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Full Version: If there are otaku, where are the miggers
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One of my players recently got her character geeked and needs a new runner. She came up with a new concept after a quick perusal of some internet resources. During her research she came across the following spell - VCR emulation.

VCR Emulation

Now this is clearly a custom spell and not canon, but it raised an interesting question. If there are magical deckers (Otaku), where are the magical riggers? Every other aspect of magic in SR apears to come in pairs:-

Nature&Man spirits/Insect Spirits
Astral Plane/Matrix

If the VCR emulation is deemed a permissible spell how would it be implemented as an Adept ability? We have compared similar items in terms of game balance cost, these were Increased Reflexes and VCR cyberware, both of which have the same essence cost to install. So if we took the same powerpoint cost for Increased Reflexes and used it for the new power VCR Emulation it would cost

2.00 - Level 1 emulation
3.00 - Level 2 emulation
5.00 - Level 3 emulation

As to the general rules concerning this new type of adept, we were thinking of initial play-testing using the Adept of the Magician's Way archetype switching the Magic Point power for VCR emulation power.

Do any of you have some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM, better ideas or just a decent name? Migger (Magical Rigger) is starting to get on my tits.
I'd pick a different term to call it, first off.

But, assuming that Otaku are magical beings of any sort is quite a stretch, so I'm not sure the basis for the idea is even there.

Seeing how, by canon, things like the matrix and technology in general do not mesh well with magic, my feeling is that this kind of thing shouldn't be allowed.

If you want to be a rigger, play one. If you want magic, play a magician. If you want to be able to use magic, and drive well, be an adept with some power points dropped into improved skills.
The interest we have in it is how the concept is trying to make magic and technology meet in the middle. Yes, tech and magic don't integrate, but this proposition doesn't either. It is using magic to alter the body to connect to tech.

From memory (I don't have Otaku rules to hand), otaku have to spend a priority pick on magic ability (although no non-matrix effects) and in IC they undergo "Deep Resonance" that is akin to meeting a totem.

Finally almost all adept powers have a cyber counterpart, why not push it a bit further? After all an adept's powers are based on their affinity with a type of behaviour pattern, why do all rev-heads have to be mundane?
Demonseed Elite
Don't go so far as to conclude otaku are magical. The investment, point-wise, in making an otaku has more to do with mechanical balance than with magical ability. Otaku are "supernatural", in that they are above the norm, but they aren't necessarily magical. And while technoshaman otaku certainly see the Deep Resonance experience as being much like meeting a totem, cyberadept otaku do not.

The mystery of exactly what makes someone an otaku is likely not going to be answered anytime soon.
Otaku are "supernatural", in that they are above the norm, but they aren't necessarily magical. And while technoshaman otaku certainly see the Deep Resonance experience as being much like meeting a totem, cyberadept otaku do not.

Hermatics don't see totems either, but I think the comparison still stands. If we drop all the additional fluff and get down to the core issue.

SR is nicely balanced in that almost every activity can be performed by both awakened and mundane alike, using mana or cyber. Just like cyber interfacing is split into Mind (Deckers) and Body (Riggers), magic is internal/external, mind/body, mage/adept.

If, in outlook on how they do their thing

Hermetics/Shamans = Otaku

then maybe

Adepts = Magical Riggers

Another approach could be that Magical Riggers can only use adept powers that directly mimic cybernetic enhancement (inc. Reflexes etc) and allow skill increasing powers to include the B/R skills. These guys are serious mech-geeks who love their toys and when they talk to them, they listen.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
And while technoshaman otaku certainly see the Deep Resonance experience as being much like meeting a totem, cyberadept otaku do not.

Just like Hermetics don't see their magic coming from totems either.

Otaku are extremely analogous to magical characters.

Deep Resonance = Awakening
Cyberadepts = Hermetics
Technoshaman = Shamans
Living Persona = Astral Form
Sprites = Spirits
Submersion = Initiation
Echoes = Metamagic
Complex Forms = Spells
5 Channels = 5 Categories of Spells
Fading has simularities to Burning Out, but is not truely analogous

Add to the fact that there is no such thing as a Mage Otaku...

