Aug 12 2004, 10:59 AM
What about the over hanging tree in the corner i'm certain we can get over there.
As for the police i've got an idea we could contact this gang thats causing trouble and trouble ask them to deal with the lone star patrol on the night we go in ? But it depends on how much it will cost.
Aug 13 2004, 11:26 AM
Jacob spends his day in renton finding a group of gangers is proving difficult but he does not give up ,he thinks how to find a Rat in Renton ,leave it some cheese. It is not until the afternoon that Jacob finerly sees the night life amerges on the streets He decides to have lunch in a bar some were close to were to were a group of gangers are saying good morning .Entering a slightly dodgy looking bar he ask the bar man for a pint and some information .Do you know a gang called the rats ,he drinks his bear and the barman replied that he never heard of them. jacob sits in the corner and finishes his pint while keeping an eye on the barman who seems to be hovering around the phone.
Aug 14 2004, 05:11 AM
15 minutes later three "people" come into the bar and sit down a Jacob's table. Despite Jacob's size they don't seem to notice.
One of the three, a 20 ish orc, dressed in a syn-leather coat, stares down Jacob. After two minutes of staring at each other, the orc quickly turns away and yells to the Bartender, "Three beers"
He returns his attention back to Jacob, acting like the previous event didn't occur. "Heard you been asking about us? You don't look like a cop and you don't smell like a ganger. So what the frag are you?"
The beers come and the three down them and toss the empty glasses back to the bartender, who catches them, looking like he expected it and walks away.
Aug 14 2004, 08:31 AM
Me, I'm a party promoter and I want to ask your boss how much it would cost to fund a party?
Aug 15 2004, 02:39 PM
He looks at you, like a deer caught in your headlights.
The human girl leans over and whispers something in his eat.
"Oh, you want to hire us as protection for your party." The Orc scratches the thick hairs above this right ear. "We never done that before, but Scratch might be interested. Lizz, give'm a call and seem"
"The girl pulls out a phone and starts to dial ....."
Aug 16 2004, 12:36 PM
Not really there are people who attention I want diverted else were while I have a party.For this I will pay for you to have a party of your own.
Aug 17 2004, 12:11 AM
The girl stops dialing and closes the phone
Once again you get that very disturbing stare from the Orc.
And once again the girl leans over and whispers in his eat.
"Oh, you want us to run a decoy for you." the Orc finally says. "Who you want us to keep away?"
You think for a moment and decide you're not going to get any farther unless tell him. "We're going to be having the party on the east side of your territory and we don't want Lone Star dropping in. We want you to watch for them, and if they start coming, make a distraction, uh, decoy, somewhere else so they will leave us alone."
The Orc seems to ponder this for a moment and nodes to the girl, who once again starts to dial. After a few moments she starts to mumble and you guess she's got a sub-vocal implant.
She smiles, "Scratch says for us to bring you over so yous can talk"
Aug 17 2004, 10:22 AM
Many thanks fair lady.Jacob is on his best behavior as he is escorted to see Scratch.He does not complain as he is blind folded and taken to see Scratch although he does try and remember the twist and turns of the journey.finally the blind fold is removed and scratch is revealed. After asking for a glass of water and asking for permission to play in scratches back yard Jacob gets down to describing what the team needs from the rats.
Aug 20 2004, 02:51 AM
You give Fried a call and ask about stun grenades. He says he'll have to get back to you.
Next morning he gives you a call, "I've located 4 Neuro-Stun VII grenades, I can get then tomorrow but it'll cost you 300 apiece. Do you want um?"
Aug 20 2004, 02:56 AM
After explaining what you want scratch nods and smiles a toothless smile, "I think we can help you out.
50¥ apiece for standing watch.
150¥ apiece if we have to distract Lone Star.
100¥ for each bullet we take
300¥ widows pay for anyone who dies.
How many guys you want, 5 to 25 you can even pick the ones you want."
You get the distinct feeling that scratch has sold his services before.
Aug 20 2004, 04:55 PM
I want about 8 people Says Jacob definatly the young lady pointing at the girl with the sub vocal and this is to take place on thursday . As far as we can tell there will be 1 possibly 2 lone star patrol to deal with .We will settle all medical and funeral expenses after if thats all right with you.Jacob hands over the 3 thousand cred stix and waits for change.
Aug 23 2004, 01:04 PM
"I'll take all four," Savage says over the phone before hanging up. Proping his feet back up on a large box, he goes back to looking at the layout photos. The job seems easy enough but there were always details that had to be taken into consideration.
After eating a couple protein bars, he calls Jacob to see how things are going.
Aug 23 2004, 04:37 PM
After thanking scratch and collecting his change Jacob makes his way to the nearest working phone and dails savages number.Hay savage got 8 people to run cover for us cost a little over 1500 but have to pay medical on that later.How is it going your end Don't forget gas mask for you and bob i've got a respirator. Question any windows on the roof of the hanger.
Aug 27 2004, 03:54 PM
Savage excitedly opens his new case of stun grenades and rubs his hands together. "These'll disorient the mess out of some poor rent-a-cop!" he imediately takes them to the garage where he installs them into his combat drone with tender loveing care.
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