Isath: Let's assume a group of five - Hacker, Magician, Street Samurai, Face, and a wildcard.
Let's assume a starting group, fresh out of chargen.
Your rates for a Simple Run would be 1,250
per character, or 6,250
I can already tell you this is fail, for, as I've stated previously, you can sell
one stolen Rover 2068 for 7,500
or 83.333~% of what they can get for selling
one stolen SUV.
The kind of work that it would take to infiltrate an office with low security would easily be worth the work of stealing two Rovers, of 15,000
worth; your offer is now down to 41.67% from what they can make by spending the night doing something which is far, far less likely to get them shot at, or, indeed, even pursued by anyone.
Honestly, I'd set the baselines not per-character, but per-job. It's no matter to the Johnson how many people you use to get it done, just so long as it gets done. If you want to solo it and can pull it off, bully for you (but don't expect an advance, since you're doing something with a high risk of failure,) and if you want to recruit Ocean's 21 to make a spectacular heist of the job, so be it, but don't expect any more money.
So, I'm going to propose my own suggestions here, using the Stolen Car Baseline.
Milk Run: A job which runs practically no risk for roughly one night's work, likely to be a contracted piece of legwork in someone else's Shadowrun, something that other, better Runners don't have the time to do themselves but nevertheless need to have done and
absolutely must not fail (or they'd pay a ganger a few hundred to do it), or the kind of thing you'd hire a private investigator to do, but want to cut around the "has to obey the law" bullshit.
Ex: Planting a tracking beacon in a standard consumer or commercial vehicle, spending a night on stake-out somewhere you won't be hassled or attacked, hacking into a consumer commlink to acquire incriminating evidence, summoning a Spirit for a temporary service which will not attract any astral investigation.
Pay: 7,500¥; or, the price of one chopped Rover 2068.
Simple Run: A job which carries some risk of conflict, but will not bring more than a cursory response from law enforcement and will not bring the group into conflict with any Megacorps.
Ex: Planting tracking devices on a local delivery corporation's entire delivery fleet, spending a night on stake-out in the Barrens, hacking into an amateur hacker's commlink (Skill 4, Rating 3), penetrating a Stuffer Shack's physical and Matrix security, summoning a Spirit to provide someone with a trump card in battle against gangers, the
Food Fight introduction encounter and a follow-up night's work.
Pay: 15,000¥; or the price of two chopped Rovers 2068.
Easy Run: One explicit open conflict encounter, or one run which has a moderate level of difficulty but relatively little liklihood of open conflict.
Ex: Being hired to drive into the Barrens and shoot up a small-time gang hard enough that they won't recover, spending a few nights staking out a Vory operation, hacking into a good hacker's commlink (Skill 6, Rating 4), penetrating the physical, Matrix and Astral security of a local firm which does enough business to retain armed guards at all hours of day and night, summoning a Spirit for something that will require you cover your Astral tracks, the
On the Run published adventure.
Pay: 33,000¥, or the price of one chopped Nordkapp Zugsmaschine w/trailer, empty.
Standard Run: One difficult open conflict encounter against significant opponents, one run which has a moderate level of difficulty and a good liklihood of open conflict more than once.
Ex: Being hired to attack a team of Shadowrunners who have no particular reason to believe anyone's coming for them, infiltrating a gang affiliated with organized crime, being hired to penetrate the physical, astral, and matrix security of a location which has significant quantities of all three and is heavily guarded at all hours of day and night.
Pay: 66,000¥, or the price of two chopped Nordkapp Zugsmaschines w/trailers, empty.
Difficult Run: Assassination of someone who's aware that a threat is coming, or is protected day and night by personal security detail, one run which has a higher-than-moderate level of difficulty and a good likelihood of open conflict more than once.
Ex: Assassinating a high officer of a nationwide corp, tracking down and eliminating a Shadowrunner who's in hiding, infiltrating a local organized crime operation to bring it all down, being hired to penetrate the physical, astral, and matrix security of an off-the-books black location in the Barrens.
Pay: 165,000¥, or the price of five chopped Nordkapp Zugsmaschines w/trailers, empty.
Ridiculous Run: Open conflict with Threats, Running against a AAA Mega.
Ex: Extracting someone alive from Bug City, Assassinating the highest echelons of an organized crime family, penetrating an MCT Zero-Zone.
Pay: Name your price.
Now, some variance should occur, of course, but no combination of run difficulty and undesirability of the group should ever fall below getting up, walking away from the table, and stealing a Rover 2068, or the group is going to do exactly that. Also note that paying in kind is something the group will probably be willing to accept, but they're going to want a lot more "kind" than hard nuyen. You can't substitute, for example, an Ares Heavy MP Laser for 30,000 nuyen and try to pay the group with an Ares Heavy MP and 3,000¥ for an Easy run. If you want to pay in kind, you should value the "kind" at 30% of its buy value - or IOW, its chop value. So that 30,000¥ laser would be worth about 9,000¥ in payment.