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It's actually all my fault.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 11 2013, 08:45 AM) *
It's actually all my fault.

You're Spartacus today?

FYI, according to my library, my PDF was last modified on... 24.06.2013. So a little over 2 weeks? Probably an old file then, I think they were trying to put in errata since then. It's probably the same version that got printed for Origins?
QUOTE (DWC @ Jul 11 2013, 08:24 AM) *
The reviewers got the bookmarked copy. Many of them commented on the ease of navigating the file because of the bookmarks. Also, DTRPG doesn't actually do reviews. They just post customer reviews. The reviewer copies went out several weeks ago and CGL has promoted the reviews that the file did receive. DTRPG instead posted the file the freelancers are using as a working copy for developing future products.

The assumption that they got a reviewer copy means someone screwed up and sent them the wrong file.

I was not trying to say I was right. I was pointing out that there are more than a few plausible explanations that in no way point to an error on CGLs part. I did not have any of this information when I posted so I was wrong, but it still illustrated the danger of assuming you know everything that is going on behind the scenes. Since my post there have been at least two other plausible reasons that do not implicate any error on CGLs part. You even posit the freelancer copy idea.
While there may be some here with publishing backgrounds, I suspect most of us do not. We have no working knowledge of the intricacies or standard practices of that field. To lay it on CGL because of our assumptions based on incomplete knowledge make us look foolish to those that do know.
I am not defending CGL, I am just suggesting that people don't condemn them until they have seen all of the evidence. When and if that actually happens then make your judgment.
So you're not defending CGL... by defending CGL.

That's a new definition of 'not', there. grinbig.gif
Why are you people up in such arms about this?
Sounds like a good plot for a Shadowrun.

A new RPG Book is coming out at midnight. Break in to the distributer's Matrix node and upload the incorrect version so when midnight rolls around the wrong book will be released and the RPG corp will loose face.
Heh, I actually didn't think much of it except that i was pointing out 'I heard it's up, but it doesn't seem to be.' It's cool here though, about 3 hours should see it's proper release. grinbig.gif
Got it. Reading now. No bookmarks is my only complaint.
QUOTE (Epicedion @ Jul 11 2013, 11:05 AM) *
Why are you people up in such arms about this?

Because if there's one thing we can be sure of lately, it's that attention to detail isn't something that even comes up in meetings at Catalyst. This is just another bump in a long, rocky road of 'em lately. grinbig.gif

QUOTE (BunnyColvin @ Jul 11 2013, 12:05 PM) *
Got it. Reading now. No bookmarks is my only complaint.

Check the errata thread. There's still basic proofing errors in here, as well as stuff like 'Trolls pay 50% more for bio/cyber/gear' that was supposedly out.
QUOTE (binarywraith @ Jul 11 2013, 12:39 PM) *
Check the errata thread. There's still basic proofing errors in here, as well as stuff like 'Trolls pay 50% more for bio/cyber/gear' that was supposedly out.

We also know from reviews that there exists a version with bookmarks. Because one reviewer made mention of it.
I emailed CGL about the bookmarks.

They responded that it's supposed to have the bookmarks, and they were working with DTR to get the correct version out, even if it meant re-uploading an updated version.

Heh, Randall was also dismayed that I had gotten the book this morning (but thanked me for purchasing it). Sounds like DTR had made the item available way before they were supposed to. Which is an honest mistake by a site admin, I'm sure. DTR's twitter even said it wouldn't be available until this afternoon.
QUOTE (Finster @ Jul 11 2013, 02:16 PM) *
I emailed CGL about the bookmarks.

Thank you! Will check for it later. I knew about the errata thread and the thermo for dwarves and trolls paying a lot. Going to take me a while to find problems with the actual content, this book is huge. The bookmarks stood out because its a pain to navigate without them in a pdf.

I just checked and there is an updated version on DriveThruRPG that has the bookmarks.
Without the bookmarks, I've found the hyperlinks in the Table of Contents to be extremely useful.
QUOTE (DWC @ Jul 11 2013, 01:25 PM) *
Without the bookmarks, I've found the hyperlinks in the Table of Contents to be extremely useful.

I have a love/hate relationship with those.

Love them because they're so nifty.

Hate them because they're so tiny.
QUOTE (DoomFrog @ Jul 11 2013, 01:25 PM) *
I just checked and there is an updated version on DriveThruRPG that has the bookmarks.

I can't seem to find it yet.
If you bought it earlier, re-download it from your library. It isn't for sale yet.
QUOTE (quentra @ Jul 11 2013, 02:38 PM) *
I can't seem to find it yet.

The bookmark'd version is definitely up, now. Just go to "my Library", and click the red Download link to redownload. If you click the item itself, it goes to the product page, which is still not available.
Got the update...there are my lovely bookmarks. Didn't even see the links in the Table of Contents. Good to know.

I didn't even know that DriveThru gave free updates of downloads until today. Now I have to download updated versions of all my other stuff.

Learning all kinds of stuff today. thanks!
QUOTE (Finster @ Jul 11 2013, 10:46 AM) *
The bookmark'd version is definitely up, now. Just go to "my Library", and click the red Download link to redownload. If you click the item itself, it goes to the product page, which is still not available.

Yeah. It looks like the PDF isn't available for sale, but if you have purchased it earlier you can get the version with bookmarks.
Patrick Goodman
At least not for another 7 minutes or so as I type this.

There it is.
Patrick Goodman
I posted links to both DriveThru and Battleshop in a separate post for ease of reference.
Pepsi Jedi
Just purchased and downloaded.

Working fine now.
Still nothing on Battlecorps, though. smile.gif

Patrick Goodman
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 11 2013, 01:14 PM) *
Still nothing on Battlecorps, though. smile.gif


Sure there is.

Provided, of course, that the servers aren't melted down....
Thank you! smile.gif

I just found your post over at the SR4 forums, too.

Couldn't find it via the regular navigation, though... weird. smile.gif

Ah, now I see what I did wrong... was looking at PDF+Book Combos instead of Pre-Order Combos. biggrin.gif

Yep, got it! I plan on combing over this awhile and getting my own review up, but it'll be blog-based.
As a note, there was an early copy posted to Drivethru as a "placeholder" It was never supposed to be made available. Drivethru jumped the gun a bit, it looks like.

If you bought that copy, go redownload and you should be able to grab the correct copy.

Also, at the moment, yes, nothing has been Errata'd. This is the same version that the previews were pulled from. We have an extensive Errata and FAQ compilation going, but hitting our release date was mandatory. Now that it's done, we can finish collating the errata, double check it, get it approved, and then get to work updating the PDF. I expect that will be a couple weeks though.

In the meantime if you find anything that needs Errata'd or anything you think needs to be an FAQ item, there are threads here and, more importantly on the Shadowrun Forums (Formerly the SR 4 forums, now the Shadowrun Tabletop forums). We have a dedicated Errata forum, so that is the best place to post any errata information.
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