Aug 16 2004, 11:47 PM
Okay, for my latest character I'm having trouble deciding which motorcycle to give him. He used to ride with a gang in Seattle (my GM and I are making a new gang and working out the specifics) but doesn't anymore. I want his motorcycle to be stylish, have a pretty good ability to manuever, but also want some speed to it. I expect he'll get into combat situations while driving it (good thing he's a pistol guy) and may or may not have a passenger, though he's customarily a loner. Even though he rides alone, occassionally he'll still ride with the gang. How fast would be appropriate to keep up with most "biker gangs." Any suggestions from Rigger 3 (I don't have that book yet)? Basically, any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated. If someone also wants to sugguest a custom build I'm all ears, as I'm sure I can borrow Rigger 3 before we actually play. Thanks.
Aug 16 2004, 11:54 PM
Can't really post stats for it, but when you snag Rigger 3 you should check out the BMW Blitzen in the bike section. A bit more expensive, but it's a pretty nice bike..
Ol' Scratch
Aug 16 2004, 11:54 PM
Go with the BMW Blitzen. It's has speed, a decent Handling, a bit of armor, and can manage two passengers with no problems.
Unless you're a rigger, though, it's really about style over substance. Your bike's stats will almost never come up, and if they do you're going to be toast on a bike anyway (especially if there's a rigger on the otherside).
Aug 16 2004, 11:55 PM
LOL. Thanks. I've never really dealt with "travel issues" in my limited Shadowrun experience. I'll definitely check that bike out though.
Aug 16 2004, 11:59 PM
Depends on what kind of biker gang in my opinion.
If it's street punks and rich kids, go rapier.
If it's gotee's, mullets, and heavy metal bars go scorpion, and get some ground pounders put on.
Aug 17 2004, 12:56 AM
I'm going to be That Guy and suggest a bike that isn't one of your choices: Suzuki Aurora. Not quite as fast as the Blitzen, but cheaper, better sig, and handles like a dream on-road.
Ol' Scratch
Aug 17 2004, 01:21 AM
But the Aurora (another favorite of mine) can't safely handle a second passenger which was one of his sorta-kinda requirements.
Aug 17 2004, 01:28 AM
True. If that drops off the list, then, consider the Aurora.
Maybe two Auroras?

Fresno Bob
Aug 17 2004, 01:57 AM
I like to think that mullets would have completely died out by 2060.
Get the Scorpion. It seems like more of a choice for a ganger. Unless he's a speed freak, then he'd get the Rapier.
But yeah, the BMW Blitzen is a neato bike.
Aug 17 2004, 02:25 AM
QUOTE (mrobviousjosh) |
Okay, for my latest character I'm having trouble deciding which motorcycle to give him. He used to ride with a gang in Seattle (my GM and I are making a new gang and working out the specifics) but doesn't anymore. I want his motorcycle to be stylish, have a pretty good ability to manuever, but also want some speed to it. I expect he'll get into combat situations while driving it (good thing he's a pistol guy) and may or may not have a passenger, though he's customarily a loner. Even though he rides alone, occassionally he'll still ride with the gang. How fast would be appropriate to keep up with most "biker gangs." Any suggestions from Rigger 3 (I don't have that book yet)? Basically, any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated. If someone also wants to sugguest a custom build I'm all ears, as I'm sure I can borrow Rigger 3 before we actually play. Thanks. |
The stock bike doesn't matter so much as heavy customization. A true biker would have decent motorcycle B/R skill and would have made good use of it. No matter what the stock bike was, your biker should have made it his very own. I suggest working on the cutomization with your GM.
Luke Hardison
Aug 17 2004, 02:29 AM
If you have Rigger 3 anyway, it wouldn't be unreasonable for this character to have a custom built bike, something the gang and he (or even just the gang) built from the ground up from spare parts. To keep it in roleplaying, give it all the 'interesting' features, not the amazingly good stat stuff. Nitro kits are really nice, especially for non-rigger characters. With those, you can at least make good on the accelleration test to get away from any trouble that might come up. Sometimes you don't have to outrun the cops, just the other guy.
