Apr 28 2004, 04:56 AM
Sorry if I'm covering old ground, but my searches have been fruitless.
1) Familliar Ordeal
MITS states that making an ally spirit can count as an ordeal if the karma cost of the ally is greater than or equal to the karma cost of the initiation w/ ordeal, and that the magician does not lose a point of magic in conjuring the ally spirit. First, does the karma spent on the ally count as karma spent towards the ordeal? I'd say no, but then, why make a minimum like that except to limit a karma cost reduction cheese? Second, if the magician doesn't lose a point of magic to the ally spirit, does he gain a point of magic from initiation anyway? I'd say no, as the spirit of the law seems to be that the magic gained from initiation replaces what would be lost in making the ally, but it's not explicit.
2) Senselink
Can this be used for remote spell targeting? I think so, since you do have LOS from the ally's POV.
3) Forms and stats
In a lot of ways, the rule that the ally's stats remain the same regardless of form make no sense. If I give an ally a form as large as a troll, does it get +1 reach? Why wouldn't it? If it holds a sword in its materialized arm at that size, the sword can extend farther than if the form were smaller. Of course, this can lead to incredible cheese in ally form (if it's a pillar of flames, can it actually burn things? If I give the form the actual organs and appearence of a great dragon, can it breath fire and have hardened armor?), so I think a few balances would be needed. Suggestions:
a) Limit ally form size/nature
b) Charage extra karma for forms with special abilities
c) Balance special abilites with flaws in the form (can work with (b))
d) GunnerJ is full of shit and there's nothing wrong with the form rules.
4) Other powers
What would you think of allowing allys to have normal spirit/elemental powers for an added (probably substantial) cost? I wouldn't try to get it past my GM (our team's characters give him enough trouble already), but I'd allow it for players if I GMed. If it is allowed, should there be limits based on tradition (shamans can give their allies nature spirt powers, mages elemental powers, etc.)?
5) Ally Demeanor and "Treating it Well"
Does the summoner get to chose the personality of his/her ally, or is this up to the GM? It would suck for an ally of high moral standards to be summoned by a person with few inhabitions for the right price, or an active, adventurous spirit to be summoned to a boring lump who just wants to live in quiet. Does this have an effect on how the ally likes its treatment? Would the active and restless spirit restent a master who never wanted to do anything? What constitutes the bound of "good treatment?"
6) Death, etc.
I might have missed it, but I don't see a section in MitS dealing with ally spirits dying. Do they? If an ally takes deadly damage and goes over overflow, is it gone for good? What if its disrupted by stun damage?
Kanada Ten
Apr 28 2004, 05:02 AM
2) No, Senselink is magic and magic cannot be used to enhance LOS, per the rules. I might allow indirect fire of Elemental Manipulation spells, but it wouldn't be simple.
3) Search. This has been discussed in detail. (Not saying it can't be again).
4) I've considered it, but usually one power in place of Power Focus.
5) Both the GM and player come to an agreement about the Ally. Ultimately it is an NPC.
6) It is disrupted by physical damage in the say way as stun. Look under the Inhabiting power.
Apr 28 2004, 05:09 AM
MITS states that making an ally spirit can count as an ordeal if the karma cost of the ally is greater than or equal to the karma cost of the initiation w/ ordeal, and that the magician does not lose a point of magic in conjuring the ally spirit. First, does the karma spent on the ally count as karma spent towards the ordeal? I'd say no, but then, why make a minimum like that except to limit a karma cost reduction cheese? Second, if the magician doesn't lose a point of magic to the ally spirit, does he gain a point of magic from initiation anyway? I'd say no, as the spirit of the law seems to be that the magic gained from initiation replaces what would be lost in making the ally, but it's not explicit. |
I'd allow the Ally spirit karma to count towards the ordeal, simply because making a decent ally is very expensive. (If you're wondering why that wording is in place, it's because in the Grimoire the Familiar ordeal read as "The ally spirit automatically costs as much karma as the ordeal itself"; which meant you could summon a force-20 Ally for the same cost as your initiation.)
Also, technically speaking, the mage does keep the point of magic from initiating. It's quite the bonus. Feel free to house-rule this one if you like, though.
Can this be used for remote spell targeting? |
No. If you can't use Clairvoyance for spell targeting, you can't use this ability either.
If I give an ally a form as large as a troll, does it get +1 reach? Why wouldn't it? |
No. Game balance. You may wish to add form advantages as an option, but they're not canon.
