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No big press-release thing: The Shadowrun Supplemental is moving from publishing multiple articles in a magazine style to publishing standalone articles, in a move to speed up our release schedule. We have a redesigned website to go along with this change, including RSS feeds.

Over the next few weeks we'll be adding our old articles into the new system so we have a searchable index of the old articles, and we plan to release the first article under the new system on November 3rd.

Our submission guidelines and other procedures have changed very little; we simply hope that we'll be doing more publishing under this new plan.
Kanada Ten
Have you considered publishing more sections of the Seattle Expansion instead of waiting for the entire metroplex to be completed?

I like the new logo, though I wonder how it will effect issue appearance.
Yeah; that's in the cards: releasing the rest of Seattle 2064 district by district.
While we're getting caught up on things: BeCKS v2 is now available in HTML format.
Our first article in the new format is now available at the Shadowrun Supplemental site: Non-Running Archetypes - written by Charles Ellis and illustrated by Jeff Preston - features four non-standard archetypes with full statistics, background, and plot hooks. These are intended to be contacts or NPCs, but can also be used as player characters.
Woo-hoo! I'm published! biggrin.gif

The formatting looks great, Adam, and I like Jeff's illustrations a lot. He really captured the essense of the archetypes with them.
Waits patiently for more of Seattle to hit the press. smile.gif
The HTML edition of Non-Running Archetypes is now available, for those of you who don't dig the PDF thing.
Ol' Scratch
What makes these guys "non-running" archetypes? I play variations of at least three of 'em on a regular basis. Or is the term meant to mean concepts that haven't been hardened criminals all their life (like, yanno, the Private Investigator or Tribal Shaman)?

Like the art, by the way.
Basically, yes. It just means "Not a bunch of pimped-out Samurai/Mages/Adept" - it's about going in different directions, which some groups/players certainly already do.
Ol' Scratch
Gotcha. Might wanna consider making that a little more obvious somewhere in the description or something. "Non-Runner Archetypes" sounds more like an NPC sort of thing.
Maybe a title of "Goody Too Shoes" or "Do Gooder" LOL
Ol' Scratch
"Unconventional Archetypes" "Breaking the Mold" and/or "Colorful Runners" are some examples of what I'm talking about.
Oh come on, its Friday. I was just playing.

I love these suplements, so do my players.
New article online -- The Good Fight: Superheroic Roleplaying in Shadowrun -- it's a short essay about exactly what the title says, with a bunch of relevant references [both film and comic].
Kanada Ten
That link gives me a "No Posts Match Your Citeria" error, though I can download the zip from TSS's front page.
Just read the Good Fight. Brilliant article, but how come you don't mention Underground among the "other superhero RPGs"? It definetly should serve as inspiration for those wanting to play superheroes in SR. You could probably import nearly the whole setting in to SR (except the cannibal fast food).
Link fixed. Whoops.

Just read the Good Fight. Brilliant article, but how come you don't mention Underground among the "other superhero RPGs"?

Good point - I'm wagering that Patrick simply wasn't familiar with the game, and I totally forgot about it while going over the article, but it certainly could be an inspiration point for many Shadowrun games.
Patrick Goodman
QUOTE (Adam)
I'm wagering that Patrick simply wasn't familiar with the game, and I totally forgot about it while going over the article, but it certainly could be an inspiration point for many Shadowrun games.

You'd win, too. There are several games that didn't get mentioned simply because I've got no familiarity with them. Pinnacle's Necessary Evil falls into that category as well.
Patrick Goodman
QUOTE (audun)
Just read the Good Fight. Brilliant article, but how come you don't mention Underground among the "other superhero RPGs"? It definetly should serve as inspiration for those wanting to play superheroes in SR. You could probably import nearly the whole setting in to SR (except the cannibal fast food).

Glad you liked it, Audun. As Adam pointed out, it was mostly a lack of familiarity with the game on my part that kept it out of the list.
You know Pat, you made me liek SURGE. I should resent you, but I don't. biggrin.gif Very well written, its good to see you back in it my man.
Had a spare few minutes today, so I updated the old Shadowrun Random Atmosphere Generator - the new version is available at
Patrick Goodman
QUOTE (Paul)
You know Pat, you made me liek SURGE. I should resent you, but I don't. biggrin.gif Very well written, its good to see you back in it my man.

Glad you liked it, Paul. It's been sitting around for a while; I finally got off my butt and did something with it and sent it to Adam, who then reminded me how long it had been sitting around when he mentioned that I hadn't included any references to Mutants & Masterminds in the original....

I need to get off my dead butt and finish Thunder's character sheet for Adam, but my girlfriend's been sick and life has generally gotten in the way.
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