the last semester of my bachelor, so I can assign my time rather free most of the time.
If you'd like to know more, feel free to ask.
I will come up with a character if you have decided, if you want to see it before, just write me or send a pm
Apr 3 2014, 02:58 PM
Mattias-I think the best fit would be a rigger/decker, I found that to be two complimentary roles in SR4-(one of my big disapointments with SR5). Alot of the skills like electronic warfare and hacking work for both roles.
Apr 3 2014, 03:44 PM
I second the rigger role, though I would add that rigger/mechanic&armorer would also be a very useful dual role. I gotta say, the way Oswald did rigging with turning the Krull and the blimp into sniper and bomber platforms (in addition to reconnaissance and giving personal Matrix coverage) was really freaking useful.
Apr 3 2014, 05:18 PM
Yeah, Saint Sithney put a LOT of time and effort into Oswald. I miss the old fart.
Apr 15 2014, 02:50 AM
I forgot Void actually has a semi-relevant knowledge skill for Jovan's question:
Seattle Black Market, no hits. At least I didn't glitch, but damn, that's a bad roll.
Apr 15 2014, 05:45 AM
Wow. What a shame. Impressive string of 2s, though.
Apr 15 2014, 01:20 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 15 2014, 12:45 AM)
Wow. What a shame. Impressive string of 2s, though.
Zo rolls a conspiracy Theory roll. He got two hits and a glitch. So has he heard of this guy? 3 ones and two 6 sixes!! I succeeded to some degreee but got something wrong?
http://invisiblecastle.com/oller/view/4469354/PB, finnish Zo's response based on that roll. Perhaps a bit about Jet Black with some interesting truth and throw in a vampire conspiracy for good measure.
Apr 15 2014, 10:42 PM
I haven't forgotten you, Itwutze. It will take a bit of in-game time to get a new PC connected to the team anyway. That'll be a job for the GM.
Apr 19 2014, 03:46 AM
Well, Itwutze. As if we don't have enough reality impairment with Jovan!
Away from books this weekend, so I can't check the details of cost and availability, but the whole build looks reasonable.
There's a fairly high level of Loyalty among your Contacts. Why do they like you so much? Just would like to see a bit more of that in the back story.
The "In Debt" Quality can build rapidly into a real problem. Watch that you don't give me an easy opportunity to pick on you!
Could you please elaborate on the comment about the licenses? I think I know what you mean, but want to check.
More later.
Apr 19 2014, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 19 2014, 05:46 AM)
Well, Itwutze. As if we don't have enough reality impairment with Jovan!
Away from books this weekend, so I can't check the details of cost and availability, but the whole build looks reasonable.
There's a fairly high level of Loyalty among your Contacts. Why do they like you so much? Just would like to see a bit more of that in the back story.
The "In Debt" Quality can build rapidly into a real problem. Watch that you don't give me an easy opportunity to pick on you!
Could you please elaborate on the comment about the licenses? I think I know what you mean, but want to check.
More later.
Loyalty Ratings: I believed 3 and 4 not to be too much. As from SR4A p.286, 3 is Aquaintances, 4 is Buddys. I will rework the backstories to the contacts, but I always scare with lower loyalty as i already see myself being sold out
Licenses: Chopsticks would need a really big number of licenses for every piece of gear and programs, so he will just try not to get caught with the big drones or get his commlink checked for illegal programs.
Also, if I saw that many licenses in a SIN, as a cop I would be inclined to ask what you need all that for, and I can't really present a reason, so I would have to get even more licenses to simulate a reason for all the equipment. At least, this is how I see it.
As for the negative Qualities, I really like Reality Impaired
. And for the debts, if I recall correct, the 20k debt means, I owe 1. times the amount to the person, so 30k owed to my fixer. This increases by 10% per month, which is the minimum to be paid. That, plus my Lifestyle makes for 6900 NuYen I have to pay every month.
I haven't exactly looked at your pay outs, but I just hoped I'd manage to get this amount. If I should expect less per month, I will rework this. coming on the bad side of your fixer s nothing I need to try for an extended period of time. If it's just my fixer guilt tripping me into jobs? Meh, I can work with that.
Apr 19 2014, 07:15 PM
Thanks Itwutze. Don't worry about the money. The team has been getting reasonable swag lately. Buuuuutttt..... shit could happen.
