Sandoval Smith
Jan 27 2005, 12:08 PM
Well, if you want to furl the sails and switch to the engine let me know. The spirit can always use it's mighty wind to push us up to our maximum speed (we wouldn't even have to push the engines).
Jan 27 2005, 12:54 PM
I like the idea of Sails, it's so much more thematic. I think I'd only go to Engine mode if fleeing from something, and pray they don't have something that flies.
Sandoval Smith
Jan 28 2005, 12:35 AM
That's when all hands on deck man the guns, and the mage types get spirits to use that movement power to slow down the aircraft, hopefully to the point it goes below stall speed.
Feb 3 2005, 09:49 AM
Anything going on with the rest of us?
Starting to forget I'm even in this game....
Feb 3 2005, 02:01 PM
*yawn* what? huhh? Guns? Later...right.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 3 2005, 02:50 PM
That's the problem when one person is out there doing recon. Hopefully I'll find out everything I need to know in the next post, and then Corinna can come zipping back and we can decide what to do next.
That's the problem when you're still looking for the booty. There's not much for the people not actually doing the search to do. Pirates play gin rummy, don't they?
Feb 3 2005, 03:04 PM
Yes, Gin and Rum. I like that.
Feb 4 2005, 01:54 AM
Anyone wanna do a little OOC chat on our group's tactics? We have been working together a while...or should we all do own thing as we're pretty much a bunch of sea-going goons?
Sandoval Smith
Feb 4 2005, 02:00 AM
I think as the setup has gone, since everyone knows and should be more or less friends with each other, we try and work together. We might just be party pirates, but that doesn't mean we like to risk getting shot up when someone doesn't take well to our shennanigans.
Then again, what do I know? My character's in a magically induced coma right now.
Feb 4 2005, 02:28 AM
Slightly better than an alcohol induced coma
Looks like we have enough runners to field two squads.
Corrina can stay with the ship and snipe (rifle or spells) at the targets.
Charlie is our underwater demo guy.
Ralph can back up Charlie and then climb the sides of most boats or go over the top with the "away team."
Iron Rodger can do the underwater assault or be on the "away team." He has effective weapon skills and can be intimidating to non-pros (and pros, too)
Dusty can fill in the gaps either backing up Charlie and the underwater crew or going over the top with Sven and the "away team."
Sven is a stormtrooper (no pun intended). He can rush the opposition, probably with demoralizing effects--Hell, I know I'd find an ork viking with a sword and armor...well, demoralizing.
That's pretty bare bones, but I don't know a lot about ship to ship combat. Guess I should go rent "Master and Commander." I heard it was slow, though...
Did I leave anyone out? Thoughts? Specifics?
Feb 4 2005, 02:54 AM
I have anything as far as BIG guns covered. Note that I have an M60 machine gun, and am pretty good with it. Remember kids, gyromounts are your friend.
Rodger is defintly an "Avast and prepair to be boarded" type
Feb 4 2005, 04:09 AM
Yeah, dude! Thats what I like to hear.
Edit: and "Yarrr!" and stuff.
Feb 4 2005, 02:50 PM
I try not to be the spoon-feedy GM type, so anything folks want to do while Corinna is out, they should feel free to do. As a rule, I don't like breaking the group up for this every reason, but unlike in RL games, it's not so impolite to "interrupt" on board games.
Ray Becker
Feb 4 2005, 06:03 PM
there ye go I butted in not that i couldn't resist much longer anyways.
Feb 14 2005, 04:17 PM
heh, a booze inventory. Coolness.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 15 2005, 02:32 AM
Well, I did include four liters of (cheap) rum on Corinna's character sheet, so I guess she snitched the rest of the ingredients from someone else. Or, I can change that too 2 liters (cheap) rum, 1 liter (cheap) tequila, 1 liter (cheap) vodka. She's definetely not drinking top shelf, since in an earlier post she wished they'd run across a cruise ship where she might be able to liberate some premium stuff.