What would you think of allowing allys to have normal spirit/elemental powers for an added (probably substantial) cost? |
Dear gods, no. Allies can be very powerful as is. However, YMMV. It sounds like you're thinking of creating a set of house rules to add more advantages to allies; if you do, I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with. But by canon, the answer is "Hell no!"
Does the summoner get to chose the personality of his/her ally, or is this up to the GM? |
The ally is an NPC, and all NPC personalities are developed by the GM. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't actively seek the player input on this. I generally treat allies as very "bland" from the first moment, and allow them to develop as the game progresses, based on their treatment and actions IG.
I might have missed it, but I don't see a section in MitS dealing with ally spirits dying. Do they? |
Not easily. If they take Deadly-plus damage, they're disrupted. The only way to permanently kill one is to disrupt it, then go to its metaplane and perform an astral quest. At the end of the quest, you get to face it in combat; if you succeed, it dies for good.
Kanada Ten
Apr 28 2004, 05:19 AM
Apr 28 2004, 07:06 AM
1) No, the Karma spent for the spirit does not help with the cost of the initiation. The Karma restriction is so that you don't get a tiny little ally in order to get a big savings on your initiation. (E.g., a zero Karma-cost ally)
For an ally conjured as part of an initiation, you don't lose the Magic Point when you create the ally ... but you have to check for Magic Loss when you lose or banish the ally. Yes, you do get to keep the Magic Point you gain from the Initiation.
For a regular ally spirit, you pay the magic point up front, and don't lose any more when you lose the ally. You can even get the Magic Point back if you banish such an ally. (MitS.113)
Yum Donuts
Apr 28 2004, 09:43 AM
1) Yes, he doesn't lose the point of magic. Summoning as an ordeal is the only way to go
2) Hellzma-NO.
3) Game balance purely, with some definite distinctions. If the form doesn't have hands, it can't do jobs that require them
Also, think about carrying a matress. Matresses aren't that heavy, they're just big and awkward without good handholds. the larger you are, the easier it is to manage their bulk, and I would apply that. keeps people from having the gnat with the strength of 15. leverage still aplies.
4) You have to declare when you summon it what type of spirit it is. It may be possible to buy other powers of that spirit's type at set costs, however I would greatly advise against this. why?
An ally elemental could always have aid sorcery on. now you're getting (force) dice to all your sorcery skills for having an ally.
And this would give a large bonus to shamans since nature spirits have many more powers available than elementals (to make up for their decreased stats).
5) the answer is "Both" do you get to choose the demeanor your friends have? no. but they all have demeanors you like. With your ally, it's a chunk of yourself. It's not you exactly, but if you're a kill crazy fiend, it won't be mother theresa. I try to imagine the character's best friend and go from there.
6) like any other spirit. death=death. but disrupted means it can come back in 28 days -force, or you can astral quest to bring it back.
Moonstone Spider
Apr 28 2004, 10:08 AM
Next question: Can a magician have multiple ally spirits? I have the crazy vision in my head of some poor wizard with 4 allies all clamoring for more karma, attention, and shiny things.
Apr 28 2004, 10:13 AM
Dunkelzahn (apparently) pulled it off; there's nothing that says I can't have more than 1, but you'd better be earning karma by sweating if you've got more than 1.
@Moonstone Spider:
I hope none of those allies have alternative forms as babies who need to be changed. That would just suck.
Moonstone Spider
Apr 28 2004, 10:33 AM
I was thinking more of the unholy spellstorms you could command if you had 4 allies, all with the sorcery skill, working at once.
Apr 28 2004, 10:56 AM
Got a question for allies and ritual sorcery.
Isn't it better to have the ally act as a ritual partner than as a power focus in ritual sorcery? You'd have your spell pool, plus the sorcery pool of your skill + ally's skill. That's a lot more than having just your spell pool + Spirit's force + your sorcery skill.
Apr 28 2004, 11:41 AM
The PC pays karma equal to the ordeal, goes through all the rigamole, gets an ally spirit and access to a new Metamagic technique.
Apr 28 2004, 11:56 AM
Well: Technically the ally would provide more dice that way but it'd need to know the spell at the desired force too which costs karma.
I personally am all for a more defined set of rules for ally spirits forms. As-for getting into a materialised ally spirit: The form of the ally still takes damage but it won't be bothered by it. I'm wondering about a karma cost system based on cost, availability, and overall stats of a form. IE: You could have a main-battle-tank ally form, but you would need more karma than god to pull it off. You could perhaps scale it so that if the creator knew how to make an item (a main battle tank or a sword, for example) then it would be cheaper.
Apr 28 2004, 12:00 PM
Hmm. I have another question: Can allies bond foci? Could an ally helping-out in a ritual use expendable foci to add even more dice? Could they themselves bond and wield weapon foci?
