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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Look at it this way: (s)he has to be older than 4 years old. That's got to count for something. What, OTOH, I'm not sure. ohplease.gif

QUOTE (Lilt)
3.    The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Never seen him do it, but I suppose I wouldn't be alive now if he was a Ninja and I had seen him do it...

Check out Bulldrek sometime.
*Hides under the table*

…That was scary…

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
*Hides under the table*

…That was scary…


Eh? What was it? Link me, if you please would, my good meta. I have homework and not enough time to scan all of Bulldrek for signs of a massacre...
Perhaps it's the 88 page thread of everyone saying "boobs" repeatedly for the past two plus years?

That was the first scary thing I ran across...

*Resumes hiding*

Herald of Verjigorm
We need that here.
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
We need that here.

eek.gif GAH. I do NOT need the desktop to devolve to a hentaifest while my dad is home...*smites the link to oblivion*
I liked the jump from Spike on the bench to John Wayne. w00t.
Ok, I'm gonna just break the hold on the secret.
AH writes for shadowrun.
AH writes the world.

AH is Deus? eek.gif
Ancient History
Works for me.
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Works for me.

...eek.gif *flees*
Large Mike

Secretly, he's a cross-eyed red haired guy with too much time on his hands.
QUOTE (Large Mike)
Secretly, he's a cross-eyed red haired guy with too much time on his hands.

sarcastic.gif Yeah, Right. sarcastic.gif

*whispers "Careful, you don't want him to smite you" to Large Mike*
I Eat Time
AH is mighty! AH is the template from which all other histories are wrought!!!

(Shameless PA plug)
AH has this fed your ego enough or should we ask the others over to do this too? wink.gif
All hail AH! Hail to thee, Thane of Throal!

All hail AH! Hail to thee, Thane of Parlainth!

All hail AH, thou shalt be king hereafter!

Ancient History
QUOTE (Snow_Fox)
AH has this fed your ego enough or should we ask the others over to do this too? wink.gif

A roomful of typing monkeys could get used to this sort of ego-stroking. rotfl.gif
QUOTE (Ancient History)
A roomful of typing monkeys could get used to this sort of ego-stroking. rotfl.gif

(I think he wants us to continue...)
Large Mike

*whispers "Careful, you don't want him to smite you" to Large Mike*

Smiting? From AH? I laugh at the concept.

You know I loves ya', my friend.
I though we settled this and came to the conclusion that AH was a bunch of monkeys.
QUOTE (lodestar)
I though we settled this and came to the conclusion that AH was a bunch of monkeys.

NINJA monkeys. indifferent.gif rotate.gif wobble.gif twirl.gif spin.gif
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