Since Corinna's on deck, I'll roll a perception test for her, although since she's been drinking, and not specifically looking out (I suppose that would be whoever was piloting at this point. Sven?) there are probably going to be some TN mods for that.
Perception: 13,5,3,2,1,1
Feb 16 2005, 04:33 PM
This'll probably sound stupid, but since I tend to keep my character sheets via the RECRU thread, I've lost my character sheet. Anyone have a copy?
Also, any idea why this forum only allows 49 threads? That seems bad. A vidictive person could easily post 49 threads in a few minutes and we'd all lose every game on here...
Feb 16 2005, 05:27 PM
Only 49 have up dated in the last month.
Sandoval Smith
Feb 16 2005, 11:52 PM
At the bottom of the thread title table, you'll see it say something like, "Showing 49 threads for the last _30 days_." Just click on the thirty and change the date range to see the threads that haven't been updated in the last month.
Feb 17 2005, 09:58 PM
Feb 18 2005, 12:35 AM
Let there be character sheet!
[ Spoiler ]
Sven Human Looking Orc (5 points)
Attributes (62 points)
Strength: 8
Quickness: 5
Body: 6
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Skills (27 points)
Athletics: 4
Conjuring: 5
Etiquette: 1
- Pirates: 3
Sorcery: 6
Stealth: 4
Unarmed: 6
Ship: 4
SailBoat: 4
Seamanship: 5
Magical Theory: 5
Theology (Norse): 5
Weather: 4
Foreign Docks: 3
Beer: 3
Norwegian: 4
- Read/Write: 2
English: 3
- Read/Write: 1
Spells (25 points)
Armour (Sustaining Focus): 5 [4m Drain]
Astral Barrier (Exclusive): 5
Electric Aura (Sustaining Focus): 5 [4m Drain]
- Note: Flame Aura, but 'in theme' element.
Freeze Water (Exclusive): 3
Mist (Exclusive): 3
Wind (Exclusive): 3
Gear (30 points)
Trauma Dampener: 40,000
Synaptic Accelerator - 2: 200,000
2x Force 5 Sustaining Focus: 150,000
1 extra Spell point: 25,000
1 month Middle LifeStyle: 5,000
<No actual Gear other than the 580,000 for a ship>
Edges/Flaws (-5 points)
Human Looking
Cursed Karma (Cursed by Loki for being the "Son of Odin")
- The Armour spell looks like a viking suit of Armour, it is more than just a simple glow, it's a traslucent deep hue of blue glow that actually LOOKS like a medieval platemail armour.
- Electric Aura has the same exact game mechanics as Flame Aura (except maybe Electrical 2ndary effects), but looks like a sword that when held, keeps the "Armour" cracking with electrical energy. (The spell gives a +2, so it's like having a +2 sword, without any reach benefits)
Sven is a good 7+ foot tall human looking animal. His long blond hair gives away immediately his skandiavian heritage, and his fervor for battle is 2nd to none. The only way to please Odin is through battle, so all Shamans of Odin learn their spells as much on the battlefield as in their training hut (shamanic lodge). The greater the Glory, the greater the reward.
And it was good.
Feb 22 2005, 05:51 AM
Just to let you know, unless explicitly told other wise, Iron will be going in through the front door and just trying to scare the be-jeasus outta everyone. I reallly hope for his sake A) i have gel rounds somewhere, B) you can keep him reigned in a little =)
Ray Becker
Mar 5 2005, 01:43 PM
Sorry all about my absense I've had a few problems even getting online reacontly I'll have a reasonable post up later.
Mar 14 2005, 03:14 AM
Um, shouldn't we like, rob these folks or something? I know we're "Party Pirates" and all but...
We're in a horrible tactical position right now. Shouldn't we take the bridge and subdue the guards?
I don't mean to be a jerk but being a pirate should include more than crashing a party, right?
Sandoval Smith
Mar 14 2005, 03:23 AM
We are robbing them, of their alcohol. This is just goofing around, and once things stop being fun, over the side and away we go. Actually seizing control of the ship and starting a potential hostage situation is a real buzzkill. Especially if there happens to be something that can provide an armed response near by.
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