Nov 6 2004, 08:16 PM
Setting spirits free.
In a resent game I was playing an initiate shaman and we where beset by vans each containing 4 red samurai and a cyber zombie the rigger took out 2 vans with AV missiles but that was the end of those and we didn’t have anything else that could really hurt them. So after a more experienced player alerted me to the option I summoned an unwise spirit (force 9 city spirit to my char 6 magic 7) and instructed it “protect me, my companions my employer and his companions from those (indicate enemy forces) and you’re a free man…. Spirit” out of that I got a very frightened player (the one that told me of the option) and a level 1 contact force 9 player spirit that I am helping get into the shadow running bizz
First what is the general opinion of this strategy and its outcomes.
This did however get me thinking shamans are supposed to respect there spirit allies (not send them on suicide missions and such) so it wouldn’t be to hard to imagine a shaman that habitually frees every spirit he summons. What repercussions would there be for a character that did this.
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 6 2004, 08:28 PM
When a spirit is freed from service, it may become a distirbingly powerful free spirit wandering earth to its own ends, or it may return home. If a mage could actively and intentionally turn conjured spirits into free spirits who may be allies, many shamen wolud (at least once a day) conjure a really big spirit, ask it if it would like to be a significant influence in this world, and free all the ones who like the idea. Such a shaman could also permenantly banish all of them who never want to see earth again.
That is entirely ignoring what a force 9 spirit with 1D3 spirit energy can do. A force 5 free spirit with only one point of spirit energy can surpass regenerating mages with an initiation behind them for many contests.
Cynic project
Nov 6 2004, 09:25 PM
I would say that this sort of tatic would be risky at best. Not only in the fact that you would be freeing a bunch of spirits, but in the black lash it would cause. Think of how many people would do this once word sread.And think of who would want to stop this....
The Jopp
Nov 6 2004, 09:26 PM
You should also remember that a shaman is essentially forcing the spirit to our plane of existence, completely ignoring the spirits own free will (why would he like to "help" that foolish meatbag anyway?). The spirit could very well nod in agreement and then become a reocurring nightmare to the summoner for the rest of his or her life.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 6 2004, 09:30 PM
You should also remember that a shaman is essentially forcing the spirit to our plane of existence, completely ignoring the spirits own free will (why would he like to "help" that foolish meatbag anyway?). |
That's one way to look on conjuring. Considering the heavy reliance on Charisma over Willpower, some magicians might view the process as calling out and requesting a friendly spirit to travel to the physical realm in order to aid them in their tasks. This can apply equally well for hermetics (particularly Catholic ones who see their spirits as angels) as well as shamans.
Kanada Ten
Nov 6 2004, 09:36 PM
This did however get me thinking shamans are supposed to respect there spirit allies (not send them on suicide missions and such) so it wouldn’t be to hard to imagine a shaman that habitually frees every spirit he summons. |
Nature spirits are embodiments of the forces of nature and only a false shaman would selfishly keep those forces in corporeal form. Spirits released by the shaman return to their natural state of existence; only when something goes wrong do the spirits stay and become "free" which is mostly a misnomer to mean present in this plane without a master, not meaning better off than before summoning.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 6 2004, 09:41 PM
An intelligent magician would just ask the spirit what it would like. You don't have to boss your spirits around; asking politely is often more than sufficient.
There's doubtlessly as many spirits who would love to become free so that they could explore everything this fascinating world has to offer as much as there's metahuman magicians who would love to explore the metaplanes. Especially those would would become anima upon their release.
Afterall, free spirits can travel to the metaplanes any time they like.
Kremlin KOA
Nov 7 2004, 01:11 AM
reread his post, it gave the spirit an offer... the spirit took it... this time it was a player... next time maybe a shadow?
Nov 8 2004, 11:18 AM
Does everyone play that a summoned spirit that is told it is 'free' before all its services are used can become a free spirit?
