Cynic project
Sep 14 2004, 08:36 PM
Now,i have read most of the posts,and i have to say..Cry me a river,already. Adepts are going to get mad powers in a book soon,and frankly already have them now.I mean I could make a street sam that could mop the floor with most adept in hand to hand, but that is not the point. You are playing a character type that blends in with most crowds.Yes youa re magical, but you didn't choice to be magically active so it is unlikely you will be stoped at the air port. Street sams will be.
Adepts have to much power as it is,and frankly if you are losing in hand to hand combat with a punk troll with a character who is built for hand to hand, you are doing soemthing wrong, or are unlucky. As 18 dice of hand to 5-7 m at tn 5, will hurt even hard core trolls.
Sep 14 2004, 09:09 PM
adepts are too powerful, but a street same can mop the floor with them, but none of that is the point. uh, what is the point?
mattness pl
Jan 2 2005, 04:26 AM
In Kult RPG I created character similiar to Srunish PhysAd.
He didn't use firearms, but had Ki-Punch power (or something like this. It was years ago. I don't remember the name of that ADVANTAGE).
That Ki Punch had 10 meters reach (like normal melee attack, without penalties). But If I remember corectly it was costs me many very much
Jan 2 2005, 08:12 AM
A simple combat maneuver can negate an opponent's reach, but a power that increases reach is a very, very bad idea, balance-wise. Melee combat typically doesn't have nearly as many modifiers as ranged combat, so things like reach become extremely important. Adepts already have the advantage over mundanes in number of dice - giving them lower TNs on top of that would really disrupt game balance. There are already many ways to make a human adept who can beat a troll street punk into bloody paste.
Jan 2 2005, 04:06 PM
Actually, for those of us who look at online resources, there is an ability called "Spider Walk" that lets you do just that. For the low price of 1 point you can walk on walls, celings, and trees.
However, there are numerous restrictions to prevent overuse by munchkins. First, a character must remain moving at all times. This means no sniping, and penalties to ranged weapon use. Secondly, you recieve a -4 penalty to all attacks and many active skills; this reflects the fact that your center of gravity is really messed up and you have the bulk of your mass hanging about in space. These downsides make this power pretty much useful only for purposes of movement, and when combined with Traceless Path, a PhysAd can evade almost any alarm system known to man, as well as gain some really big surprise modifiers.
You may now point out all the problems with this power.
Jan 2 2005, 04:10 PM
(For those Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fans out there who play PhysAds:)
Actually, for those of us who look at online resources, there is an ability called "Spider Walk" that lets you do just that. For the low price of 1 point you can walk on walls, ceilings, and trees.
However, there are numerous restrictions to prevent overuse by munchkins. First, a character must remain moving at all times. This means no sniping, and penalties to ranged weapon use. Secondly, you receive a -4 penalty to all attacks and many active skills; this reflects the fact that your center of gravity is really messed up and you have the bulk of your mass hanging about in space. These downsides make this power pretty much useful only for purposes of movement, and when combined with Traceless Path, a PhysAd can evade almost any alarm system known to man, as well as gain some really big surprise modifiers.
You may now point out all the problems with this power.
and for those of use with SOTA:64, there's the Wallrunning power. more limited than the above power, but with a cooler name!
Feb 2 2005, 02:50 PM
One way that reach could be more powerful than distance strike:
Adept is rolling 18 dice for combat (for whatever reason; pool, powers, etc)
Is fighting a cyberzombie with weak melee skills but is very difficult to damage. Let's give him 6 dice for his melee.
With distance strike the adept can expect 9 successes, unopposed. Zombie rolls heap-o-dice and resists damage.
With a +2 reach, the adept could give himself TN2 and expect 15 successes, opposed by 3 successes, so he nets 12. Zombie rolls heap-o-dice and simply can't match the overwhelming number of successes and gets hurt.
So I don't feel that distance strike is 100% pure superiority relative to reach. But it's close.