While we can not for certain say they are magical, I believe there is a very strong case utilizing inductive logic.
Demonseed Elite
But despite the analogous terms in the rule books, just as strong an argument can be made as to why otaku are not magical, because they don't display any evidence of being magical in the SR world.

In essence, there are those who think they are, and those who think they are not, and I doubt you're going to see a clear-cut answer either way.
My feeling is, that if some kind of magic/tech integration was going to happen to make magical riggers, it would involve advanced magics, similiar to the rituals used for cybermancy. A way to use magic to force the body, or at least the brain, into a more "vehicle-like" state.
But despite the analogous terms in the rule books, just as strong an argument can be made as to why otaku are not magical, because they don't display any evidence of being magical in the SR world.

Am I correct in thinking that in the creation rules Otaku are expressly forbidden from having any awakened abilities? The only other runners this line of thinking applies to is awakened characters who can only have one style of magic. Otaku interface to the matrix in a "magical" way, ie no cyberdeck. So their "magic" only works in mind and matrix.

On another note

Perhaps I've wedded you too closely to the idea that a migger would just be a form of adept. How would you implement a otaku-type character who connected to machinery instead of computers, instead of inherent "supernatural" abilities replacing a cyberdeck, they replace the VCR. And were Decker=Otaku=Magician-like, surely Rigger=Migger=Adept-like, where meta-magic/echoes relate to addtional VCR add-ons.
Not so magical when you recall the Program Carriers of SR1. They allowed Matrix access with just a datajack. Wasn't magical either.
I once made a custom adept power for a "mental adept" path called Vahicle Rapport:

Veichle Rapport

Cost: 1
Description: The adept has an innate ability to operate vehichles and his/her driving/piloting ability rivals that of many riggers.
Effects: Each level provides +1 to reaction and +1 to initiative while driving a vehichle, and each level beyond one costs double the preceding. The adept with this power has a control pool equal to half his/her magic plus the level of Vehicle Rapport. The adept must be physically driving the vehichle for this bonus to apply. The bonuses provided by Vehichle Rapport do not stack with any other reaction enhancements, including those from a VCR. Any vehichle test modifier that uses the rating of a VCR also uses the level of Vehichle Rapport, and adepts with Vehichle Rapport get a +1 bonus to their manuver score per level. In addition, each level of Vehichle Rapport adds one to a "Rapport Tally," which refreshes as the karma pool does. Rapport Tally points can be used to re-roll the results of a stress test at a rate of one point per re-roll, or it can lower the TN for a stress test, at a rate of -1 for every two points, to a minimum of 2.
QUOTE (Bigity)
Not so magical when you recall the Program Carriers of SR1. They allowed Matrix access with just a datajack. Wasn't magical either.

A program carrier still requires a MPCP, it does not use a living persona. The MPCP program ratings are also directly limited by BODY, INT, etc.

Otaku and program carriers are as similar as my laptop is to a cyberdeck.

My feeling is, that if some kind of magic/tech integration was going to happen to make magical riggers, it would involve advanced magics, similiar to the rituals used for cybermancy. A way to use magic to force the body, or at least the brain, into a more "vehicle-like" state.

And just how much does it cost a seriously nerdy child who develops into a Otaku to directly interface with the matrix? They can independently connect their naked brain to an entirely different reality made up from billions of individual parts, but need little more than a datajack.

Why would you need cybermancy to "feel" a machine made from thousands of parts that are assembled in a similar manner to a body and are attached to you through a device that is specifically designed to generate human nerve impulses?
Nice idea there GunnerJ, but that is just a good driver power with lots of additional sub-clauses not a rigger substitute.
Herald of Verjigorm
An AI can make an otaku out of any random metahuman. By all accounts, totems find magically able humans to greet (or the human calls to the totem, but something like that).

Deus had plenty of magically active banded to study magic. There is no evidence that it managed to create a single mage where magic did not previously exist. This indicates that magic is significantly unlike the neurological re-write that creates otaku.

Otaku can SURGE and gain simple magical ability. This SURGE is explicitly forbidden to already magical characters. I don't remember what happens when an AI overwrites a mage into an otaku.

As for the magical appearance of otaku, 99% of humans are non-magical (higher among deckers). Humans often fear what is beyond them, so 99% of humans are likely to fear magic. If you wanted to make an army in a setting where you can define the appearance of reality, you would get added benefit by making them appear to be magical to the scared mundane outsiders (deckers).
Demonseed Elite
Am I correct in thinking that in the creation rules Otaku are expressly forbidden from having any awakened abilities?