If so, why don't we have a Free Spirit sourcebook? There must be thousands of powerful free spirits inhabiting the world. And Force 9 spirits could pretty much openly advertise for karma trades without much fear of becoming bound. For that matter, where are all these free spirits of force 3-5. I know many people that would like to have a bound free spirit, but they are never around in my games. Even the ones that were summoned by recently deceased magical types, never decide to stick around and be a free spirit.
Nov 8 2004, 01:14 PM
As an inexperienced mage player a little while ago, I summoned a force 6 earth elemental to assist me with spell research. When it arrived looking all surly, I asked it to assist me, and offered it some coffee. Then, naievely, I gave it a name.
Our GM considered this, and decided that the coffee was a "gift comprising all four elements", and that since I had asked for assistance from the elemental, rather than demanding it, and since I had named the elemental...the thing was free from the outset.
On another occasion, we summoned a bunch of earth elementals and spirits to dig a tunnel into the lair of a powerful wendigo shaman. After the tunnel was dug, we released the spirits and elementals, even though they still had services. The spirits vanished, but the elementals just looked at us until we left. When we finally confronted the wendigo toxic shaman, both earth elementals turned up to help pound the stuffing out of it. Free? No idea.
Kanada Ten
Nov 9 2004, 12:07 AM
Does everyone play that a summoned spirit that is told it is 'free' before all its services are used can become a free spirit? |
I don't and have never seen anything canon that suggests this happens. Releasing the spirit of its duties simply allows it to return from whence it came. I think the rules even state this though indirectly, 'a spirit that owes no more services departs' or whatever.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 9 2004, 12:13 AM
Right. At best you can give it its freedom. It then can choose to return home or become free, though Force 6 or greater spirits almost always choose to do so (MitS p. 113, Born Free). While the GM is assumed to determine the outcome of that situation, they do include a game mechanic for determining it; it requires a Force (6, or 4 for those long associated with man) Test. The only type of spirit that *always* becomes a Free Spirit is an Ally Spirit that a summoner loses control of (MitS p. 114).
Note that being summoned, materializing, or becoming a free spirit is not necessarily a bad thing for a spirit. As mentioned earlier, there's doubtlessly as many spirits (assuming you're of the mind that they're free willed and sentient beings to begin with; I don't) who would love to explore the Physical World as there are magicians who love to explore Astral Space and the Metaplanes.
Nov 9 2004, 04:29 AM
It's also possible that some (many? most?) spirits that go free experience that ultimate liberation of becoming a sentient, free-willed being, look around the physical plane in a glorious moment of self-discovery, then say "Screw this one-horse reality" and never leave the Metaplanes again.
Nov 9 2004, 04:36 AM
I could be wrong but I had assumed that when a spirit was set free it could, at its sole discretion, return to the same place it would have if you had not set it free and never return.
Nov 9 2004, 10:34 AM
wow, releasing a force 9 spirit..
canon doesnt really specify how you can voluntarily set a spirit free.. but I would be wary, the one campaign I saw that was imho ridiculously overpowered contained a munchked force 12 free spirit and it was overpowered mostly because of it. .. brr.. force 12 no drain spells...
a force 9 free spirit is definitely a force to be reckoned with, setting it free in the middle of a firefight is a risk way out there.. it may not like you, it might decide to punish you, it might decide to go back home, it would acquire its own motivation, it is no longer controlled by you.
personally I would rule it isnt that easy for a spirit to become free as otherwise there would be zillions out there and this can be *easily* abused... I can already see a toxic shaman filling a cityblock with an army in this manner.. one new force 3-4 toxic free spirit every 3 seconds... level a city in 2 days..
Kremlin KOA
Nov 9 2004, 03:47 PM
Look at the way he worded it, he offered a deal... the spirit would have to keep its side of the bargain... then would be free
Ol' Scratch
Nov 9 2004, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
I could be wrong but I had assumed that when a spirit was set free it could, at its sole discretion, return to the same place it would have if you had not set it free and never return. |
Right. You can release a spirit from its services and at that point it has the option of becoming a Free Spirit or simply returning to the nothingness you created it from. You can't make a spirit become a Free Spirit, only give it that opportunity by allowing it to be released prematurely (doesn't matter if that premature release is voluntarily or involuntarily).
