Mar 15 2021, 06:46 PM
It's about 1000h by now, the hunt is supposed to start at 1100h, but most guests will likely be fashionably late, so the whole thing won't start much earlier than 1200h.
The field uniform will be right one - and what you are currently wearing is up to you
Mar 15 2021, 10:16 PM
I went looking for the start of this story back on rpgplayroom, but am not easily finding the threads. I'll go and try to figure out how to dig up older threads in the new layout if necessary, but does anyone have a link? Or more simply, recall what we got in the way of uniforms? (I forgot to write it down on Jawsey's sheet-- definite mistake). All of which was just to answer 'what he would be wearing right now'
Jack, I'm assuming that the house isn't that big, that getting to Katya's room should not take too long?
Mar 15 2021, 10:41 PM
Yes, it's big, but not that big
And here:
AM gets:
Wire Maid Work Outfit: Ares Victory Wild Hunt (R&G p.63)[R5 Electricity Protection, R6 Chem Protection, R5 Fire Protection, Cloak (Designer) R6 [R4 Radiation Shielding, Electrochromic Modification, Shock Frills]
Wire Maid Gala Outfit: Second Skin without Ruthenium Polymer [Trode Net, Microtransceiver] (R&G p.63), Berwick Dress (R&G p.58) [Gear Access]
PLASTEEL TOE BOOTS (Hard Targets p.179)
FASHION GAS MASK (Cutting Aces p.141)
Mato gets:
Chemsniffer Ring R6 (Cutting Aces p.140)
Chasseur Field Uniform: Sleeping Tiger without Ruthenium Polymer Coating [R5 Electricity, Protection, R5 Chem Protection] and Synergist Business Line Longcoat [R6 Insulation] (R&G p.61)
Chasseur Gala Uniform: SCOUT’S TUX [Gear Access, Concealed Pocket, Faraday Pocket](Cutting Aces p.137)
Jawsey gets:
Courier Field Uniform: Berwick Suit [R5 Fire Protection] w/ Argentum Coat [R6 Cold Protection, R6 Chemical Protection, Concealed Holster] (R&G p.58)
Courier Gala Uniform: Executive Suite (R&G p.61) [Gear Access]
Mar 17 2021, 02:13 AM
Thanks Jack, he'll be wearing his field uniform, without the coat for now.
Is there anywhere on the grounds that would give a good view of the hunt, or is it all off in a private forest?
Mar 17 2021, 10:03 PM
You could get a good view of the start, but once it's off into the woods, there is no way you could see anything from any vantage point reliably.
Mar 18 2021, 08:12 PM
Alright, Beta, good luck with the smooth-talking. If it doesn't go well, I'll try to make sure she doesn't murder you.
Mar 23 2021, 04:50 PM
Halfway through a post. Totally blasted at work right now. I'll try to get it up later today.
Mar 23 2021, 09:06 PM
Gah, I must have failed to commit the post I wrote yesterday. Essentially:
- feelings about searching the house?
- Jawsey told McElroy he'd watch the hunt (or at least part of it?)
- I'm not sure what commitments the other two have during the hunt
- I feel like something else could happen during the hunt ... we' just don't know if what has happened is the entirety of the plotting, and now we have to solve it, or if it is just the start of more and we need to keep watching out for what is going on.
Mar 23 2021, 11:42 PM
I'm reasonably certain that Mato is committed to attending the hunt.
Sounds like Jawsey has responsibilities too.
That may leave AM and Trouble to do any snooping around.
Edit: Do we know where the Duchess will be during the hunt?
Mar 24 2021, 04:07 PM
The Duchess and Sir Pike will attend the hunt as well
Mar 25 2021, 11:43 PM
I like the Duchess' IC post. I like layers of motivations like that.
Mar 29 2021, 07:16 PM
I think Mato's next step is to visit the armory or wherever the briefing is. I think the old IC thread said it was at 11am.
I know Mato got certified on an Ares Alpha but I can't remember if that was to carry one while on rounds/patrol or if that was for the hunt.
Mar 29 2021, 09:38 PM
Both actually - and yes, Amory is the spot to be.
Apr 2 2021, 05:53 AM
The IC post mentions silencers (or suppressors, I suppose). Those don't come standard on an Ares Alpha - have these been modified as such?
Is there an underbarrel mount? If so, are we carrying anything for them?
Apr 2 2021, 06:56 AM
They can be put on, you just have to deactivate gas vent
Apr 6 2021, 11:40 PM
Mato is trying to juggle medical care and an impromptu investigation.