Feb 2 2005, 02:59 PM
I had a player ask about using the MA rules (which I disallowed, they bite IMO) but since his goal was to overcome issues of risk, I allowed a new adept power
Negate Reach: .5 per level, max 3 levels.
For each level of this power, the adept may negate the effects of his opponents reach ona one for one basis. This power cannot be used to gain advantage in reach, only return it to middle-ground.
So basically, Human phys-ad #1 with 3 levels of this power squares off against mr troll ganger with a length of chain #1. Normally the troll would have a reach of 3 total and could either reduce his own TN or increase that of his opponent. What he doesn't know is the human can negate the reach and they roll on equal lfooting instead. Against someone with no reach, the power has no effect as you are already on equal footing.
Feb 2 2005, 03:01 PM
Chain with reach 1 + troll(also 1 reach) = 2 reach not 3.
Feb 2 2005, 03:13 PM
Chain #1 was 2m long? Chain #2 was 1m long. Go figure, a troll numbered them.
Feb 2 2005, 03:17 PM
thought chain was +2 reach, I know the monowhip is
Feb 2 2005, 03:26 PM
I thought the #1 meant 1 meter. I've never encountered chains that often.
Feb 2 2005, 03:28 PM
no, I was originally going to have multiple examples, but changed my mind mid-post. sorry about the confuzzling
the way i handle that is, i have an adept power that allows you to combine two already-known melee maneuvers, chosen at the time you take the power, so that they can be used simultaneously. that way, you can use close combat and whatever other maneuver makes you happy (whirling's a good one).
I think 1.5 or 2 pp is a good cost for 1 point of reach. Maybe 1.5 if is only works for unarmed combat and 2 if it works for armed. 0.5 to negate one point of an opponants reach advantage when they have one (ie this only helps against an opponant with superior reach).
An easy way to prevent people from getting ludicrous reach is to just limit it to +1.
Feb 2 2005, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
the way i handle that is, i have an adept power that allows you to combine two already-known melee maneuvers, chosen at the time you take the power, so that they can be used simultaneously. that way, you can use close combat and whatever other maneuver makes you happy (whirling's a good one). |
What's the P.P. cost?
0.5, "Advanced Technique". the maneuvers have to be from the same MA, and you have to already know 'em both.
James McMurray
Feb 2 2005, 11:26 PM
I would never allow an adept power to grant reach, but might allow one to negate it @ .5pp per point of reach negated.
But we also don't use the MA rules in CC. I htought about using them but its all just bonuses with penalties that rarely com into play. i.e. your mage never cares if he can hit someone in unarmed combat, so he just gets aikido with close combat, whirling, and evasion. Or your adept has enough dice that he is rarely going to get hit back so he takes Arnis de Mano for close combat, kick attack, and multi-strike.
Those are just quick examples. I'm sure that given more time I could find cheesier exploits.
Feb 2 2005, 11:52 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
0.5, "Advanced Technique". the maneuvers have to be from the same MA, and you have to already know 'em both. |
So the only advantage is that you can use them both at the same time?
Crimsondude 2.0
Feb 3 2005, 12:23 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Feb 3 2005, 10:15 AM) | 0.5, "Advanced Technique". the maneuvers have to be from the same MA, and you have to already know 'em both. |
So the only advantage is that you can use them both at the same time?
Which is a pretty significant advantage when you combine some moves, such as mfb's example of CC and Whirling. Or even better is Herding and Zoning and Whirling or CC.
or whirling and multi-strike, another of my favorites.
Feb 3 2005, 12:30 AM
I didn't dispute that. I just thought when mfb first mentioned the Power that it actually gave you the Maneuvers (as well as letting you combine them).
Crimsondude 2.0
Feb 3 2005, 12:31 AM
Ah, right. That's what I was thinking of for an example.
CC and MS...
Fortune: Ah, no. Still have to buy the moves separately. But it'd definitely worth it.
That and Weapon Mastery.
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