Apr 28 2004, 12:33 PM
I don't think so. They don't have karma. They don't earn any, since they're not independent beings. I would think a free spirit could, but even they have to have their karma donated.
Although, I think if a PC came to me with puppy-eyes and wanted to donate (at 1:1) some karma to their ally so they could bond a weapon focus, I'd definitely consider letting them.
Apr 28 2004, 01:06 PM
Free your spirit. Then you can donate at 1:3 ratio.
Apr 28 2004, 02:19 PM
For years we've allowed a magician to have multiple ally spirits. We've found that allowing a magician to have one more way to use up Karma hasn't unbalanced the game.
Apr 28 2004, 03:49 PM
My biggest point of contention is with the Senselink being used as remote targeting and forms having stat changes. Yes, I understand that they are intended for game balance (even though MitS does not explicitly prevent LOS from senselink). This is not a mystery to me. My problem is that they don't make sense.
As for senselink, comparisons to clairvoyance are not potent. Senselink is not clairvoyence, it is the direct substitution of the ally's senses for the its master's. MitS even states that you can use the ally's astral senses to assense things. In what way does this not logically count as LOS? SR3 explicitly states that assensing can be used to target for spells. Also note that this is an important enough issue that I think if it weren't allowed by canon, it would be explicitly nixed. But as far as I can see, it wasn't.
It's not like it's terribly imbalnced, though. No more so thatn a drone rigger using his remotely controled autogyro to fire its minigun at a target he can't see. There are some differences, so I might impose a TN modifier of some sort, but just not allowing it makes no sense.
Now as for forms: I'm glad that someone mentioned the fact that a larger spirit should be able to handle a large and unweildly thing better, not because of weight but because of physical leverage. This is just basic physics. But it's also basic physics that if your arms are longer, you have longer reach.
I'm not suggesting this as a way to munch out but as a way to counter potential munching and find a more logical solution than simply making all materialized spirits have the same stats, no matter how absurd it is. This has the added benefit of being more fun in that it allwos for greater creativity in form design, as well as utility and a cost to balance it. If you want to make a huge spirit form with +3 reach, the only thing stopping you is an illogical game balance mechanism. Wouldn't it be more sensible to have to pay for mechanical advantages in materializaed form, or limit the types of forms that can be taken for one karma?
Kanada Ten
Apr 28 2004, 03:58 PM
GunnerJ, if you could use Senselink for casting spells (other than in Ritual Sorcery which I would allow), don't you think they would specificlly mention that? They went through the trouble of mentioning Astral, but not spells, why? Think about Eyes of the Pack, it replaces the mage's sense but also can't be used as remote spell casting.
Apr 28 2004, 04:30 PM
I'm with OurTeam on the topic of mages being able to summon multiple allies. You may want to apply the ally against the Charisma limit of bonded spirits though, or at-least apply them on another counter in the same manner as watchers.
I am torn as to wether or not the sense link power can be used to cast spells through the sense link power. On one hand it is very powerful, on the other the sense link allows the character to percieve through the spirit's senses. There is also the fact that astral attacks can't reach the mage through the sense link, shopuld it then be possible for the mage to attack astral entities through the link? It's not a spell, so it's not subject to the same restriction as clairvoyance. There's also the fact that if the spirit can see the target, it can cast spells anyway. The sense-link and aid power abilities also can't be used simultaniously as aid power is exclusive.
What it really depends on is wether the GM considers the senses to have been altered in the same manner as simsense ETC do. I suspect many would say that it does, but I'd be interested to know if anyone has played that it is possible to cast through the sense link.
Apr 28 2004, 04:36 PM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
GunnerJ, if you could use Senselink for casting spells (other than in Ritual Sorcery which I would allow), don't you think they would specificlly mention that? They went through the trouble of mentioning Astral, but not spells, why? Think about Eyes of the Pack, it replaces the mage's sense but also can't be used as remote spell casting. |
Don't you also think that if it was prohibited then it would say?
The argument that it dosen't say thus it's not possible isn't the most sound, and neither is the one I just gave. The reason that Eyes of the pack dosen't allow spellcasting is presumably because it is a spell that, and powers are not governed by the same restrictions as spells.
Kanada Ten
Apr 28 2004, 04:42 PM
I don't recall the restriction be limited to spells, but rather "Magical Effects" or something of that nature. I think they would have stated it counts as Line of Sight if it did because that is a huge deal in Shadowrun.