You are correct, but it is never said why. I helped write, or wrote, many of the otaku rules, and I know I always left it intentionally ambiguous. cool.gif

Otaku should seem magical, while never actually being explicitly said they are magical. This is deliberate, to show where the line blurs and how it is possible that science that isn't totally understood can seem as magical as magic is in the Sixth World.

Are otaku magical? Maybe, maybe not. wink.gif

Back to the original question, it is possible that there could exist an otaku-variant that revolved around rigging instead of decking. The main problem with it would be that rigging is much more hardware-intensive than decking, so many of the things otaku excel at by living in a purely software world, wouldn't extend to an otaku-rigger, which is still very dependent on the vehicle/drone it is controlling, which exists in a physical world.

EDIT: Herald brings up a point about some of the SURGE abilities, which otaku can get, but Awakened characters can not. Also consider that otaku have same decreased change of SURGE affliction that Albinos do, and there's nothing magical about albinos. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Botch)
Am I correct in thinking that in the creation rules Otaku are expressly forbidden from having any awakened abilities?

Otaku may not spend any build points on magic abilities, there is however one little "bug" in the rules: As unlikely as it may be: an Otaku-Character can SURGE and receive both the dual-natured flaw (inherent magical trait) and / or the astral perception trait (limited but actually magical activity)
Personally I don't think it is a good idea to create a magical rigger (or at least an obvious magical rigger) at this point because it doesn't seem that technology has advanced far for a good fusion between magical and technology.

It would probably be easier to use the otaku as a base to create a new kind of rigger. Look at the otaku as see the how they are like deckers and different, they use that as a template to create this new type of rigger. While I don't like the idea of a magical rigger I do think that the idea of a otaku version of a rigger is interesting provided it has an equally interesting story of its existence.

Either way the name should change. Perhaps name it puppet master or something similar, but translate it into a different language (german perhaps, why I don't know).
Ancient History
FOr those adepts who want to be riggers, I suggest forgoing the invasive VCR surgery and instead investing in a rigger protocol emulation module and a high-rating rigger control emulation utility, in a stripped-down bare-bones deck. Much cheaper and almost as efficient.

As for otaku, it is a given that mechanics-wise they are at least a parallel development to magicians, but that's as far as you can logically go.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
Back to the original question, it is possible that there could exist an otaku-variant that revolved around rigging instead of decking. The main problem with it would be that rigging is much more hardware-intensive than decking, so many of the things otaku excel at by living in a purely software world, wouldn't extend to an otaku-rigger, which is still very dependent on the vehicle/drone it is controlling, which exists in a physical world.

I'm at a loss as to how rigging is much more hardware intensive than decking. Admittedly the essense cost for a VCR is massive, but where is the rest hardware?

Given that things such a RCD would still be needed to communicate with remote devices, surely the remainder of the hardware aspect comprises of a VCR to interface with the simsense signal generated by the rigger adaption fitted to the machinery. Doesn't this mean that they would be interfacing with a "software world" as well, but with most of the I/O done through the limbic system?

Autonav systems are described as adding their rating to your skill tasks as they include basic crash avoidance. Doesn't this mean that a riggers connection is more like start walking, sprint, dive left, turn head and point at target? Obvious the senses used are virtual, but so are the Otaku's and really, any cyber-sense that is not naturally posessed. So controlling a vehicle would be similar to posessing a new body. Moving around in physical world is something human have been practising for millions of years.
Demonseed Elite
Admittedly the essense cost for a VCR is massive, but where is the rest hardware?

The remote devices the rigger is controlling. The vehicles, drones, security systems, etc. That's all hardware.

When an otaku is in the Matrix, it's all software, pretty much. Granted, actions like controlling slaves from the Matrix then touches into external hardware, but for a rigger they are all about that external hardware. Without a slave unit of some sort to control, whether it's a drone, vehicle, or security system, what is a rigger?
QUOTE (prettz)
Personally I don't think it is a good idea to create a magical rigger (or at least an obvious magical rigger) at this point because it doesn't seem that technology has advanced far for a good fusion between magical and technology.