Hmm, I feel kinda dirty for typing "premature release."
Kremlin KOA
Nov 9 2004, 03:50 PM
Doc that is assuming spirits are created rather than summoned... a viewpoint which is refuted by dunkelzahn's will
Ol' Scratch
Nov 9 2004, 03:59 PM
Only the part about "simply returning to the nothingness you created it from." Feel free to change it to "simply returning to the planes from which you conjured it from" if it makes you happy. Everything else is valid.
Kremlin KOA
Nov 9 2004, 04:08 PM
the premise you shwed is valid, but remember a free spirit can never be resummoned that would be some advantage
Ol' Scratch
Nov 9 2004, 04:24 PM
It can be resummoned just fine, you just have to know its True Name to do so. But if you're talking about spirits in general, who ever said you summon the same spirit each time you use conjuring in the first place? The closest you'll find is that spirits look similar when summoned in certain areas (like that one bar in Seattle where all Hearth Spirits look like mini-Godzillas).
Nov 9 2004, 04:33 PM
In this case doing it once will not be unbalancing in the long run. He is only a level 1 contact and it is not going to be working with the party in future (unless I pay his fee of cause)
Where is the reference that sprits don’t take drain from spells.
As to the risk yes there was a risk but the way my GM was interpreting it the sprit got its powers immediately but wasn’t truly free until it completed the condition (I couldn’t order it around but it had to complete its bargen in order to remain free.
Nov 9 2004, 04:35 PM
That kind of depends on the game.
I personally think that after summoning for long enough, you start to get the same spirits, provided you are summoning in the proper domain. I've alwasy RPed it that way. Especially for watchers. Of course, for my shamans, spirits are more friends then slaves, and are not so much commanded as helpful.
Kremlin KOA
Nov 9 2004, 04:47 PM
actually my logic was that a spirit may end up being summoed by different shamans over the years b eing free if it goes home it will only have to risk the small chance that someone at its freeing heard its true name
Nov 9 2004, 05:05 PM
Actually, "set free" is not on the list of services a spirit is capable of performing. It certainly doesn't fall under physical service or aid spell or any of the other clearly listed valid commands.
Kremlin KOA
Nov 9 2004, 05:49 PM
technica;t accurate BB hwever in MITs the rules for a spirit going froo show that they have a chance if they become, even for a moment, uncontrolled. All the magician wuld have to do would be release all compulsion and the rol would be possible, not to choose to dismiss but to release control. besides if all spirits have the potential to becme free then most would be able to make free spirit like bargains
Nov 9 2004, 06:09 PM
Relinquishing a spirit's services is not the same as a spirit going uncontrolled.
As a note, there is no canon way to "release a spirit" at all. You cannot relinquish remaining services, as that also is not listed under the things you can command a spirit to do. You can use the remainder of his services and he simply leaves automatically, or you can give yourself a deadly stun or physical while the spirit is present, risking magic loss. That's about it.
A magicician cannot "release all compulsion" as there is no way for him to do that. The pact with the spirit is broken under very specific circumstances. Either it runs out of services, at shich time it always departs and never goes free, or he takes damage and theres a chance it goes free and a chance it just departs.
You are free to do that but it's not canon, that would be a house rule.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 9 2004, 06:27 PM
Uhm, no.
The test to see if a spirit becomes a Free Spirit happens any time a spirit becomes uncontrolled. Voluntarily or involuntarily, it doesn't matter; if its master no longer has control, that spirit is uncontrolled.
You're also blatantly wrong about the canon rules saying a conjurer can't release his spirits; take a gander at page 186, SR3, "Binding Elementals" for starters. The rules in SR3 state that the spirit simply leaves, but those rules are superceded by MitS which introduces Free Spirits into the game. Under most circumstances they do just leave, but some instead choose to remain and become Free Spirits.
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