Oct 1 2004, 11:49 PM
I have been pondering the question of ways to evade notice while astrally projecting, and I read this line in the BBB, p.171:
It only takes a Free action to see anything actually present in astral space like spirits, barriers and other astral forms, and does not require a Perception test unless an astral being is specifically trying to hide from you. |
(bold mine)
So, could we not interpret this as saying that the Stealth skill could be applied to Astrally Projecting characters? Instead of the TN for astral patrols starting at 2 (MiTS p.88), it would start at the Open Test number generated.
Oct 2 2004, 12:05 AM
That's how I do it.
Kanada Ten
Oct 2 2004, 12:19 AM
An Astral Patrolling tets really isn't a Preception test though, is it? I don't think Line of Sight is even considered with it, which is a major factor in Perception tests. However, I think the two are somehow connected. Success on an Astral Patrol test alerts the patrolling spirit to an intruder, but doesn't specify where the intrusion took place. Depending on the patrolling spirits command, it may seek out the intruder thus requiring an Astral Perception test (perhaps modified by some of the same affects as Astral Patrolling), or it may more to alert security forces who would also be required to spot the induding astral form.
Necro Tech
Oct 2 2004, 12:28 AM
Yeah but against regular people watching, it works quite well. They are just pointing out that the sight component of astral perception works just like normal sight in that regard. It is a free action to notice someone standing across the street unless they are trying to hide from you.
Oct 2 2004, 01:17 AM
I tend to think of astral patrol tests as a role to determine wether you encounter an astral protector. If you do then you still have the possibility that it dose not notice you, use stelth skill for that test.
Oct 2 2004, 10:15 AM
The Stealth Skill is certainly usable while Astrally Projecting (or even Perceiving). I believe you can even have Astral as a Specialization of the Stealth Skill.
Oct 2 2004, 04:22 PM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Success on an Astral Patrol test alerts the patrolling spirit to an intruder, but doesn't specify where the intrusion took place. Depending on the patrolling spirits command, it may seek out the intruder thus requiring an Astral Perception test (perhaps modified by some of the same affects as Astral Patrolling), or it may more to alert security forces who would also be required to spot the induding astral form. |
MiTS p.88 "Astral Patrolling"
A successful Intelligence Test against the final Target Number is sufficient to detect the intruder. Astral guards may attempt to directly engage intruders or simply alert other security forces.
So yes, K10 and Edward, they know where you are.
That's what's been bothering me all this time about astral guards. MiTS says that you start at a TN 2, add modifiers from the table, and roll an Int test. The intruder cannot modify this test in any way, which I think is silly and very bad gameplay.
But combined with the passage in the BBB I mentionned above, that TN 2 should instead be the result of the Stealth Open Test.
p.s. Nice to see you again, Fortune!
Oct 2 2004, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
Nice to see you again, Fortune! |
Thanks mate. 'Tis good t'be back.
I have always made the base TN the result of a Stealth roll, modified by the proper effects from the appropriate table, whether on the Astral or not. It just seems reasonable to me, and fits in with the way everything else works.
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