Apr 28 2004, 07:26 PM
GunnerJ, if you could use Senselink for casting spells... don't you think they would specificlly mention that? |
Not at all. Actually, the fact that they explicitly forbid using clairvoyance and eyes of the pack for spell targeting but don't make a similar rule against doinjg it with senselink supports my position. After all, it's made claer that it can't be used in that way, so why should we assume that when they don't say anything about whether senselink can be used to target spells, it can't? Every similar example is explicitly forbidden from using the extra sense to target spells, so why not senselink? There's something signifigant in that exemption.
Apr 28 2004, 08:59 PM
There's something signifigant in that exemption. |
I'd disagree. We've got so many authors working on the various books, and even the various chapters within the same books, that it's not surprising if one author wrote inclusively (you can only do what we specify) while another author wrote exclusively (you can do anything I don't specifically forbid).
If you wanted a practical interpretation, you could say that 'viewing the target' is all about being able to [insert spacey mystical tones here] link your aura with theirs, and that's why the visual connection has to be in person. This mind-set doesn't line up well with the concept of casting across a mile of fiber-optic cable (but then I never liked those rules much either.)
Ultimately, it boils down to whatever your GM would allow. There's enough wiggle room in the rules that you could make an argument for your interpretation - I wouldn't buy it, though.
Apr 28 2004, 09:11 PM
I'd disagree. We've got so many authors working on the various books, and even the various chapters within the same books, that it's not surprising if one author wrote inclusively (you can only do what we specify) while another author wrote exclusively (you can do anything I don't specifically forbid). |
The fact remains that we have no reason to believe that it can't be done, no cue from the text of MitS that it can't be done, and it is within logical bounds to expect that a type of sensory enhancement that allows for the use of all a being's senses and assensing to be able to get a spell lock, especially when the power in question is not analogous to other forms of sensory enhancement by spells which don't allow spell targeting.
Ultimately, it boils down to whatever your GM would allow. There's enough wiggle room in the rules that you could make an argument for your interpretation - I wouldn't buy it, though. |
I've yet to see a convincing argument as to why it shouldn't be allowed, except for a misguided reflex to "balance" something that doesn't really need to be balanced.
Apr 28 2004, 09:28 PM
Question: If an ally spirit wears armor (or any spirit for that matter), does the armor reduce the power of the attack before the immunity to normal weapons applies?
Assuming yes: If a force 4 spirit is wearing armor clothing, could it take damage from a rugger thunderbolt burst fire? Why do I ask this? There are two ways to look at this:
Reading 1:
Attack does 12S
Subtract 3 for armor, attack does 9S
Base power of attack unmodified by burst fire is 9M.
This is greater than the rating of the hardened armor -> the attack gets through
Immunity to normal weapons lowers attack power by 8
Attack does 12-3-8=1S damage
Reading 2:
Attack does 12S
Armor effectively lowers base power of each bullet by 3 to 6M
This is less than the rating of hardened armor -> the attack is ineffective
Apr 28 2004, 09:53 PM
we have no reason to believe that it can't be done |
The argument that it can be done because canon doesn't forbid it is not necessarily any more valid than saying it can't be done because canon doesn't specifically allow it.
The closest analogy to sense-link appears to be the Eyes of the Pack spell, and that doesn't work for targeting. Similarly, using a remote camera doesn't allow you to target spells. The only variety of remote sensing that does work is fiber-optics, and even those use your own eyes.
I also wouldn't want to be a pc in a group where the GM decided this was valid. Insect Queens all have sense link with their minions, as well as with all normal insects of their type. I would hate to have to defend against high-level influence/pestilence/fear/etc powers every time a bug flew in the room.
Apr 28 2004, 10:49 PM
The argument that it can be done because canon doesn't forbid it is not necessarily any more valid than saying it can't be done because canon doesn't specifically allow it. |
Except that it makes sense that you should be able to do it. If it makes sense, and there's no explicit reason why not...
The closest analogy to sense-link appears to be the Eyes of the Pack spell, |
...and it's still a terrible analogy. Eyes of the pack doesn't allow astral sight, but senselink does. SR3 states that assensing can be used for spell targeting.
Similarly, using a remote camera doesn't allow you to target spells. The only variety of remote sensing that does work is fiber-optics, and even those use your own eyes |
Senselink makes the spirit's "eyes" the magician's eyes. The magician has none of his own senses while using the power, it is completely taken over by the spirit's sensorium. He is seeing through the spirit's eyes, just like he would his own.
