Guns are a different Matter altogether.
In SR3, a Troll can more or less comfortably dual wield ANY gun.
Yes, this includes the Minigun and the Panther Assault Cannon.
Shadowrun Third Edition Canon Companion Page 94 and onwards are interesting here.
And yes, a Troll can wield 2x Claymore as well.
Trolls can wield any of the 2-handed weapons with one hand, and add only a +1 TN and -1 to power
The lesser races add a +2TN and -2 Power
Large Firearms (anything rifle sized and up) are typically used with 2 hands. A Character wielding a large firearm with only 1 hand will suffer a +2 TN modifier. Trolls are not subject to this modifier.
Due to how the Recoil works, yes, 2xPAC or 2x Barret Sniper Rifle is VERY easy for a Troll to do.
Technically, anybody can do it, but the loss in power and the added difficulty/TN make it unviable pretty fast.
Yes, Trolls WERE the Combat-Master-Race for anything Close-Combat related and if you wanted to simply do unholy ammounts of damage down range with BIG GUNS in SR3.