CORRUPTED Great Dragon of Azis!!??
Was reading The Clutch of Dragons and on the page 36(book)\38(pdf) found an astonishing comment of Man-of-Many-Names.
"> There are rumors that an escaped Azzie drake of considerable power is running around Central America. I suspect it may be one of those true drakes, but there aren’t any Azzie great dragons.
> Glasswalker
> That you know.
> Man-of-Many-Names"
And my mind started the race against time and managed to win it. One dusty corner had kept the following passage:
">>>>>[Hoi. Well. This dragon drek. Maybe I did see something. I didn’t want to say anything at first ’cause I didn’t want to get flamed. But hey, maybe it’s important. I don’t know.
I saw a dragon, an eastern dragon, landing on top of the Aztechnology pyramid in Tenochtitlán. Saw it from the astral. I was on a vision quest.
It was a big dragon, but there was something hinky about it. Something ... off about its aura. I didn’t like it.
It scared me. Black patches. Blank patches. Like you see when somebody’s got cyber, kind of—’cept the blank patches didn’t connect with the physical part of the dragon. They connected more with its mind, its essence. Its soul, maybe. And those patches kind of writhed …
It landed on the pyramid. Then it went inside. Last I saw of it.
But it was there. And it was big.]<<<<<
—Bobby Two Eagles (11:25:15/5-27-56)
:::::[JUNGLE CAT] He saw this on a vision quest?? That alarms me more than anything else.
:::::[WORDSMYTH] The source is questionable, Cat, despite what you might believe. But … black and blank patches in his aura that writhed?? That sounds like something of which this person should have no knowledge …
:::::[LADY OF THE COURT] Is it what I think it is?
:::::[HECATE] You are too young to have experienced it personally, my dear, but yes. It sounds like Corruption.
:::::[THE LAUGHING MAN] You would know, my dear.
:::::[THE BIG ‘D’] QUIET! We are at the heart of the matter!
:::::[THE LAUGHING MAN] I thought we might be, old wyrm. And I’ll admit this requires further investigation—but additional supposition here is pointless. We’re treading on deep dark secrets I suspect we’d rather not bring up in mixed company. The wounds, for some, are too fresh … Oh, dear, now I’m sounding like the wordster.
:::::[WORDSMYTH] Remarkably, again I must agree with my painted friend. This sounds potentially dangerous; the implications are frightening. But if we are only going to wander into territory that causes dissent, we should stop, acquire more information, and then speak again.
:::::[THE BIG ‘D’] Words! Words! How much more time will slip past? The cycles repeat themselves truly, do they not? You would all stand idly by while this horror continues until you can “research” it more and “discuss” it further?
:::::[THE LAUGHING MAN] I for one will not be inactive, my friend. Fate has already dragged me into this. I will continue my fight.
:::::[LADY OF THE COURT] Oh, please …"
It's from the book "Location Sourcebook - Aztlan", SR 3rd Edition.
Am i a slowpok again that didn't pay any attention at this ticklish info???
PS The passage from Dunkelzan's Will "To the first party to determine what lies behind the door of room 5B78 of the Aztechnology Pyramid in Tenochtitlán and file a report of their findings on Shadowland, I leave 5 million nuyen or medical care for the remainder of their natural life, whichever seems most appropriate." also popped up,
but that's nothing in comparison to bloody corrupted great dragon!!!