Jun 13 2004, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Misfit Toy) |
I was thinking of Personal Comm Units (Rating 3). It has plenty of range for our purposes, isn't too insane, and has just enough encryption. At only 4,500 nuyen, it's only 1,500 nuyen more than a Rating 3 Micro-Transciever plus it comes with all the subvocal and DNI gear any of us would need. Can everyone afford one of those, or should we look to something cheaper? |
I'm still thrashing out my Techie character, but I was planning on buying at least 3 TacComm sets (rating 3) for use by team members, my character will (probably) have a cyberware comm system for their own use.
Misfit Toy
Jun 13 2004, 11:01 PM
Cool. I can definitely afford one as well as having a master unit in my ride (decided to use a four-door variant 2047
Plymouth Prowler with a hard top as the inspiration if anyone's interested). Just seemed to fit him, yanno?
So that's four units plus your cybernetic one (is it going to have the encryption and whatnot, 'cause we'd be limited by the lowest rating). Only one other person would need to score one and we'd be set. Can anyone afford that or should we find the budget for one more?
Jun 13 2004, 11:08 PM
I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to provide personal comm units for everyone, as long as everybody is happy with rating 3 (possibly 4). If you've got a master unit as well that's great.
My cyber comm system will definitely be encrypted to at least the same rating as my collection of personal units.
Misfit Toy
Jun 13 2004, 11:11 PM
Groovy. Lemme know if you'll have the cash to get everyone one, and what rating you settle on as soon as you can. I'm kind of having to juggle things around with my last 25kĄ, so it'll make a big difference.
Jun 13 2004, 11:17 PM
I've not sorted my background fully yet, but my character is going to be (physically) pretty much like Kevin Spacey's 'Verbal' character from The Usual Suspects, (I promise I'm not Keyser Soze
He's lame (with quickness 1 or 2) so he's unstealthy, and not much use in a straight fight, but he's got the 'blandness' edge, and good surveillence gear.
He's also got good INT based combat skills (launch weapons / gunnery) so he should be able to provide useful support fire (depending on which gear he can afford).
Misfit Toy
Jun 13 2004, 11:19 PM
Hey cool, I have no Gunnery skill at all (never had a need for it in his line of work), so once we start getting some experience under our belt, I'll see about installing a remote turrent in whatever our main vehicle ends up being and you can do that and/or handle electronic warfare and whatnot while I handle the maneuvering.
Cool. Oz is also decent in a fight, though nothing to write home about (Rating 4 in Clubs and SMGs, and a total of 2D6 in Initiative), so he can do on-site stuff, too.
Jun 13 2004, 11:27 PM
I've had quick play with NSRCG, and I can afford all my important gear plus five rating (4) TacComms.
So you can all leave the personal comm units to me, if I'm short of cash at the end I'll drop something else.
Misfit Toy
Jun 13 2004, 11:38 PM
If it helps any, I've purchased a Microtronics Shop and you're welcome to use it anytime you like. They're cheap enough that I'm sure you got one yourself, but if you ever need it, it's there. Same goes for a vehicle facility (that cost an arm and a leg -- oy) and everyone else.
Jun 13 2004, 11:42 PM
Okay, guys, to help myself get everyone straight, I threw together a web page. My HTML sucks, but it should still serve the purpose.
Clicky.It's got a LOT of holes at this point.
Misfit Toy
Jun 13 2004, 11:45 PM
Nice, simple design. Good job.
Do you want us to compile the info on there and send it to you, or are you just going to wait a bit before doing that?
Jun 13 2004, 11:49 PM
Let's fill it in as quickly as possible. That way the holes become more obvious.
Oh, the "team skills" portion is for things like B/R and the like. Skills which can support the needs of the entire team for something. Bunny's current draft doesn't have any B/R skills, so it says None. I might add Pistols B/R to it later, though.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 12:04 AM
Not a problem. I'll probably come up with a better Personality description soon, but hoepfully this one will do for now.