Aug 17 2004, 04:03 AM
Harley-Davidson Thundergod.
Young Freud
Aug 17 2004, 05:39 AM
QUOTE (Voorhees) |
I like to think that mullets would have completely died out by 2060. |
Nope. Look at the Tir Tairngire book. It looks like the elves brought the mullet back into fashion, especially amongst the Princes.
Aug 17 2004, 05:53 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
Depends on what kind of biker gang in my opinion.
If it's street punks and rich kids, go rapier. If it's gotee's, mullets, and heavy metal bars go scorpion, and get some ground pounders put on. |
Ground Pounders???? (I'm already building a custom gun on my GM and leaning towards a custom bike now too; though it makes sense for the character. I'm just trying not to because no one in the group has "tons" of SR experience, I personally have only been in a few sessions, and the GM is new to the game despite his roleplaying background. He's playing catch-up and a fellow player/supporting GM is the one giving me the latitude in character direction. Anyway, a few modifications shouldn't be "that bad.") *On a side note, because of the room for twinking characters with all of the expansion books, the supporting GM said that the dragon book for his use would make the playing field level. Is it a worthwhile trade?
My character's gang/direction is more the heavy metal bars. BTW, you guys have all made very persuasive arguments about the type of bike a certain gang would use both ways. I really like the idea of nitrous tanks, which fits the "oh shit" category, without losing the sheer size and style of a larger bike. I'd already thought of getting an increased tank size for "the road." Though a localized gang, I see a lot of "highway travel" with these guys. I just couldn't decide between "cruisers" or "speedsters." Given their bar theme, I'm leaning towards cruisers.
Fresno Bob
Aug 17 2004, 07:15 AM
QUOTE (Young Freud) |
Nope. Look at the Tir Tairngire book. It looks like the elves brought the mullet back into fashion, especially amongst the Princes. |
Freakin' elves...
Aug 17 2004, 07:48 AM
Ground pounders are exausts that are turned down towards the ground. It's frigging loud and shakes the ground a practically a mile away
Aug 17 2004, 08:09 AM
Cool. So that's done mostly for flare?
Aug 17 2004, 09:14 AM
well looking at what you have all said. The Blitzen is expensive.
Personally I would go for the Scorpion if you are going ganger type.
Though you are playing a ganger it fits the profile.
Unless your gang also did some high speed runs like smuggling runs on open road. Then look at the Rapier if you really a go go ganger.
Aug 17 2004, 12:09 PM
If you're a go-ganger into speed and handling, the Aurora or Rapier predominate.
If you're a combat ganger or Hell's Angel sort, the Viking or Scorpion.
Aug 17 2004, 10:28 PM
Cool, yeah I'm thinking more combat than speed with these guys. As mentioned earlier, not a true ganger, but fitting the profile. Thanks for all the wonderful and fast responses!
Aug 18 2004, 01:11 AM
For combat, you really can't beat the BMW Blitzen. For a lone biker who occaisionally runs with a gang, the Blitzen's not a bad style choice, either.
(Anyone remember the shadowtalk about the Blitzen 205....2 (?) in the Rigger Black Book?)
Aug 18 2004, 05:32 PM
in RBB it came up in ShadowTalk that the Blitzen shakes heavily when running at high speed.
Well if you really have money to spend why not go for the coppers bikes? Harley Davidson something. In RBB at least it ran as fast as the Blitzen but DIDNT have the handling problem
Ol' Scratch
Aug 18 2004, 05:59 PM
The Blitzen has a great Handling score, and it can seat two unlike the Electroglide. It even has a superior autopilot. The Blitzen is also three times cheaper.
In fact, I have no idea why people are complaining about its price. At 26,300 nuyen, it's only a little more than twice the Honda Scorpion (13,000 nuyen) and a fraction more than the Honda Viking (20,000 nuyen). It's not outrageous at all, unlike the Electroglide (70,000 nuyen).
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