I also wouldn't want to be a pc in a group where the GM decided this was valid. Insect Queens all have sense link with their minions, as well as with all normal insects of their type. I would hate to have to defend against high-level influence/pestilence/fear/etc powers every time a bug flew in the room. |
Well, no one said infiltrating a hive was supposed to be easy. This makes insecticide grenades an even bigger priority. Also, we must ask how good the LOS is from an average normal insect: compound eyes aren't exactly precise. If we impose modifiers to spellcasting because of cover, then a poor LOS link from substandard sensory apparati makes sense too.
Apr 28 2004, 10:59 PM
QUOTE (GunnerJ @ Apr 28 2004, 10:49 PM) |
QUOTE | The closest analogy to sense-link appears to be the Eyes of the Pack spell, |
...and it's still a terrible analogy. Eyes of the pack doesn't allow astral sight, but senselink does. SR3 states that assensing can be used for spell targeting.
I largely agree with you on the fact that Spells could be cast through a sense link but I'll have to call for a quote on that one.
Apr 28 2004, 11:10 PM
QUOTE (GunnerJ) |
Well, no one said infiltrating a hive was supposed to be easy. This makes insecticide grenades an even bigger priority. Also, we must ask how good the LOS is from an average normal insect: compound eyes aren't exactly precise. If we impose modifiers to spellcasting because of cover, then a poor LOS link from substandard sensory apparati makes sense too. |
I dont think hes talking about infiltrating a hive. Lets say he pisses an ant insect shaman off. Ok so he goes home to his safehouse in the sprawl and gets hit with a freaking fireball while hes sitting on the john because an ant crawled under the door. Or he gets hit while asleep in his bed. That would suck royally and its just giving the GM another way to frag you over. Yea i realize that a so called "good GM" wouldnt do that, But i find that GM's that are way to nice to players can make the game too cheesey.
Apr 28 2004, 11:17 PM
The insect shaman could still sneak up on him and fireball him when he's asleep, or a mage could have a fire elemental amterialise and fireball him. Or whoever it was could use ritual sorcery to fry his ass.
On an interesting note: Would an ally materialised as an insect have the senses of an insect, thus very poor eyesight?
Apr 28 2004, 11:54 PM
I largely agree with you on the fact that Spells could be cast through a sense link but I'll have to call for a quote on that one. |
SR3, Page 182, second paragraph of the section "Astral Spellcasting." The paragraph directly after that clarifies the concept further. Basically, a dual being, such as an astrally perceiving mage or a materialized spirit, can target anything he/she/it has LOS on in either plane. Assensing is essentially astral observation in detail, so if you can assense something, that means you have astral LOS on it.
Apr 29 2004, 12:49 AM
Assensing is essentially astral observation in detail, so if you can assense something, that means you have astral LOS on it. |
Theres a leap of logic made in getting to that line. just because you can see something does not mean you can cast on it, and to assense somethign all that means is you have to see it astrally. For example, you can assense a mundane while projecting that does not mean you can cast spells on him.
I would personally say that the line on SR3, p181 that says "Not spells like clarivoyance or any other spells which alter vision". Ultimately though it's a GM's call as the issue is not directly addressed by the book. Neither side can use "It's not in the book" because all that means then it is up to your GM.
I would not allow it.
Apr 29 2004, 01:16 AM
Theres a leap of logic made in getting to that line. just because you can see something does not mean you can cast on it, and to assense somethign all that means is you have to see it astrally. For example, you can assense a mundane while projecting that does not mean you can cast spells on him.
Which is why it would have been useful to read the third paragraph in the section on astral spellcasting, as I suggested, which addresses and refutes this objection. A materialized spirit is a dual being, and that paragraph makes clear that while purely astral being can only target what is astral, a dual being can target what he/she/it can see on either plane. Since you are directly using the senses of a dual being, substituting them for your own, and MitS is very clear that you can see astrally through the ally spirit, it follows that you can target through the spirit.
Ultimately though it's a GM's call as the issue is not directly addressed by the book. Neither side can use "It's not in the book" because all that means then it is up to your GM. |
I agree wholeheartedly, which is why I can argue mine is the correct cannonical interpretation: "it doesn't say you can't" is not my only argument.
The insect shaman could still sneak up on him and fireball him when he's asleep, or a mage could have a fire elemental amterialise and fireball him. Or whoever it was could use ritual sorcery to fry his ass. |
Also: snipers, RPG snipers, drones, well planted explosives, ally spirits sneaking in as a bug, rematerializing into a larger form and killing the character physically or with a combat spell it knows. All these methods can already be used, and yet, we don't disallow sniper rifles, RPGs, drones, explosives, and multiple ally spirit forms.