Street Names: Lowrider, Oz
Archetype: Vehicle Rigger
Specialty: Driving and Customizing Vehicles
SIN: Legal (5R1X-4AQT-LM47; Oscar Rodriguez Chavez) [And yes, his initials are ORC... bite him)
Race: Dwarf (Hispanic/Black)
Age: 30
Personality: The personification of the
Year of the Ox; a blend of an artist's edginess with the stereotypical grumpy and paternal reputation of his race
Team Skills: Cars B/R, Electronics, Chemistry (Industrial), Metalworking, Connected: Vehicles
The connections and background portions are still in development. Feel free to edit any of that to make it sound better or fit better on the screen.
Jun 14 2004, 01:50 AM
I'd love to have used that hook Misfit... but Rex was gonna be the one who got his wish, an old man who wished for youth... and got it, twisted.
Jun 14 2004, 02:08 AM
Found one!
To any person born on December 8, 1980: present yourself to the Draco Foundation at any time, and the Foundation will grant you one wish. This century should mourn for the losses of that century. |
Old man shaman, wishes for youth... and gets it. He forgets his past, and turns up in Oz's neighborhood as a cocky young kid without a family...
Workable Shadow?
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 02:18 AM
Go with the SIN if you like. I went ahead and changed Oscar's just 'cause that would have been too much of a coincidence either way.
Jun 14 2004, 02:22 AM
Nah, I like the new one better...
Old Dunk would know when a Pheonix Shaman was born, my mask would be cool, it would provide an OOC rationalization for the Sorcery and Conjuring skills, and have little to no game effects, because he obviously doesn't remember it.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 02:28 AM
I think I'll save the idea for another character anyway. Forgot about the birthday wish, too. Imagine how bitter you'd be if you missed it by one number on your SIN and one day for your birthday simultaneously.
Jun 14 2004, 02:35 AM
Oh, by the way... Mercury is Galadriel reincarnated.
Jun 14 2004, 02:51 AM
Who is Galadriel?
Jun 14 2004, 02:52 AM
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 02:54 AM
<just begins weeping anew>
Jun 14 2004, 02:54 AM
Updated Oz.Who's up next?
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 03:05 AM
Recommendation: Set the valign for the tables so that they're aligned at the top. Looks better that way when its forced to scroll.
Jun 14 2004, 03:22 AM
Fiddled with it. Same link as before.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 03:27 AM
Ooh, that's much more clean.
Jun 14 2004, 05:03 AM
nice, I dig that.
Jun 14 2004, 03:36 PM
Two things which come to mind.
1) What's our target start date?
2) Who is going to be the leader? I don't think I've seen a clear choice yet, so let's hear opinions.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 04:00 PM
My vote's still for you (for OOC reasons) and Mercury (for IC reasons). If it comes down to a tie between the two of you, I'll throw my swing vote when that time comes.
Jun 14 2004, 04:25 PM
Bah, I'm just fed up with foundering games
My militance will wear off, eventually. Probably.
Jun 14 2004, 05:03 PM
I for one wholeheartedly refuse to follow someone named Bunny.
<winks at TK>
Lezzie Borden
Jun 14 2004, 05:07 PM
QUOTE (crechebaby) |
I for one wholeheartedly refuse to follow someone named Bunny.
<winks at TK> |
I don't know. Alice followed a bunny and look where it lead her?
What can I say, I like the Mad Hatters.
Jun 14 2004, 05:23 PM
<Bunny's eye twitches for different reasons>
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 05:28 PM
We could call ourselves the Bunny Bunny Foo Foos. That'll strike fear into the hearts of our enemies to be sure.
Jun 14 2004, 05:39 PM
Yeah. I vote once for every other character to be leader. That should settle the matter. <glares at Misfit>
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 05:42 PM
<shakes his fist in the air>
Jun 14 2004, 05:44 PM
Bunny's really not smart or charming enough to get a team to follow her, anyway. I will maintain my post as OOC cattle prodder, however.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 05:50 PM
So does anyone have any other nominations? If not, that's two for Mercury and one for everyone else at present.
Jun 14 2004, 05:50 PM
My target start date is when you guys are ready. I would like to see character creation done by the end of the week. And then maybe we start then.
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 08:34 PM
That brings up something I've been meaning to ask but keep forgetting to. How much are we going to share with each other about our character's capabilities? If we've been really close friends for five years (and longer in some cases), I imagine we know each other's skills and quirks quite well. Maybe not all of each other's deep, dark secrets, but everything beyond that should be fair game, neh?
