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Phew... character finally posted.

Morgannah won't be able to post hers until tomorrow (I'm pretty sure). Tarantula - you gonna make some cool micro drones... maybe even some that double as cyberhands? wink.gif
No custom stuff. We all ready went over that.
So, whips, pistols, implant combat. But you get a ♣5600 assult rifle?
Also, make sure to deliniate your natural stats from the cybered ones.
The Zoe 'Second Skin' line of clothing has an availability of 10.
Due to the level of effort by Tarant and ES_ I'll let both into the game, you can post on tieh 2064 IC/OOC thread. Tarantula, consider my advice before you finalize the character. ES_ Don't pay for the Strength and Quickness mods up to your own Quickness/Strength (so if you wanna keep the cash in, that will raise your arms to above your own Strength/Quickness, your call). As for the hands, it's kinda hard to tell what you paid on your write out. In case I read it right though, you don't pay for the hands (they come with the arms), you only pay for mods to the hands. Also, would cost 5,000 each to have them "customized" for Rigger Remote Control, in addition to 0.5 ECU for the "Black Box".

Always late .. I'll attribute the recent string of holdups in my chargen process to some sort of cosmic sign that maybe I'm not supposed to be in this run. ohplease.gif I wish all of you the best and sincerely look forward to reading this once it gets started.

Sparky, sorry I couldn't get back in time. Go get 'em, girl.
Lindt -- I missed Sphynx's scratch-built-gun prohibition on page 3. A simple mistake. But are you also saying that the whips, pistols and cyber implants are out too?

And she doesn't have any bonuses to stats except for the +1 to BOD that each arm gives her. The strength and quickness upgrades only brought stock strength and quickness of cyberlimbs up to her natural abilities (which Sphynx says I don't have to pay for - nice!). All of her hands are STR 6. But that doesn't apply until she's grasping something... something I'd prefer to keep in mind, but not confuse with a better overall strength.

Fortune -- missed that... good catch. I need to vet my gear (again).

Sphynx - Cool about not having to pay for the enhancements. May buy up strength for the hands. Or get the integrity enhancement. Or make DNI mods to gear that I'd like to implant in the body compartments in her hands.

Slinky has two sets of hands. One set that is 'standard' and the cost included in each arm. And another set that is delineated separately (if you look at the hand that is indented under each of the arms arm the cost is 'inc.' by which I meant included. I paid for a strength upgrade on those included hands so that all of her hands were strength 6 so she could mix and match her hands, depending on what she needed.

I have some questions before I go tweak her out again... Lots of kiz-ash to spend now that I don't have to pay for STR and QCK enhancements...

-Does a grapple gun include a winch? If not, how much would a winch cost (don't see one in any of my books) and how many ECU would one take up AND how much weight can they support?

-Remote operations (black box 5k - check) - the way I'm seeing this work is that the winch/grapple cable operates like a tether to send brain/DNI impulses to the hands. She can operate the hand along this line as if it were still attached to her arm (though limited because it is under it's own power - think Thing from the Addams family).

-Will she be able to fire her hands as grapples? What would that do to range?

- Can grapple guns be smartlinked?

Morgannah - aw shucks... Silk must have been swept off her feet by some hunky guy and spirited away. I'll get 'em, rest assured. But, which ''em' were you referring to specifically? smile.gif

Oh, and y'all can call me Sparky.
Grapple Guns contain a winch which can "pull" about 1 kilo (just enough to pull the grapple back in). Allowing more than that would be customization, not allowed.

DNI-Wire vs Remote Control, you don't need Remote Control if it's attached by a wire. The Remote Control would only be needed if someone were to access the hands via an RCD.

Firing a Grapple Gun at someone: I'd treat it as an unarmed attack using a gun skill default as the skill (so your basic unarmed damage).

SmartLinked Grapple Guns: No.

Gotcha, thanks.

-Could she fire her hands off of the cyber-grapple? (loading the grapplegun with the DNI-wire.)
Morgannah - you could post Silk for if the game needs an alternate...
I've been harping at her to submit Silk as well. smile.gif
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