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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Digital Heroin
Ok, after reading the muchly awesome Urban Brawl rules located here I'm left with one begging question...

What about magic? Sure, they mention magic healing and astral surveillence are out, but what about Combat magic and Adepts? Anyone got the scoop?
QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
What about magic? Sure, they mention magic healing and astral surveillence are out, but what about Combat magic and Adepts? Anyone got the scoop?

According to Sprawl Survival Guide, somewhen during the 2050ies the UB rules must have been changed:
Now magic (excluding mind and body control spells and spirits) is allowed. But there are very few magicians willing to risk their health in such a violent game.
Ol' Scratch
Well, you have to remember that just about everything on that page (much as I love and miss the Big Knobi Klub) is house-ruled material. I can't imagine why adepts especially would be forbidden from playing, not to mention the use of combat magic or elemental manipulations in a game where shotguns and grenades are par of the course.
Digital Heroin
This is me going 'doh'... I forgot to check the SSG...
Don't forget A Killing Glare and Shadowbeat.

[ Spoiler ]

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