Jun 14 2004, 08:35 PM
Bah, I don't think Bunny has any secrets worse than the obvious. I'm currently thinking about letting you guys see the whole character sheet if only because I'm so shaky on constructing a low point adept that I'd like a second opinion on a lot of stuff
Misfit Toy
Jun 14 2004, 08:37 PM
I'm pretty much considering the same with Oz. There's only one part that's a secret, and I don't think even that's much of a secret so much as something no one's just ever openly talked about because it's pretty obvious.
So yeah, I'm in the same boat.
I think it'll also help coordinate plans if the leader (and everyone else) knows what everyone else is capable of doing. No second-guessing or having to stop and ask in the middle of the action. We may not be a cohesive fighting force yet, but I think we'd know each other well enough that we can anticipate quite a bit.
Jun 14 2004, 08:58 PM
I'm thinking that the entire team will pretty much know (almost) everything about Merc when I'm done--simply because if she hasn't told everyone IC, they've been able to deduce it for themselves.
She's a face, but she's not good at pretending emotions or covering them up among friends.
I'm going to be working on her tonight, so I'll have something to chip in for the page then, TK..
Jun 15 2004, 03:05 AM
Name - Rex
Archetype - Pheonix Shaman
Age - 16-18
Specialty - Magick!
SIN - Always
ANd anyone who bothers checking deep enough will know that Rex wasn't born in the Barrens. His mother was gunned down on the streets when he was 5 or 6 and no one had seen them around Oz's neighborhood before.
Misfit Toy
Jun 15 2004, 06:22 PM
I juggled my Build Point allocations a bit and now have a pretty penny left over in cash. If anyone has any vehicles, feel free to get in touch with me in here or a PM or something and we can work out what kind of accessories Oz might have hooked you up with for free (ie, I'll be paying for them)... maybe even an inexpensive base vehicle like a bike or something, too. Onboard weapons are out since he doesn't really deal in that, but anything short of that is fair game.
And Raiko, I can definitely snag the Master Comm Unit now. Rating 4 is what you got for the personal ones, right?
Jun 15 2004, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Okay, guys, to help myself get everyone straight, I threw together a web page. My HTML sucks, but it should still serve the purpose.
It's got a LOT of holes at this point. |
I wanted to keep this on the front page to keep it fresh. It looks like we got some great characters coming together. Lezzie, and Misfit, have sent me some rough drafts to look at. Anyone else? Any questions... anything?
Jun 15 2004, 10:44 PM
I'm still only 1200 words into my background. At this rate I'll be done just in time for Friday... but I'm going to try to push some tonight and get you a draft soon. Ish.
I'd like to update that page with more info, so if anyone's got the time to fill me in... it'll make interconnecting so much easier
Jun 16 2004, 12:42 AM
And Raiko, I can definitely snag the Master Comm Unit now. Rating 4 is what you got for the personal ones, right? |
Yeah, he's got 5 personal comm units at rating 4.
His cyber system has rating 6 encryption & ECCM 4, so it's slightly better than the personal units.
My character is almost done, I'm just going through his background.
Streetname: Slick.
Archetype: Tech Wiz
Speciality: Electronic Surveillance
SIN: Yes, Not decided real name yet
Race: Human.
Age: 25
Personality: Not decided yet
Team Skills: Electronics, Electronics B/R, Computers (Search Ops), Forgery, Demolitions, Biotech. Knowledge skills not finalised.
As he's a bit of a wimp for a Barrens dweller, Slick probably knew one of the 'harder' characters in the group first, maybe they helped him out against some gangers.
Jun 16 2004, 03:22 AM
Got a BG from TKG, and it was VG on the PG side.
Hehe shaded of Good Morning Vietnam.
In english, I liked it a lot. This game is going to be a lot of fun.
Jun 16 2004, 03:59 AM
Updated the summary page, thanks Raiko.
Jun 16 2004, 10:20 PM
Unfortunately I'm starting work very early tomorrow so I can't get any more of my character done tonight.
I'll still be finished in time though.
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