I'm much more interested in the question of forms, which I feel requires more interpretation and creativity. If we were to make a system for making alternate forms other than the simple, logically unsound "1 karma for additional forms, each form has the same stats," what would it be? How, or could, we quantify subtle, innate form bonuses, or would it be a mater of case-by-case interpretation?
Apr 29 2004, 01:33 AM
There is no prohibition against having multiple ally spirits. However, since you can only repeat most ordeals with GM permission, you cannot have multiple Familiars. If a mage wishes to have multiple allies, and spends the full magic point and karma for each, I can't see how it can be unbalancing in the slightest.
Also-- since one can't cast through a clairvoyance spell, I'd say that you can't cast through senselink. It seems that anything that isn't your own eyes looking at the target doesn't count.
Apr 29 2004, 02:29 AM
Unfortunately, the way the rules are written its not possible to declare one way or another what the authors intended when they threw that ally ability in. Personally, I'd rule that it doesnt work that way
Ultimately, the character is the source of the spell, not the ally and thats a very important point. How would you rationalize the power of the spell getting from the mages body (which is still occupied, he's not projecting anywhere) to the target? Every instance of spellcasting that I can find still refers to even straight mana spells being thrown or directed in some way. Is the mana being channeled through the ally? Should the ally have to take drain along with the mage?
Apr 29 2004, 02:38 AM
How would you rationalize the power of the spell getting from the mages body (which is still occupied, he's not projecting anywhere) to the target? |
How do you rationalize getting line of sight through a complex setup of mirrors (SR3, p181, second paragraph from the bottom)? If you set them up right, you could manabolt someone accross the country, in theory. Clearly, "getting from" the "mage's body" is not at issue, line of sight is. And senselink provides line of sight, both physically, and, more importantly, astrally.
Is the mana being channeled through the ally? Should the ally have to take drain along with the mage? |
Is mana channeled through the mirrors? Should they take drain?
It seems that anything that isn't your own eyes looking at the target doesn't count. |
What about mages that don't have eyes, who target purely through astral perception?
Doesn't anyone want to discuss alternate ally spirit materialization form rules?
Apr 29 2004, 02:50 AM
Clearly, "getting from" the "mage's body" is not at issue, line of sight is |
I would disagree. Getting from the mage's body is an issue. In fact, if you're casting an elemental manipulation spell the element can splat against the window, or get blocked by it if the glass is strong enough. Astral barriers such as wards also act as obsticles between caster and target, as reflected by the higher TNs even if the mages vision is unobstructed.
Is the mana being channeled through the ally? Should the ally have to take drain along with the mage? |
Although I don't think the mage can use the sense link this way at all, if he did the spirit won't have to resist drain. MiTS states that spirits never take drain. If we did want to allow this use of sense link while still limiting the power, we could extrapolate from the guideline that spirits can't cast at a power higher than their level and put the same restriction on any spells cast through the spirit.
Apr 29 2004, 03:00 AM
Ultimately, the character is the source of the spell, not the ally and thats a very important point. |
I agree with bezerker on this. But even if I didn't, I might rule that way anyway because of balance issues. If you allow GunnerJ's interpretation, than a mage will have virtually unrestricted access to cast spells anywhere. He can use the sense link to cast spells on the astral without being astrally present himself, thereby avoiding physical drain. He can bypass wards, avoiding the plusses to TNs, by having the spirit go there directly from the metaplane. He can infiltrate invisibly as an astral being and then materialize to cast at mundane targets. And all without any danger to himself, and at worst only the temporary inconvenience of disruption for his ally. Just seems to overpowering to me.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 29 2004, 03:02 AM
SR3 p. 181, Spell Targeting, goes into detail about what is allowed for line of sight and what isn't. It basically says magic cannot be used to alter your vision for purposes of spell targeting. The only acceptable forms are metahuman vision enhancements, cybernetic enhancements paid for with Essence, mirrors, fibre optics, and optical lenses.
The rules for Sense Link make no mention of augmenting these rules, thus those rules are not augmented by the power. The power would have to specifically state that it can be used to cast spells in order for it to be permissible since it does not fit into any of the allowed forms of visual enhancement.
Apr 29 2004, 03:44 AM
In fact, if you're casting an elemental manipulation spell the element can splat against the window, or get blocked by it if the glass is strong enough. |
That's true, but this seems to be a special case. Most spells don't work like elemental manips, which are essentially create something which the caster uses sorcery to fling. This is supported by SR3 (p182, first paragraph), which describes spellcasting as "manipulat[ing] mana to create an effect at the location of the target," and explicitly states that spells do not travel from the caster to the target. The next section talks about the special exception of elemental manips.
