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Pretend you have a street sam with the following stats and skills:


B: 6(10)
Q: 6
S: 6
C: 3
I: 6
W: 8
R: 6(10)
E: .30
I: 1d6(3d6)

Combat Pool: 10


Assault Rifles: 6
Pistols: 6
Throwing(Grenades): 2(4)
Unarmed Combat(Brawling): 4(6)
Launch Weapons: 2
Athletics: 4
Stealth: 4
Etiquette(Street): 2(4)
Biotech (First Aid) 1(3)
Computer: 1
Electronics: 3
Electronics B/R: 5


Arms Dealers: 5
Fences: 4
Chicago Area: 6
Police Procedures: 4
Security Procedures: 5
Shadowrunner Haunts: 6

English: 6
German: 3

...and you have 23 Karma to spend. How would you do it?

The only restriction are: No uses contingent on getting a specific piece of cyberware or equipment, or assumptions about the local fauna based on his area knowledge skill... wink.gif
Well, one or more of us should pick up Russian at some point… any idea if you get the free R/W skill points after chargen, or if that's just a chargen bonus?

Launch Weapons: 4 (10)
Stealth: 5 (7)
Biotech: 2(3)
First Aid: 4 (2)

That leaves you 1 Good Karma for something else, assuming my math is right. Stealth is always good. Improving First Aid a smidge is also helpful for anyone in combat. And, I assume you have an assault rifle with a grenade launcher, and, well, without speculating on fauna, let us just say, it can't hurt to fight at as long a range as possible smile.gif
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Well, one or more of us should pick up Russian at some point… any idea if you get the free R/W skill points after chargen, or if that's just a chargen bonus?


Never seen anything canon, but if you are literate, then picking up a language usually entails also learning to at least read it (and thus write it).
Unless you're not going to improve biotech or first aid, I'd say don't improve the specialization and just let it get rolled into the base skill when you raise it. Improving both at the same time is inefficient.

Launch Weapons 2 is kinda low to be of any use - since you have Assault Rifle, you might consider specializing in Grenade Launchers.

It looks like the critter has a military background, so:

B/R assault rifle
Knowledge: Military Tactics

I don't think Car will be necessary in the short term smile.gif

Though we might get one soon, if we can scrounge the cash.

Luke Hardison
QUOTE (mmu1)
Unarmed Combat(Brawling): 4(6)

What is that supposed to be? Are there situations where you can't use a Brawling specialization when fighting? Did you pull a fast one on your GM? IMO, you should have to fix that up first.
Nah - "Brawling" is a martial art style from CC.

Brawling: +2 dice after a football match, -3 dice if not drunk.

Eyeless Blond
(+2 dice only if skill user's team wins)
QUOTE (lokugh)
Launch Weapons: 4 (10)
That's not legal, a specialization can *never* be more than double the base skill.
Basher, he's saying thats how much it costs to raise the skill to that level....
I'm tired, go away biggrin.gif

Er.. I knew that! yeah! spin.gif
Well, martial arts aren't specializations of unarmed combat...

QUOTE (JaronK @ Sep 20 2004, 01:17 AM)
Well, martial arts aren't specializations of unarmed combat...


According to the BBB (p.86, skills) they are. The rules in CC are kind of optional und you can leave them out just fine.

I forgot: Of course its arguable that Brawling is a martial art in the sense of the BBB, since it doesn´t come, as Luke Hardison already pointed out, with much of a disadvantage.
Excuse me but what is the drawback of specializing in this "brawling" skill? Seems like a smart trick as someone said...
You can't use it in a sanctioned martial arts tournament.
We're using the basic rules for unarmed combat (which still let you specialize "by martial arts style", last time I checked) and I just grabbed a style name from the CC that sounded right.

Frankly, the whole "what is the disadvantage there" question is just bullshit anyway... I could have put down "Karate", and what disadvantages would that have that I'd care about? I'm a gun guy, as long as it gives me 6 dice for punching people with a shock glove, I don't give a damn. The basic rules for unarmed specialization are what they are, and it's up to the GM to figure out what penalties he's going to assign to it, so spare me the righteous anger, and piss off if you don't have anything useful to say.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who hasn't been trying to steer this off-topic.
QUOTE (Siege)
Launch Weapons 2 is kinda low to be of any use - since you have Assault Rifle, you might consider specializing in Grenade Launchers.

It looks like the critter has a military background, so:

B/R assault rifle
Knowledge: Military Tactics


Launch Weapons is something I picked up after chargen, so yeah, it's probably going to go up - not necessarily by that much, I just picked it up because we suddenly happened to have a crate of ATGMs lying around...

For grenade launchers, do you mean stand-alone ones, or are you saying you can specialize in Assault Rifle (Underbarrel Launcher)? Either way, the rules for attached grenade launchers make defaulting to Assault Rifle pretty easy, especially with Smartlink II and a rangefinder, so I'm not sure whether I need it.

Car is one of those skills I wanted to have (like Computers) because it makes no sense for a character not to, but there were just no damn points for it... And we have a rigger, so having Car: 3 seemed the definition of superfluous.
Keep it in mind, though, because having an extra vehicle could (as mentioned) be extremely useful once we get the cash.

You have a datajack, right?

QUOTE (lokugh)
Launch Weapons: 4 (10)
Stealth: 5 (7)
Biotech: 2(3)
First Aid: 4 (2)

That leaves you 1 Good Karma for something else, assuming my math is right. Stealth is always good. Improving First Aid a smidge is also helpful for anyone in combat. And, I assume you have an assault rifle with a grenade launcher, and, well, without speculating on fauna, let us just say, it can't hurt to fight at as long a range as possible smile.gif

I agree with what has been said here. But it depends on what skills you where lacking in the last run on what you need to improve.
I refuse to work out the costs but here are my suggestions.

Improve Biotech, Etiquette, Stealth, and the combat skill you use most frequently. Pick up either intimidation, interrogation, or negotiation. Pick up a hobby knowledge skill. Just generally round out your sammie.

All work and no play makes Sam an antisocial fragger.
Ettiquette, no question. And Negotiations while you're at it. Seriously, think about it. Do you want to rely on your group's Face all the time? Your contacts know you, not your group's Face. Increasing your ettiqutte does you a lot of material good, if nothing else.
I refuse to work out the costs but here are my suggestions.

Improve Biotech, Etiquette, Stealth, and the combat skill you use most frequently. Pick up either intimidation, interrogation, or negotiation. Pick up a hobby knowledge skill. Just generally round out your sammie.

All work and no play makes Sam an antisocial fragger.

I'm not sure how much good Etiquette is going to do a character with 0.30 Essence... The social modifiers are a killer, and he's got dermal sheathing to boot.
On the other hand, he does have a reflex trigger, so he's not a complete loss...
a bunch of knowledge skills at 1s and 2s. This character could really use some fleshing out and knowledge skills are great for that. Your attributes are nuts, so no work needed there. Maybe raise base ettq so you can raise st ettq, and pickup computers of 2.
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