Hey chummers, long-time lurker, first-time poster. Hope everyone's doing well.
I have a little bleg to make and I think (I hope) Dumpshock is the right place to do it. Here's the thing; I'm building a setting for an SR campaign. It's going to be in a megaplex version of Orlando, Florida (there are some timeline and setting tweaks going on that I won't bore you with, basically all you need to know is that Orlando is the epicentre of Florida's population and politics in this altered setting... mainly so that there can be a climactic run in the whacked-out dystopian version of Disneyland). The thing is, the way I've worked out how the population and demographics are going to look, Spanish and Haitian Creole slang should be a major part of the local argot along with all the familiar "dreks" and "frags" and "chummers" and "omaes" we know and love so well.
Trouble is I don't really speak Spanish or Haitian Creole. I have some ideas for what I'd use based on online translators and tools, but I was hoping to get some input from some honest-to-God speakers of either (or both) languages. If there's anyone out there with some fluency in Dumpshock-land, what I'm looking for is your read on what kind of slang you'd use for any of the following:
- A pal (male or female, a casual term of endearment like "buddy" or "chummer")
- A bro / close male friend or family member
- A sister / close female friend or family member
- An idiot
- F--- (or some other f-bomb level curse)
- Drek / Garbage / Sh*t or something analogous
- Telling someone to f--- off (or the equivalent)
- A bad situation
- A mess / a screw-up
- Something great
- Getting drunk
- Getting laid
- Being broke
- Being flush / rich
- A mutant
- Something gross or grotesque
- Something big and ugly
- Something that implies being gay or effeminate
- Something that implies being a circus freak
- A boss
- A connection or contact
- A snitch
- The cops (in derogatory fashion)
- Prison
- Regular people (in derogatory fashion)
- Jacking in
- Jacking out
- Being wired
- Being chromed / having cyberware
Ideally what I'm aiming for is slang / thieves' argot versions of these concepts rather than straight translations (wherever that's possible); idioms that would sound natural to the ear of a native speaker. Any ideas and input would be gratefully welcomed. Thanks so much.