If you allow GunnerJ's interpretation, than a mage will have virtually unrestricted access to cast spells anywhere. |
Hardly. No more than a rigger has unrestricted access to shooting anywhere through a drone.
He can use the sense link to cast spells on the astral without being astrally present himself, thereby avoiding physical drain. |
He can already use the ally to do stuff astrally without being prensent. This does not seem like such a great leap. Again, the master can just order the spirit to cast any spells it knows, and risks no drain whatsoever. The karma cost to give an ally a good force 5 spell is the same as the sense link power, and it already gets one for free.
He can bypass wards, avoiding the plusses to TNs, by having the spirit go there directly from the metaplane. |
Telepathic link can be blocked or hindered by background count. It seems logical that similar hindrences can be caused by wards, to both abilities.
He can infiltrate invisibly as an astral being and then materialize to cast at mundane targets. |
Something the ally can already do with its own spells, with the master risking no drain whatsoever.
And all without any danger to himself, |
Someone who can't see what's going on around him hardly seems to be in no danger.
and at worst only the temporary inconvenience of disruption for his ally. |
Here's an interesting idea: riggers who are directly commanding drones get dumpshock if the drone is destroyed (IIRC). This is because of the simsense link. What we're discussing here is a real sense link. Doesn't seem like a great jump to suggest that the master who is substituting all his senses for his ally's would suffer similar, perhaps worse, effects.
But, like the ward thing above, this is not something in canon. They're solutions, and fairly simple ones, to paper problems being offered as objections to a logical interpretation.
It basically says magic cannot be used to alter your vision for purposes of spell targeting. The only acceptable forms are metahuman vision enhancements, cybernetic enhancements paid for with Essence, mirrors, fibre optics, and optical lenses. |
I'm sorry, I'm looking at the passage right now and it says no such thing. It does not say ("basically" or otherwise) that magic, in general, cannot be used to alter vision for spell targeting, it says spells cannot. Senselink is not a spell. It does not list those forms of enhancement as some finate set of explicitly and exclusively allowed forms of enhancement, they are offered as examples in contrast to some forms of technological and spell-based vision enhancement. Senselink is neither a technological enhancement nor a spell.
Here's a question: if you can't target spells through senselink, why does it cost extra? It seems to me that any information that could be gained by directly sensing it could be just as easily gained by having the ally describe it telepathically, if not more easily since telepathic linking doesn't prevent a magician from using his own senses. OK, the ally might lie or distort the truth. But I can only see it being reasonable to pay one extra karma for an ability that basically you only need if you can't trust your ally, which probably means you're mistreating it, and which makes you very vulnerable.
Kanada Ten
Apr 29 2004, 04:01 AM
Note that the rigger isn't using the gun in his hand to shoot. He's using the one on the drone. Your rigger analogy is false. To make it true it is to say the Mage sees what the ally sees and orders it to attack or cast a spell.
Apr 29 2004, 04:31 AM
Note that the rigger isn't using the gun in his hand to shoot. He's using the one on the drone. |
Not relevent. They don't have to be exactly the same, they simply need to have the same restrictions and risks vis-a-vis causing things to happen remotely. When I use the comparison, it's WRT objections that the mage will be able to just cast spells anywhere without restrictions or risks. But in actuallity, the restrictions and risks are almost identical to those taken by a drone rigger.
Actually, the rigger doesn't personally lose anything by ordering the drone to fire, nor is he/she damaged in any way, but the magician risks drain. So if anything, the magician is worse off.
Apr 29 2004, 08:33 AM
What about mages that don't have eyes, who target purely through astral perception? |
Yeah, I knew someone would bring that up. Astral Perception is still your own unaided perception.
GunnerJ-- your rigger analogy would work if you say that the ally can cast spells on a target in it's LOS. The ally can cast, and it can be directed through the telepathic link, with the mage running senselink to determine targets. But it's the ally who casts, just like it's the drone that fires. The rigger just sends the order.
Now, if you talk about using drones for indirect fire-- the only spells that could fire indirectly are Elemental Manipulations. If someone has partial LOS to an area, and is using an ally spirit to help aim the spell, I'd allow that to reduce some of the penalties. But only with Elemental Manipulations, and only if there is a reasonable "flight path" for the spell.
Apr 29 2004, 09:07 AM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
SR3 p. 181, Spell Targeting, goes into detail about what is allowed for line of sight and what isn't. It basically says magic cannot be used to alter your vision for purposes of spell targeting. The only acceptable forms are metahuman vision enhancements, cybernetic enhancements paid for with Essence, mirrors, fibre optics, and optical lenses.