Apr 19 2014, 07:21 PM
pbangarth, don't forget about Warlord's conspiracy theories roll. We're waiting on you to tell us what he knows about Pertwilling. *poke*
Apr 19 2014, 10:47 PM
Warlordtheft, I'll let you do the speaking for Zo.
Pertwilling: Dealer in antiquities and rarities from England, moved to Seattle some years ago. Been looking for something special and magical. Known to have connections with dragons, probably Lofwyr, though some argue for the Draco Foundation now that Dunkelzahn is gone. This thing he's looking for would give a powerful mage world domination.
Apr 21 2014, 01:15 PM
Finnished Zo's response--I just added to it so it is not showing up as a new post.
Apr 21 2014, 05:01 PM
I revamped the contacts a bit and edited the post. In numbers, the fixer lost a point of loyalty while the streetdoc gained a point of connection.
For easier reference,
here is the link to the post.
Apr 22 2014, 03:08 AM
Thanks guys.
Apr 30 2014, 03:54 PM
Ohhh.... noooo. Another PC explodes before our eyes. As I recall, Oz never explained to any one of us the details of his defenses. Am I right?
This should be fun!
Hmmm... this may be a way to introduce Itwutze's PC.
Apr 30 2014, 08:02 PM
Wait... did I say something contradictory? Is Jovan going to have a brain aneurysm and die now? I remember Oswald mentioning in hints and sarcasm that we shouldn't mess with his stuff much because we could trigger an explosion...
May 1 2014, 03:22 PM
No, you PC just tried to convince Zo to kill himself.....great for inter PC relations.
May 2 2014, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Sep 15 2013, 11:38 PM)
Sunday, Sept. 13, 2071, 10:08 PM, Oswald's warehouse in Everett
Jovan's search of Oswald's lair soon discovered various caches of armaments, including the grenades he sought. Unfortunately, his careful search also highlighted the defenses the old man had set up... formidable ones meant to vaporize an interloper. His skills in tech are nowhere near those of the old astronaut, and so Jovan chose discretion as valour, and marked locations and descriptions to share with someone more adept at circumventing mechanical and electronic wards. Not Professor. Zo, perhaps?
Not my fault! Just doing what was suggested of me!
May 2 2014, 03:22 PM
Not your fault! Not your fault.
Just suggesting the old man may be sneakier and tech-nasty than a magician might be able to ferret out. Oh, sorry. Ferret is dead.
If Zo wants to check out the hideout, he is welcome to. I will build my response based on the character of Oz as presented by Saint Sithney. I might remind you of what he did to the Vipers in all of about 3 combat rounds.
Now, if Zo were to survive, I would give him a nice, juicy karma bonus!
May 9 2014, 01:57 PM
Are we waiting for me, or for Warlord?
May 9 2014, 02:13 PM
I wasn't sure if the discussion of Jovan's idea was over.
May 12 2014, 01:39 PM
Zo's response should be an indication of what his plans are.
May 16 2014, 02:32 PM
I'm AFC till Monday night.
May 25 2014, 02:59 AM
I've moved back with my wife. Packed, hauled and unpacked... well, started to unpack.
My whole office has reorganized... packed, hauled and unpacked.
We are renovating the cottage (cabin to you guys south of the border?) ... packed, hauled and waiting.
I'm absolutely exhausted. But ready for some rock and roll. So, you guys wanna dive in or do some more planning? I'm up for anything. Punch drunk and feisty.
Let's get it on!
May 26 2014, 08:30 AM
Like I said in Void's IC post, his part in this is mainly walking through the door and grabbing the stuff, shooting people if necessary. The planning will more or less center on how to implement the diversion.
May 26 2014, 01:36 PM
Yeah, I know. Just itching to do stuff. Maybe some kids will try to rob the coffee shop, or something.
At this phase, I believe it's my job to stand back and let you guys figure things out, answering questions. If you want something more, just let me know.
May 27 2014, 02:48 PM
One question, how big is the PC that the data is stored on?
From what I understand, I'm the only one with a vehicle (a bike)?
May 28 2014, 03:21 PM
About the size of a typical desktop today. which should suggest, given the level of tech in 2074, a potentially powerful computer.
Which might lead one to ask, "What did he need all that power for, if he were just storing data?"
May 29 2014, 05:27 AM
Void: "Yes, yes, I got the computer. Heavy thing, it is. I am at the coffee shop. It said something about needing more bandwidth...'I need to reactivate my Banded' or something like that, yes."
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