Nov 5 2004, 07:39 PM
Looting would be if they had a couple stereos on the back of their truck, and a tub full of CD's. If this woman stole undamaged MilSpec armor than something pretty odd is going on, but we'll follow her anyway.
Nov 5 2004, 09:27 PM
Everyone should post between my posts. This isn't WhiteWolf, in most RPGs (as Shadowrun) you're the StoryTeller, not me. I throw the plot hooks, but this is a roleplaying game "emphasis on role". You've ALWAYS got something you can do, even if it's just posting what you're thinking IC. Just because you're a mage doesn't mean you can only cast spells, you've skills, attributes, and hopefully a personality that can do things as well. Even if it's nothing more than to give a SpiderMan comment. Don't forget, I need to remain interested too. I do my best to keep you interested by helping tell the story, but I'm only a percent of the whole. Give me fun/interesting things to read when I log on, and I return the favor.
Nov 5 2004, 09:34 PM
waiting for everyone to post just makes things drag out...as has already been mentioned at least once, we don't always have anything useful to add. I know I hate making 'following along' or 'bleeds...pain, agony' posts.
And Spiderman comment?
Kremlin KOA
Nov 6 2004, 03:12 AM
Sphynx wants a post from each of us each tie, then that is how we do it people oh and if she works for Galvatron, I want Cyclonus
Nov 6 2004, 05:31 AM
A DM isn't a dictator; everyone is permitted to voice how they think things should work. Whizbang has a perfectly legitimate point, and real pro's like us are trying to keep our mind off of deep, introspective things at the moment and focusing on the job at hand. Her character is likely thinking, "If this came to a fight, how many could I kill (unfortunately for her, with her wounds the answer is 'not many'), where is the best place to hide," or even more boring, "ouch my wounds hurt."
I'm not trying to be hostile, so please don't take it that way, but if we don't come to a group consensus about how often posting is necessary then it won't matter what just the DM wants because he isn't a game himself, so let's not just assume "that is how we do it."
Nov 6 2004, 08:10 AM
Cthulhu said what I wanted to say when he said I'm not the game myself. I think the best way to handle this is to assume (since I couldn't post it in IC posts anyhows) that each post ends with your GM asking you a personal question. "So, what's your character doing?"
Crewboy stands there, eyeing the situation and waiting for the Sarge to give the word on what to do. He takes a moment to Observe in Detail this and that. His right hand unsnapping the cover to his holster.
See? That's a simple post that says what's being done, and letting me know you've read the last IC post and are not doing anything at all. Dont forget that there's more than combat though. Just had an encounter and nobody made or asked for any social rolls, but everyone's ready for combat rolls. There's always something to do, and if there is no creative juices flowing to come up with a simple doing-nothing IC post, please post OOC so I at least know I can carry on.
I just waited a week to post because only 2 of 7 players had posted. I still need to know you're doing nothing, so I know to do my next post.
Nov 6 2004, 09:49 PM
Point taken. I've just been having a heck of a time getting a feel for this game. Its coming to me though and I'll try to post more often.
Mr Hamster
Nov 7 2004, 10:34 PM
Sphynx, while I take your point, if the GM waits for all eight of his players to post in between his posts I have a premonition that this game will rapidly slow down to a snail's pace and die out. Players don't enjoy posting non-actions ("I walk, stand ready, bleed etc") time after time and, even were they not to get excuriatingly bored doing so, merely waiting for everyone to post their lack of event will cause the game to advance in tiny fits and starts and we'll have to wait a week for another post. If something only happens on a weekly basis people will rapidly lose interest and as you originally mentioned yourself, it will look like the game's dying out.
What seems a fair compromise is if rather than each post ending "So, what's your character doing?" imagine it ends "Is your character doing anything?" That way, those who feel they have something constructive to add (like breaking into a car, doing a quick check in astral) may continue to do so and if after a day or two only three of the eight people have posted, imagine the other five said "No," and move on. That way those who are being active get rapid feedback on the result of their actions and those who have nothing to contribute at that moment will quickly be able to jump in once the scene advances and they are
eager to add, rather than being forced to write filler. Think of it like a novel: in each scene the author does not list out what each specific character is doing in response to every event. Rather he focuses on the active characters and the interesting actions and so keeps the pace up and the story moving.
For our part, since it is clear you would like more posting, we the players will attempt to post more often even if they're not the most active posts as that is what you want. But in return please don't wait for all eight of us and so keep things moving along
Nov 11 2004, 01:48 PM
Something's come up and I'll be in Germany for the next couple of days. I'll not be able to post again til the Weekend.
Nov 15 2004, 02:44 PM
Kremlin, Ecc, Sandoval, Cthulhu, Hamster. Looks like there's only the 5 of you left and I get 4 posts per week. Do you really want to continue playing? What was once a highly motivated, wanting to daily post GM has become a very distraught, forgetting where the game is even going cause nobody posts GM. The 5 of you are at least regularly posting, so if you want to continue I will, but Frost and Leslie will have to exit stage left (easy to do since the Haven location could use Mage types), so I can do so. Your call. However, if you're not wanting the game to go on, lemme know and I won't go through the effort of getting things back on track by removing the idlers.
Nov 15 2004, 05:17 PM
I'm still here. As I said, I've had nothing to post since my char was injured. I hate making filler posts
Nov 15 2004, 09:17 PM
I'll keep posting stuff.
Kremlin KOA
Nov 17 2004, 01:11 AM
I still want it to work, I want to find out what she looks like under the mil spec
Nov 17 2004, 01:19 AM
I'll keep posting, but, I have to agree that if my character doesn't have much going on besides watching everyone's back, I don't want to post that I'm doing it ten times before the scene moves.
Mr Hamster
Nov 17 2004, 02:17 AM
I'm still up for posting. Also agree wholeheartedly with ecclesiastes; we're all here, just waiting for something to happen.
Sandoval Smith
Nov 22 2004, 12:36 AM
Sorry, I'm here, I've just had some stuff come up that kept me from being online for a few days. I'm ready to keep playing. Usually I'm checking the boards every day or so, so U can keep up a pretty good flow of posts.
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