Sep 24 2004, 10:07 AM
which source books deal with HMHVV rules for pcs if there are any?
Sep 24 2004, 10:30 AM
Shadowrun Companion, the Ghoul Chapter, all other forms of Infection with HMHVV changes a PC to a NPC
Sep 24 2004, 10:38 AM
Uh, Shadowrun Companion? Yes?
Sep 24 2004, 02:19 PM
Actually the old Critters book covers this as well. Not sure on the rest.
Sep 24 2004, 02:40 PM
If you're looking for data on HMHVV, I've found the absolute best resources are actually right here. Ancient History has a brief overview of stuff on his site, which is a good starter, and if you look through the archives, you'll find some very in depth information. I haven't found a single, consolidated source that can compare with what's available from our local experts.
Sep 24 2004, 06:10 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
If you're looking for data on HMHVV, I've found the absolute best resources are actually right here. Ancient History has a brief overview of stuff on his site, which is a good starter, and if you look through the archives, you'll find some very in depth information. I haven't found a single, consolidated source that can compare with what's available from our local experts. |
Jr. Woodchuck
Sep 24 2004, 06:51 PM
Also Subrosa had some excellent home made rules on HMHVV and players playing as one. Unfortunately I dont have a link but perhaps someone else can post the link.
Sep 25 2004, 03:15 AM
yeah that's what i'm looking for, rules to let a character play as someone infected by HMHVV
Ancient History
Sep 25 2004, 04:24 PM
Starting out as one of the Infected is pretty much a no-no; you have to be infected during play, at which point the GM can choose to make you an NPC.
Of course, those who /try/ to get infected are like people that want to catch leprosy so they become immune to pain or who think sick people are sexy. A number of the infected really aren't suitable for PCs, lacking higher cognitive abilities.
Sep 27 2004, 11:40 PM
Where is there mention of HMHVV-II?
Ancient History
Sep 28 2004, 01:02 AM
A few places, mainly Paranormal ANimals of Europe. It only affects humans, trolls and sasquatches; and is pretty weird. Humans can catch it from loup-garous and possibly sasquatch, and are rendered sterile; trolls might well only pass it on to their offspring; and sasquatch are catch it from bandersnatch and pass it on to their offspring.
HMHVV-II is weird mainly because it lacks the essence-draining properties of HMHVV and has such weird infection patterns.
Sep 28 2004, 01:05 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Starting out as one of the Infected is pretty much a no-no; you have to be infected during play, at which point the GM can choose to make you an NPC. |
Ghouls and the Krieger Strain. Other than that, you're right.
Sep 28 2004, 01:17 AM
AH: It outright kills Orks, but leaves Dwarves as crazed Hobgoblins. Elves aren't mentioned, so that could be interpreted as becoming loup-garous as per Human.
Only Krieger-infected PCs are available at chargen. Depending on your GM and the power of your campaign, it's entirely possible to play HMHVV-infecteds as PCs. (Hell, I played a Dzoo-Noo-Qua for a short while. Wish we'd start that campaign back up... It was much fun.)
Sep 28 2004, 01:22 AM
so that could be interpreted as becoming loup-garous as per Human. |
IIC a loup garou is not an infected anything, it's another class of animal all together in SR.
Herald of Verjigorm
Sep 28 2004, 01:26 AM
You may be thinking of chupacabra, since that shows genetic patterns similar to HMHVV, but isn't actually infectious.
Loup-garou is explicitly stated as human with HMHVV-II
Sep 28 2004, 01:45 AM
Loup-garou is a Human with HMHVV-II.
Powers: [...], Pestilence (HMHVV-2) |
Patrick Goodman
Oct 5 2004, 05:30 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
AH: It outright kills Orks, but leaves Dwarves as crazed Hobgoblins. Elves aren't mentioned, so that could be interpreted as becoming loup-garous as per Human. |
I'd love a canon reference for HMHVV-2 killing orks outright. You won't find it, since it isn't there, but I'd love to see one.
Goblins (not hobgoblins; they're an ork metavariant) are a result of HMHVV, not HMHVV-2.
The only strain of HMHVV that kills metas outright is HMHVV-3, and there are signs that this might not be completely true.
Oct 5 2004, 08:13 PM
If I remember correctly theres a section on it in Awakenings. I know it's 2nd ed. so you can argue that it doesn't apply, but I'm pretty sure it's there (I'm not home so I don't have my books).
Oct 5 2004, 11:35 PM
Some people have found
this article from Steve Kenson helpful.
Patrick Goodman
Oct 6 2004, 11:28 AM
And I'm one of them, Fortune, but just because Steve wrote it doesn't make it canon.
And again, I'm looking for a canon reference. I don't recall anything of the sort in Awakenings (and 2nd editiion or not, it's still canon). If someone can give me a canon page reference, I'd appreciate it.
Oct 6 2004, 06:03 PM
I'm not saying there
is a canon reference. I certainly don't recall one. I just posted the link to be helpful.
Patrick Goodman
Oct 6 2004, 09:21 PM
And I didn't mean to come across like an asshole, so for that I apologize. I am genuinely interested in a canon reference, though, since I'm working on some stuff and I'd hate to spring things on players if they couldn't exist in the SR game world. I'm quirky like that.
Oct 7 2004, 12:41 AM
It's cool. I don't think you came across as badly as you think.
I seem to recall an essay, a fictional thesis written in a kind of academic style, on the different strains of HMHVV, but can't for the life of me remember where I saw it.
Patrick Goodman
Oct 7 2004, 01:12 AM
There was a section in Threats, but it had nothing about HMHVV-2 being automatically deadly to orks.
Oct 7 2004, 01:26 AM
if it helps, in all my years of playing and running Shadowrun, I don't recall seeing anything about Strain II being deadly to orks.
Ancient History
Oct 7 2004, 02:08 AM
To lay this to rest, hopefully: the effects of HMHVV-II on elves, orks and dwarves has not been documented in any English-language SR publication. Humans become Loup-Garou, Trolls become Formorians (not the metavariant...though I suppose you could have an HMHVV-II infected Formorian!), and Sasquatch become Bandersnatch.
Loup-Garou can pass on the virus to others, but cannot have children. Bandersnatch can pass on the virus, and pass it on to their children. Fomorians cannot infect others, though they may pass it on to their children (if they're not rendered sterile, it hasnae been mentioned yet.)
Kanada Ten
Oct 7 2004, 02:14 AM
Don't you see! There's no mention of what happens to Orks because they are already infected! It's a cover up! They don't want you to know your children are in danger! Just like ghouls they want to make us food for these dogs! Orks are infected! Orks are infected...
Oh, sorry, thought this was a different chat room... Well, off I go.
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