With the level of cyberware and common connections to machine and building I reckon its on the cusp. I've always seen cybermancy as a welding torch in terms of joining magic and tech, we're looking more for a needle and thread approach. As to obvious, we want any "magical" affects to be unseen, hence tackling it from an adept point of view. The "magical" effects are going to be limited to nervous system/senses emulating machine parameters only, much like the Otaku.

It would probably be easier to use the otaku as a base to create a new kind of rigger. Look at the otaku as see the how they are like deckers and different, they use that as a template to create this new type of rigger. While I don't like the idea of a magical rigger I do think that the idea of a otaku version of a rigger is interesting provided it has an equally interesting story of its existence.

I wish I could, but I've always been a bit flumoxed by Otakus. If anybody has a nice suggestion for the rules, great, otherwise I think i'll have to jam it into the adept rules.
QUOTE (Botch)
Am I correct in thinking that in the creation rules Otaku are expressly forbidden from having any awakened abilities? The only other runners this line of thinking applies to is awakened characters who can only have one style of magic. Otaku interface to the matrix in a "magical" way, ie no cyberdeck. So their "magic" only works in mind and matrix.

But their point cost is listed under the Race category. Hence, they are not magical, but a different race (or as much of a different race as a Ghoul or Shapeshifter is).

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Aug 26 2004, 07:02 PM)
When an otaku is in the Matrix, it's all software, pretty much.  Granted, actions like controlling slaves from the Matrix then touches into external hardware, but for a rigger they are all about that external hardware.  Without a slave unit of some sort to control, whether it's a drone, vehicle, or security system, what is a rigger?

Am I missing the point?

Deckers, Otaku, Riggers all live in the same world. Simulated reality, it just that a riggers simulation is very realistic.

The matrix is entirely made out of hardware, there is nothing that isn't hardware; it just has a software interface. Every effect produced in the matrix is ultimately generated by hardware.

The information feeds being presented to an Otaku and a rigger are the same surely, a simsense feed. As to what the sybolism actually relates to, surely it would harder to re-code a program symbolically than send a command at the speed of thought to increase the fuel feed to the engine by 50%.

Without matrix hardware to connect to, what is an Otaku?
When something in one's mind snaps, and one decides that Otaku are some form of paranormal expression, rather than the result of an ASIST-driven re-encoding of human neural pathways and neurochemistry, does one immediately learn to disregard the fact that Otaku abilities are in no way impacted by the character's Essence and Bio Index ratings, and, in fact, it is very beneficial for Otaku to invest in augmentations, both to boost their mental attributes/hacking pool, and to compensate for their overall poor physical attributes?

I mean, seriously, no matter what type of magic you're practicing, or if you're a paranormal animal, Essence correlates very directly with degree of(at least initial) magic rating, potency of paranormal powers, number of power points, astral survival time, etc, etc...

Given that, I don't see how Otaku can be perceived as being a magical expression, and feel the need to interject the aforementioned every time someone suggests they are magical.
Demonseed Elite
Am I missing the point?

Deckers, Otaku, Riggers all live in the same world. Simulated reality, it just that a riggers simulation is very realistic.

The matrix is entirely made out of hardware, there is nothing that isn't hardware; it just has a software interface. Every effect produced in the matrix is ultimately generated by hardware.

The information feeds being presented to an Otaku and a rigger are the same surely, a simsense feed. As to what the sybolism actually relates to, surely it would harder to re-code a program symbolically than send a command at the speed of thought to increase the fuel feed to the engine by 50%.

Exactly about the fuel feed to the engine. An otaku can reprogram things entirely in the Matrix, but a rigger, at some point, has to deal with something in the real world. A car, a drone, a security system, it's something that has its own attributes not connected to the virtual ASIST connection. How fast a car goes is based on the engine in it, not how fast the ASIST connection is.

VCRs have a lot less effect on a rigger's overall performance than the cyberdeck has on a decker's. There are many other factors to a rigger, like the stats of the vehicle, drone, or CCSS system. Those stats (speed, armor, weaponry, etc.) are going to be the same regardless if a normal rigger or some kind of otaku rigger were controlling it.
"With the level of cyberware and common connections to machine and building I reckon its on the cusp. I've always seen cybermancy as a welding torch in terms of joining magic and tech, we're looking more for a needle and thread approach. As to obvious, we want any "magical" affects to be unseen, hence tackling it from an adept point of view. The "magical" effects are going to be limited to nervous system/senses emulating machine parameters only, much like the Otaku."