First step is to stabilize Cunningham. Mato carries a trauma patch. If it is out of wireless range and/or if the patch doesn't work then he'll apply first aid manually. Alternatively, a spirit of one of the Couriers could render assistance.
Meanwhile, he's trying to examine the wound. Per the IC post, some questions:
- Does Cunningham have an AR tag that should (in theory) prevent friendly fire?
- Is the wound to his chest, or was he shot in the back and the chest is the exit wound?
- Is the wound consistent with a rifle round?
- Is the wound from flechette ammunition or some other type of round?
Happy to roll whatever is relevant.
Apr 7 2021, 08:13 AM
You are in range for normal matrix repection, so your kit works - roll with the following modifiers:
-2 (Poor conditions), -1 for lost Essence. Threshold is 3
- Cunningham has such a tag
- He was shot in the front, no exit wound
- By distance alone, Mato would assume a rifle to have been used
- It looks like a small entry wound - no flechette. Mato would say APDS since it cleanly went through the armored clothing
Apr 8 2021, 03:47 PM
Hi guys, I have a lot going on and I really need some breather it'll take me a few days to get playing again.
I was thinking of having AM delve into the data from the maidens which was like a super long extended test but I knew that the implications would be having her off scene for what may seem like forever in game terms. So there is a dillema there.
Apr 8 2021, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the headsup - I'll have AM react accordingly.
Apr 9 2021, 05:19 AM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Apr 7 2021, 12:13 AM)

You are in range for normal matrix repection, so your kit works - roll with the following modifiers:
-2 (Poor conditions), -1 for lost Essence. Threshold is 3
Well since there's normal matrix reception, I was proposing using the trauma patch that I've been carrying around for 5.5 chapters now. It would succeed automatically with wireless access. If we're rolling instead then what's the rating of the medkit that we were assigned?
I'll have the IC post go through the motions of medical treatment.
Apr 9 2021, 08:21 AM
Ah you have a trauma patch - in that case yes, he is stabilized automatically.
You can then proceed with actually administering first aid with those mods. The medkits are advanced and rating 4, so you can still carry them reasonably with you.
Apr 9 2021, 07:20 PM
Hmm, to Edge or not to Edge.
The negative modifiers will largely wipe out the medkit. Mato definitely isn't a brain at this and his default pool isn't likely to generate any significant number of hits. He'd really prefer Cunningham not to die, but the trauma patch addresses the immediate concern.
I suppose that Mato would use Edge, even if (mechanically) it's somewhat useless in this situation.
Logic 3 + First Aid 1 + Medkit 4 + Edge 5 - Poor Conditions 2 - Essence 1:
10d6h5 2 hitsWaa, waa. Pathetic. Well, it would have been zero hits without the Edge.
Apr 10 2021, 07:59 AM
Eh, good enough. I rolled the dice both for shooting Cunningham as well as healing him up again.
He is conscious again.
Apr 11 2021, 04:51 PM
I'll wait for a post from beta before continuing
Apr 12 2021, 12:21 AM
My apologies for the silence. Somewhere between the depression of a new 'stay-at-home' order and the unsettling gloriousness of an early April that has felt like early June, I completely blanked about Shadowrun. My years-long habit of checking in on new posts during the day and carving out some time in the evening to respond just ... took a vacation or something? I don't know, I just know that somehow I forgot about all of this for well over a week, and and rather desperately behind with responses. The response won't be tonight, but it should be on Monday.
Sorry for the delay.
Apr 13 2021, 12:44 AM
I caught Jawsey up to around when Mato is, I think. Explaining the lag as him first checking on something else away from the hunt before going over there, and then the time for Ana to ask Trouble to ask Jawsey to inspect Lt. Fines. (and then had a mediocre roll on the astral perception, after all that wait. Gamer karma for delaying things?
Apr 13 2021, 07:28 AM
Hi, I am getting caught up.
Apr 14 2021, 03:00 PM
Jack is there something we can do with the gun to trace the physical location of the decker? or the device that has the marks?
Apr 14 2021, 04:39 PM
Yes, it's called Trackback
DT p. 179
Marks Required: Owner
Test: Extended Computer + Intuition [Data Processing]
(special, 30 minutes) Test
This test is only possible on grids, not inside a host. The datastreams that connect marks to their owners are barely visible wisps of information. Calibrating your filters to see them and not the billions of overlapping datastreams is a painstakingly laborious task. Once a mark has been detected on a device (see Matrix Perception, p. 241, SR5), that device’s owner can try to follow the datastream back the mark’s owner. The number of hits required is equal to 10 + the Sleaze rating of the persona who marked the device. If the Sleaze rating changes during the search, the number of hits required changes as well. If the persona that placed the mark is running silent, the trail will end in its vicinity, effectively letting the tracker know that a silent icon is nearby.
