Aug 17 2004, 09:52 PM
Hi. Can you use Karma to buy an edge after character creation??
Is this possible??
I did not see any rules on this in the SR Companion rule book.
Zeel De Mort
Aug 17 2004, 09:57 PM
Not as far as I know. Unless there was anything about it in the 2nd ed book, and I don't think there was.
However p16 (of the 3rd ed SRComp) suggests that if a character is able to eliminate an existing flaw by whatever means then they should pay 10 x the cost of the flaw in karma to have it gone for good. So I guess you could use that (and roleplaying of course!) as a guideline for buying new edges. e.g. 20 points to buy a point of high pain tolerance or whatever.
Obviously some edges make much more sense to buy during gameplay than others...
Aug 17 2004, 10:50 PM
There is a section in SRComp suggesting ways for dealing with gaining/losing edges/flaws during gameplay. However, no actual rules are given beyond the suggestion that flaws during gameplay not be balanced with edges or skill points.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 17 2004, 11:20 PM
QUOTE (Zeel De Mort) |
Obviously some edges make much more sense to buy during gameplay than others... |
What? You don't want to hear the line, "Hey guys, I just remembered, I have photographic memory," in a game sessions?
Zeel De Mort
Aug 17 2004, 11:25 PM
I guess I could handle it. If it was my GM, speaking on my character's behalf..
Aug 17 2004, 11:30 PM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
QUOTE (Zeel De Mort @ Aug 17 2004, 04:57 PM) | Obviously some edges make much more sense to buy during gameplay than others... |
What? You don't want to hear the line, "Hey guys, I just remembered, I have photographic memory," in a game sessions?
No, but it's not unheard of to buy off a bad reputation, or uncouth, or by the same token to earn a good reputation or an aptitude in negotiation.
Rory Blackhand
Aug 18 2004, 12:26 AM
....Or discover a latent talent you never knew you had.
I don't see a problem with manipulating edges and flaws with karma.
Page 16 of the Sadowrun Companion says, "gamemasters may allow their players to add Edges and Flaws to their characters at any time during game play."
It is up to the gamemaster. I would say yes if you could came up with a reasonable explanation how it happened and paid the hefty cost in karma. If you decided to go by the same cost for buying off Flaws spending 40 points of karma to gain a -1 target number to your negotiation skill is a steep price to pay.
Aug 18 2004, 12:40 AM
Some edges certainly are learnable Ambidexterity for one (bye bye 80 karma) Friends In High Places for another. Of course many don't work, Vehicle Empathy (just raise your car skill), Magic Resistance (raise your willpower) and Double Jointed to name a few.
As for Photographic Memory, by using several memnonic technics I could see the possibility but in the end it would be cheaper to raise Int
Aug 18 2004, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (Rory Blackhand) |
If you decided to go by the same cost for buying off Flaws spending 40 points of karma to gain a -1 target number to your negotiation skill is a steep price to pay. |
That's a little too rich for my blood, lol. Anyway, everything mentioned so far sounds good but, speaking of Edge costs, a house rule we're considering is to make skill aptitude/competence costs 6 for Combat Skills. Does this sound unreasonable? Granted, house rules are "to each their own" but I was curious if anyone else felt it was or wasn't unreasonable at character creation (especially if you're willing to pay 10 times it later to add on).
Ol' Scratch
Aug 18 2004, 01:02 AM
We use it at cost in our games with absolutely no problem. But increasing the cost certainly won't break the game... just rip the player off a tad.
Aug 18 2004, 01:24 AM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
We use it at cost in our games with absolutely no problem. But increasing the cost certainly won't break the game... just rip the player off a tad. |
I even pay too much in the game world, what a gip! Lol.
Aug 18 2004, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (sidartha) |
Some edges certainly are learnable Ambidexterity for one (bye bye 80 karma) Friends In High Places for another. Of course many don't work, Vehicle Empathy (just raise your car skill), Magic Resistance (raise your willpower) and Double Jointed to name a few. As for Photographic Memory, by using several memnonic technics I could see the possibility but in the end it would be cheaper to raise Int |
Vehicle Empathy is categorically better than another level of Vehicle skill.
Aug 18 2004, 02:46 AM
True. But, my position is that you can't buy an innate ability like -1 to all vehicle tests so you should just raise the skill(s) in question and deal.
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