Cole “30” Westbrook
Birthdate: 1/11/2035
Current Age: 40 (circa 2075)
Birthplace: Gulf Breeze, Florida, CAS
Race: Elf (Caucasian)
Height: 193 cm (6’ 4”)
Weight: 134 kg (295 lbs)
Hair color: Black, but he keeps it shaved bald
Eyes: Dark Brown
Visual: Dave Bautista (
[ Spoiler ]
-Born to a working class family
-Boring youth, longed for travel and adventure
-@ 18, joined the CAS Marines as an Infantryman
-Served 6 years with 3rd Btn, 2nd Marines
-Lots of training, but no real action
-In 2059, finishes his enlistment then signs on with Triple Canopy (PMC) at the urging of a former Marine buddy
-Spends the next 10 years working in the Philippines and Indonesia for Triple Canopy
-In 2069, Leaves Triple Canopy and joins up with an indy merc outfit that is subcontracting for Executive Outcomes in South Africa.
-Stays with indy outfit until late 2074 when a job goes very wrong outside of Cape Town. Only Cole and one other friend survive, but then just barely.
-Cole is hospitalized for a several months in Denver while he recovers.
-His medical bills end up eating most of his savings, and he has developed an addiction to pain meds
-Currently, he is looking for work as he is almost out of money. No PMCs are hiring, so he is having to look in the Shadows.
Cole Westbrook grew up during the late 30’s and 40’s in the economically depressed town of Gulf Breeze, FL. Secession from the UCAS hit many of the Southern States particularly hard, and Florida was no exception. Cole’s father worked in construction and was rarely around. Cole’s mother worked where she could find it…waitressing, cleaning houses, babysitting, and whatever else she could find. Cole resolved early on in his life that he would escape the poverty of his home town, and he found that escape by joining the CAS Marine Corps after his 18th birthday.
Cole initially took to the Marines like a fish takes to water. He worked hard, trained hard, and enjoyed the camaraderie amongst the men of his platoon. He enjoyed being outdoors and was happiest when his unit trained in the field. He also quickly built a reputation for being able to drink any of his fellow Marines under the table. The story behind his nick name comes from one particular evening where his whole platoon was out drinking. They decided to see who could do the most shots of Tequila before getting sick or passing out. At the end of the evening, Cole was the last one standing. His bar tab showed 30 total shots, thus he earned the moniker “30”. In reality, Cole really only drank about half that…but he started putting other Marines’ shots on his tab to inflate his numbers. Needless to say, he never revealed his secret to anyone, and the nick name stuck.
Eventually, Cole began to lose interest in the Marines. The CAS wasn’t deploying any forces in the 50s, so there no action…just training. Cole yearned to put his skills to the test in real life engagements. His opportunity came in the 6th year of his enlistment. Don Hardin, Cole’s former Platoon Sergeant, showed up at Cole’s doorstep with an offer he couldn’t refuse. Don left the Marines and was hired on by a PMC called Triple Canopy out of Reston, VA. The PMC had contracts all over the world, and the work took Don to real hotspots where he saw actual combat. Plus, they offered salaries far in excess of the CAS Marine Corps. Don told Cole that Triple Canopy just won a large contract in the Philippines for complimenting their military forces in hunting down insurgents, revolutionaries, and other sorts of troublemakers. Don said that Cole fit the candidate profile perfectly, and that they could hold the position open until Cole finished his enlistment, if he was interested. Cole was thrilled, and jumped at the chance. He accepted the offer, and shortly after his enlistment period was up, he was off to Manila.
Cole spent the next 10 years (2059 – 2069) working in and around the Philippines and Indonesia. He spent most of him time in the field, and saw more than his share of firefights. He also trained extensively in Escrima with the locals. The close combat skills he developed served him well, as many engagements were at CQC range, and often times involved hand-to-hand combat. The work in the Philippines aged Cole, both mentally and physically. He saw first-hand the atrocities of war…the horrors inflicted on the civilian population as well as the loss of close friends to enemy ambushes. As time went on, the rules of engagement for Triple Canopy’s contractors became more and more restrictive, while insurgent attacks became more brutal, and more frequent. More and more contractors lost their lives every few weeks, and the remaining survivors began investing their money in augmentations to increase their odds of surviving.
By his 10th year in Philippines, Cole was ready to get out of dodge. Several of his fellow contractors (including his mentor, Don Hardin) felt the same way, so as a group, they resigned from Triple Canopy in order to form their own outfit, dubbed “Results, Inc.”, and headquartered in Denver. Their first job came along very quickly. They were to subcontract to Executive Outcomes in South Africa, providing security to many corporate interests in and around Johannesburg and Cape Town.
