1. Would there be compulsive military service for all citizens?
My gut call is "Yes". As a nation, they are still surrounded by a number of people, some of whom with very different belief structures and with a firm counterpoint. They still have a relatively small nation, with a limited population to draw on, a border to defend, and rely on a relatively well trained professional army to keep them secure. As it is now, I would see this as a small army with long service, bulked by conscription done professionally and as an accepted part of culture, rather than seen as "forced".
2. Attitudes about Metahumans,magic,changelings?
Jews now are based off a number of different branches (German / Spanish origins, multiple branches from these roots) and they generally accept the presence of non-traditional Jewish families to the faith (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_Jews &
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_China). I would see that for the most part they would accept Metas without too much issue, as long as you had faith. Magic I would see as being split, and like Catholics there being the acceptable sort wielded by Rabbis and in defence of the faith, and the unacceptable "other" sort. I seem to remember that a lot of ally spirit / golem research came out of, or is related to Israel.
3. Megacorporate presence ( i think Ares would be VERY noticiable there)
I would agree - Ares, and a lot of the old US corps would be present, purely on historical grounds. I could see SK trying to be in, and that being a political thornbush - the desire to have modern military might and top end research, tempered against the "German" aspect in some peoples eyes.
There may also be a Japanacorp presence, depending on how you want to play things in your campaign - there were several thousand Jews rescued from Nazi-Occupied Europe by the policies surrounding Japan's temporary pro-Jewish attitude during WWII and that might well be played on to get business deals, for instance. Either way, I would see Israel as having strict control over the megas and AAs, and controlling them in a fashion like the Tirs / Aztlan, and restricting extra-territoriality or ownership in some way such as demanding that at least 51% of the company is owned by the government, or by Israeli citizens.