The rules for Sense Link make no mention of augmenting these rules, thus those rules are not augmented by the power. The power would have to specifically state that it can be used to cast spells in order for it to be permissible since it does not fit into any of the allowed forms of visual enhancement. |
Oddly enough though, according to Rob Boyle you can still cast through an invisible door though. I'm sure you'll remember that little debait a year or so back
As it happens: People have tried the "It dosen't say so it's not possible" and "It dosen't say so it is possible" arguments already and somehow came to a deadlock over that point (Odd, isn't it?). Now we're on wether or not it's possible to chanel mana using the link in the same manner that a mage can chanel mana when he can see an object through a fibreoptic cable.
I would suggest that as the caster manipulates mana at the target's location anyway, it may not matter that he's not physically there.
Apr 29 2004, 10:03 AM
To answer opne of the original questions:
Target:Wastelands pg.124 says that:
"It is rumored that some angatkuq have access to secret rituals or metamagical techniques that allow them to create tupilak with the spirit powers of Accident and Fear."
Tupilak are ally spirits, in game terms, so... there's your canon source for creating ally spirits with other powers. I wouldn't make it common, though, and limit the extra power(s) to a few specific ones determined by the tradition of the mage.
Apr 29 2004, 02:15 PM
Tupilak are ally spirits, in game terms, so... there's your canon source for creating ally spirits with other powers. I wouldn't make it common, though, and limit the extra power(s) to a few specific ones determined by the tradition of the mage. |
That was actually my original intent... just a few extra powers, not all the powers of any given nature spirit.
Apr 29 2004, 02:28 PM
Astral Perception is still your own unaided perception. |
Cybereyes, mirros setups, etc. are not, tho. They are aids to your perception, but are exceptions to the rule. Nor are they, it is important to note, the only exceptions, nor even the only explicitly listed exceptions.
GunnerJ-- your rigger analogy would work if you say that the ally can cast spells on a target in it's LOS. |
Actually, it already works perfectly right now for what it's intended to do: make a comparison of risks and limitations, especially WRT the ease with which a magician could remotely cast through senselink. No analogies are perfect, what's important is that they fit the terms of their intentions.
The only potential flaws I can see are that a drone can't travel astrally, but still, any target of infiltration that doesn't have enough magical security to intercept/detect an astral indruder could probably be messed with through other means besides an ally spirit (who could infiltrate in the same way just as easily and use its own spells). And I'm not going to argue every case in which using senselink to remotely cast might be more useful than aother method of remote attack; it is more useful than others in some ways.
The fact remains that people who say that a magician could remotely cast anywhere, anytime, without any risk to themselves, through senselink are wrong, in that you could just as easily make the same arguments about drone riggers if you ignore the vulnerability a drone rigger faces when he's rigging. Actually, drain is another difference in this respect, but one that supports my case since it's a risk a magician has to take but a drone rigger doesn't.
Now this topic is becoming a chore; it's obvious no one is going to be convinced, and I will leave it to each member to determine why for him or her self without any gloating about the obvious superiority of my position.
Suffice to say, I don't care that much anymore.
Apr 29 2004, 02:39 PM
QUOTE (GunnerJ) |
QUOTE | Tupilak are ally spirits, in game terms, so... there's your canon source for creating ally spirits with other powers. I wouldn't make it common, though, and limit the extra power(s) to a few specific ones determined by the tradition of the mage. |
That was actually my original intent... just a few extra powers, not all the powers of any given nature spirit.
I'd certainly vote yes for applying limited versions of the movement power to particular spirit forms. IE: The spirit bike would have its movement power for the purposes of moving in the same manner as a normal bike. It wouldn't have it for its full 3d movement, however, unless it was a hoverbike or something.
Hmm. Perhaps you could apply a set of edges and flaws to different forms? Movement multiplier, form advantages (working weapon/gun), size (reach/difficulty to see), ETC.
Apr 29 2004, 02:48 PM
GunnerJ, you started this thread by asking a question, but it seems you've already made up your mind anyway and are just looking for validation of your interpretation.
I agree there's no point in continuing the thread because at this point I don't think anybody's really listening to each other's arguments anyway.
However it works out in your game, good luck and I hope you have fun with it. In the long run, that's what's important anyway.
Apr 29 2004, 02:56 PM
GunnerJ, you started this thread by asking a question, but it seems you've already made up your mind anyway and are just looking for validation of your interpretation. |
Here was the original question:
Can this be used for remote spell targeting? I think so, since you do have LOS from the ally's POV. |
Emphasis added for what should be obvious reasons. I did indeed have an opinion, and was interested in discussing potential differences in opinon. Silly me for thinking that that was the purpose of a discussion board!