Perhaps it is my relative newbie-ism talking here, but an item like the VCR seems to advanced to emualte by magic (at this point in metahuman understanding) and espically to advance for a combination of magic and technology. That is point in the SR world (to me) it seems that magic and tech aren't meshing well, they only combine when someone slams them together like two trains.

Perhaps if the metahumans knowledge of magic increases then it might work, but your talking about replacing a system that taps into the brain and uses it to do millions of calculations without the user even knowing they are being done, and that is just a fraction of what a VCR does.

The main problem here is even if it does exist the 'migger' is still going to be subpar to a true rigger, who can input various implants to boost his overal ability (I don't member all the add-ons, but their in M&M). Finally the guy is going to need a implant, if the otaku need it these guys will to (I can't member what it is) which takes away from their Awakened status.
We picked "Magical Rigger" because we want to do it without VCR in a magic-like way. This is mainly because it different and rigging as an area that has traditionaly been underdeveloped.

I think we are now at the point where "magical" is used to been an inexplicable phenomia that does not have a mundane scientific explanation and not a direct correlation to the ability to manipulate mana flows.

As a thought, before I start work. What exactly are mana, magic and the planes. If totems and spirits are a reflection of reality mixed with belief existing in a metaphysical realm that is not entirely divorced from humanity perfception of reality, who is to say what is possible.

Various canon materials have made a few points.

Totems allow shamanic people to alter reality (cast magic)
AI can create people who can alter reality by mindpower alone (Otaku)
Voodoun exists along with Loa, etc. (Recent human belief affecting the planes)
Any sufficiently strong beliefs held by a sentient being can and will produce "magical" effects (Otaku, Voodoun, Christian Magic, etc)
Insect spirits are really very alien in their thinking and dissimilar to all other spirits
The Shedim
All awakened flora and forna manipulate mana
SOTA computing has never before existed in a rising mana field
Cybermancy exists

Why not a Ghost-in-the-Machine/Mater Mundi being (who isn't an AI) who's summonings are gremlins and the creatures it can commune with are machines?

QUOTE (Botch)
Totems allow shamanic people to alter reality (cast magic)

No guarantee of this. Other than the Insect totems and Spider, there's nothing proving that totems aren't just figments of the imagination.

Demonseed Elite
Why not a Ghost-in-the-Machine/Mater Mundi being (who isn't an AI) who's summonings are gremlins and the creatures it can commune with are machines?

Mainly just because the rules/canon don't support it. That said, there's no reason you can't do it in your own game. It's just hard to find a launching-off point from the canon, because there really is nothing in that area.

As far as rigger/otaku, I could hypothetically think of an otaku-type that was "different" from normal people in that its neural impulses were more adept at reacting to "remote senses" as opposed to its own body. This seriously strange individual could use just a datajack (or wireless connection) to "rig" vehicles, drones, etc. and would not suffer the usual penalties for doing so, and in fact could get the reaction and initiative bonuses normally associated to riggers with VCRs. However, there isn't much they could boost with their abilities, that I can think of, except those reaction and initiative bonuses. There just isn't much in the way of customizing rigging, except for the vehicles themselves. Which would use the same customizing rules that riggers use.

Such a thing doesn't really exist in canon right now, but I suppose it's possible along the same lines otaku are. They'd be really odd though, because while otaku have bizarre higher brain functions as a result or cause of their special decking abilities, rigging is purely lower brain. I'd imagine this would make these rigger-otaku extremely instinctual, almost animalistic, and possibly aggressive. There'd also be more risk involved; just like otaku are more vulnerable to attacks in the Matrix because of their personal connection to it, these would be more vulnerable to damage on their things they control, because of their close personal connection to it. If a drone they control is destroyed, it could even be fatal.

Interestingly enough, in a Shadowrun conspiratorial sense, these types of experiments might work better with subjects that already possess more powerful lower-brain functions than humans, like predatory animals...
QUOTE (Botch)
Nice idea there GunnerJ, but that is just a good driver power with lots of additional sub-clauses not a rigger substitute.