As written, it's pretty rubbish, so instead I'll allow you to make an extended matrix perception test (normal time) to find the owner of the marks.
You'll need 12 hits. Roll Ini to see how many actions per round you have. It takes one complete round to reboot the rifle. When it's finished the marks will be gone.
Apr 14 2021, 11:14 PM
Matrix (hot):
10+4d6 19 --- Dammit.
She is too slow... is it too late to blitz?
13d6t5 4Computer:
12d6t5 4If I can't blitz I'll edge:
which is still too slow.
computer (reroll):
9d6t5 2Otherwise: I'll blitz:
Blitz dice:
1d6 3 which will give her a 3rd pass.
11d6t5 3but even then she is too slow...
Edge remaining 1 out of 2.
Apr 15 2021, 02:49 PM
Damn, so close - I'll award you a partial success for all the edge you just spent.
Apr 15 2021, 05:05 PM
Thanks for that.
Apr 15 2021, 05:06 PM
Apr 15 2021, 09:36 PM
Tossed up a simple post. For the moment holding off on acting on some of the IC revelations available to AM, pending the outcome of her investigation and/or her informing Mato and Jawsey.
Apr 17 2021, 10:30 PM
Hi Jack,
Some questions:
1. Will hacking the stealth tag allow AM to spoof command to ask the drone to land in the crime scene.
2. Does she already has a mark on the stealth tag as she defended against two hacks on the fly attempts?
Apr 18 2021, 10:51 AM
1. Yes, a MARK on the Tag will allow you to spoof a command
2. No, you only hacked the drone, but the drone isn't slaved to the tag.
The resistance against the spoof is rolled by the drone/Agent
12d6t5 3Your spoof is successful.
Apr 18 2021, 10:25 PM
I am waiting for Mato to respond before further hacking. Hopefully, he'll have a chance to grab the drone or something similar.
Apr 18 2021, 11:07 PM
IC is up. Let me know what sort of roll, if any, is necessary.
As stated, Mato's goal is to capture the drone for evidence. He's assuming that it has some sort of defensive and/or self-destruct mechanisms. Hopefully there's a way to turn it off or otherwise interfere with its operation. If he feels there's a risk it could escape or self-destruct, he'll taze it with his shock hand to interrupt it.
Apr 19 2021, 08:50 PM
Hi Jack, one more question: Is it possible to pin down on the physical location of the stealth tag ?
Apr 19 2021, 08:50 PM
Hi Jack, one more question: Is it possible to pin down on the physical location of the stealth tag ?
Apr 19 2021, 09:22 PM
You need two MARKS on the tag, then you can run a trace action with int+computer
Apr 20 2021, 11:48 AM
Thanks for saving me the overheads of skimming through the messed-up decking rules.
Alright - let's give it a go:
2nd mark:
2nd mark:
13d6t5 8(her deck limit does not go that high, I think she can get to sleaze of 7).
if the first action succeeds then she can then trace the stealth tag.
Trace action:
Trace action computer (5) + int (9) + hot sim(2):
16d6t5 5Once Mato took the drone offline implies that the mark on AM's deck is now gone?
Apr 20 2021, 03:43 PM
11d6t5 3Second MARK achieved
8d6t5 2Trace succeeds.
Apr 20 2021, 04:14 PM
So, just to be clear, the trace succeeds, then AM pulls up the camera feeds that would be looking at the target of the trace and, when she does so, she finds "Pike, the Duchess, and Katya entering Pike Hall through the back entrance". Is that correct?
Apr 20 2021, 05:24 PM
Correct - I assume getting more accurate than a meter on the fly with a trace is pretty hard.
Apr 20 2021, 09:52 PM
Does the pistol smell like it's been fired recently? Like, within the last 30 minutes (or however long this scene has been)?
Apr 21 2021, 04:34 AM
Yes, it does
Apr 21 2021, 06:07 PM
Still piecing together clues; not quite ready to start the confrontation yet. My IC post is still for the 'in transit' stage back to Pike Hall.
Apr 21 2021, 08:21 PM
Jack when in the room - can AM sees the icon of the stealth tag (e.g. in AR) and who has it on, or now comes the awkward part of physically searching them?
Apr 21 2021, 09:30 PM
Yes, it appears to be on Katya
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