The ensuing six years were lucrative for Results, Inc. They were paid well, they ran ops they way they wanted to with little, if any, intervention from EO, and the work was far less hazardous than the Philippines, at least until late 2074. A well funded and well coordinated strike against an oil production facility that Results, Inc was protecting ended up costing the lives of whole Merc team, save Don and Cole, who was grievously wounded in the battle.
Don was able to get Cole stabilized and evacuated to a local medical clinic. From there, he was flown back to Denver for months of surgery and physical therapy. Cole had amassed a small fortune as a contractor, he ended up having spend almost all of it on his medical expenses.
As a side-effect of the major injuries he suffered in South Africa, Cole has developed an addition to pain medication. Every so often, he gets intense headaches, and always keeps a bottle of pills handy. Currently, Cole has recovered to about 80% of where he was before his injury, but his is almost out of cash. He needs to find work if he wants to eat, and the Shadows of Denver are beckoning.
[ Spoiler ]
Attributes: A 24
Resources: B $275,000
Skills: C 28/2
Race: D Elf
Magic: E N/A
BOD: 5 (+3 soak dice)
AGI: 6 (8)
REA: 5 (6)
STR: 4 (6)
WIL: 4
LOG: 3
INT: 4
CHA: 4
INITIATIVE: 9 (10) + 1d6 (2d6)
Pistols: 3
Automatics: 5
Longarms: 5
Heavy Weapons: 4
Unarmed Combat: 4
Blades: 4
Perception: 3
Skill Group (Influence): 2
Know&Lang Skills
Military History: 2
Arms Dealers: 3
Military Tactics: 4
English: Native
Tagalog: 3
Afrikaans (South Africa): 2
Qualities (Karma Cost/Gain)
Addiction: Pain Meds (Moderate) (-9)
SINer (-5)
Allergy: Soy (Mild) (-10)
First Aid: 1 (2)
Throwing Wps: 1 (2)
Survival: 2 (6)
Swimming: 2 (6)
Sneaking: 2 (6)
Pilot Ground Craft: 2 (6)
Armorer: 2 (6)
Diving: 2 (6)
Toughness (9)
Starting Nuyen ¥3,075
Synaptic Booster 1 (.5 Ess) ¥95,000
Muscle Rep 2 [Alpha] (1.6 Ess)¥60,000
Bone Density Aug 2 (.6 Ess) ¥10,000
Orthoskin 3 (.75 Ess) ¥18,000
Internal Air Tank 2 (.5 Ess) ¥9,000
Platelet Factories (.2 Ess) ¥17,000
Damage Comp 4 (.4 Ess) ¥8,000
Armored Jacket: 12 Armor ¥1,000
Chameleon Suit (Thermal Dampening 6): 9 Armor ¥4,700
Combat Knife(10P, -3 AP) ¥300
Survival Knife(9P, -1 AP) ¥100
Middle Lifestyle(1 month) ¥5,000
Suzuki Mirage ¥8,500
Ares Light Fire 70 w/Suppressor & ext Smtlnk, 100 rounds reg ammo, and Concealable Holster ¥1,500
Colt Government 2066 w/external Smartlink, 100 rounds regular ammo, QD holster ¥1,000
HK-227 SMG: w/ Gas Vent 3, 100 rounds, ¥1,520
AK-97: w/ Shock Pad, external Smartlink, Gas Vent 3, 500 rounds regular ammo ¥2,800
Remington 950, External Smartlink, Imaging Scope (Thermo, Vision Enh 2), Suppressor, 50 rounds Regular, 50 rounds Explosive, 50 rounds SNS ¥5,200
Ares Anioch-2 GL, internal Smartlink, 8 Frag, 8 Gas (CS), 8 Gas (NeuroStun VIII) ¥4,480
Aztechnology Striker Rocket Launcher (with AV Rocket) ¥1,200
5 Flash-Bangs ¥500
5 Smoke Grenades ¥200
Fake Sin(Rating 3) ¥7,500
-Roger Bowland, Denver, CAS Sector Resident
-Freelance Security Consultant
Licenses(3 at Rating 4) ¥2,400
#1 Concealed Carry Permit for Roger Bowland
#2 Possession Permit for Ares Light Fire 70 w/accessories
#4 Possession Permit for AK97 w/accessories
Gas Mask ¥200
Respirator(Rating 4) ¥200
Survival Kit ¥200
100m standard rope ¥50
Climbing Gear ¥200
Medkit(Rating 4) w/ 2 Refills ¥1,200
Contacts(Capacity 3), w/ Smartlink, Image Link and Thermo ¥3,125
Earbuds(Capacity 3), w/ Audio Enhancement 2 ¥1,150
Micro Transciever ¥100
Renraku Sensei Commlink ¥1,000
Trauma Patches(2) ¥1,000
Arms Dealer: C2 L2
Helo Transport Pilot: C1 L1
Merc Friend from backgroun: C3 L3
Edit:Fleshed out Cole's background with more details.