Well, I never intended it to be a substitute.
Ancient History
Nobody liked my idea, eh? Works for otaku too!
This is what I came up with as a starting point, but I don't know how it will work or if it will even work but here's it is.

Allocating Attributes

Allocating Skills
As driving is the basic form of travel it is the primary skill the character will learn. As a result they must start with a Car skill no less than 6.

Similar to the Otaku’s channels these special skills act as some of the riggers implants and abilities.

This skill works by allowing the being to naturally encrypt their signals to the various drones. Note that the characters encryption skill only applies in encrypting the signals that go form the character to the drone and nothing else.

This skill works by allowing the being to decrypt various encrypted signals that are used by riggers. To use this skill the character must physically plug into the system to use the decryption skill.

However these beings are created they somehow are able to create an echo of what a rigger can actually do. These echoes emulate the various things that the VCR and other implants that riggers use to show their rigging abilities.

Response: (Intelligence + Willpower)/2 + (Intelligence/2) D6
Control Pool: Reaction + Willpower
Drone Control: (Intelligence) x 1.5
ECCM: (Charisma) x1.5
Flux: (Willpower)

ASSIST Converter
Like the Otaku these beings require an ASSIST Converter to translate data to and from their datajack. It is in the (Man and Machine pg. 19)

The only cyberware they need is a datajack and an internal radio. The datajack uses the ASSIST Converter to translate the data of ‘rigging’ and radio is used to communicate with the various drones. Note that the being cannot control more drones than he has channels of radio devoted to their drones, or to their Drone Control ability, whichever is lower.

I don’t see the need for it or the desire.

Your groupings are flawed the way I see things.

More realistically you have.

Direct combat, achievable by chrome or adept powers less well with spells
Stealth, by tech or magic.
Matrix action, your choice of Decker (tech) or Otaku (they often see themselves as magical)
Distributed control combat, rigger or conjurer

Spirits (or elementals) are the magical counterparts to a riggers drones.

While there would be nothing unbalancing about the idea if done correctly. It is not necessary to maintain the fact that any broad category of effect can be achieved by both science and magic.

If you where going to do it look at how the Otaku has special attributes that mimic every aspect of a deck and skills that are the equivalent of programs. Now for your rigger/Otaku create special attributes that mimic every aspect of VCR and a remote control deck (they will still need driving skills) the difficult question is how the drone will reseve the signal. Unless it is modified it needs to pick up radio waves to reseve commands. Will the rigger/Otaku’s braqin emit these radio waves directly or will he need to plug into some for of transmitter.

Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
Such a thing doesn't really exist in canon right now, but I suppose it's possible along the same lines otaku are. They'd be really odd though, because while otaku have bizarre higher brain functions as a result or cause of their special decking abilities, rigging is purely lower brain. I'd imagine this would make these rigger-otaku extremely instinctual, almost animalistic, and possibly aggressive. There'd also be more risk involved; just like otaku are more vulnerable to attacks in the Matrix because of their personal connection to it, these would be more vulnerable to damage on their things they control, because of their close personal connection to it. If a drone they control is destroyed, it could even be fatal.

That is the most logical reason yet (well, logical and non-incendiary) why such a concept is simply absurd.
Ancient History
Why do people not listen to me? All an otaku needs is a Rigger Emulation Module and a Complex Form of a Remote Control EMulation Utility! It's canon! Legal! Makes sense! Well, at least as much sense as otaku. It's cheap! Get a cyberarm, you can install the emulation module, signal booster, remote control deck and a fingertip datajack with ASIST converter.
Herald of Verjigorm
No one listens because your answer is too easy. They want new rules, new ways to munch, and new reasons to make blind quadrapalegics!
Ancient History
Herald of Verjigorm
However, I will try the psuedo-rigging otaku next time I want to play a vehicle minded character. It should be more fun than the conjuring adept horse shaman who uses spirits to move his empty chassis of a car.
Well at that the eco-terrorists would love that alternate way of travel, but honestly a flying spirit would probably be better than a mere horse spirit.

Edit: bad grammar
i've been using the Rigger Emu Module / Remote Control complex form combo for years. well, a year. it works great.
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