Mordrid Soud
Apr 29 2004, 02:56 AM
finally was able to order man and machine. i was thinking about why i was so pissed off about having to wait on man and machine and i remembered. when i first got back into shadowrun (right when 3rd edition came out) the one book that came out last that i had to wait for was.... dum dum dum... man and machine. i did have one question though, is the sprawl guide worth getting? why, or whay not? just curious. anyways....woo hoo for man and machine!!!
Apr 29 2004, 03:05 AM
If you play the game pretty openly, then get SSG. It's very interesting. But if you play the game like DnD, get Sprawl Sites
Apr 29 2004, 03:36 AM
SSG: sprawl survival guide? An excellent buy for background and colour.
Apr 29 2004, 04:12 AM
SSG is decent. Worth getting, though lower priority than some; certainly lower than the "core" books.
Apr 29 2004, 04:12 AM
i don't ever recall a D&D session in which my character was forced to shave another character's head in order to get the maximum xp from a situation.
Apr 29 2004, 02:05 PM
What, never come across the dwarf beserker with a treasure map tattooed on their scalp? Shaving their beards off is one way to get a lifelong enemy though.
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