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I was wondering, since the description isn't entirely clear, how targetable the Commanding Voice Adept Power is. Does it affect everyone within range who would reasonably be affected by the command, or does the user get to pick and choose who it affects?
Crimson Jack
Everyone within earshot is my understanding of it, but if the adept constructs his sentences wisely, it will target those that he/she wants it to.
QUOTE (Crimson Jack)
... but if the adept constructs his sentences wisely, it will target those that he/she wants it to.

Tough to do in three words or less.
Crimson Jack
Heh. Yeah, that makes it a tad tough, however one word can make the difference.

"Everyone get down!"

"You, get down!"

"Pick your nose" results in universal picking whereas
"Pick his nose" results in male nasal violations.
"Shit your pants!"

And the all time fav - "F**k youself!"
Sandoval Smith
Don't let them read 'Preacher' before gaming.
I only got to read the power description quickly, but didn't it say that commanding voice only resulted in the targets hesitating for a moment? It's not actual mind control, it just kinda throws them off.
Correct. They lose their next free or simple action either fulfilling the command or shaking it off.
QUOTE (SporkPimp)
Correct. They lose their next free or simple action either fulfilling the command or shaking it off.

Hence the value of the Preacher-esque "Shit your pants!"

Sure, the corp guards might be able to function normally on the next action, but there's still going to be dirty underwear in the room.

It's also something you probably want to do solo, or your co-runners will be irritated.
It'd be the rare corporate guard who has the force of will to voluntarily shit his pants on command but still isn't pliable enough to choose not to when it is suggested.

Course, there's also the 'Shoot him' command. Whether at another guard, or at the troll in the party who you know can take it (instead of shooting, oh, you) The second version is less likely to be resisted, because it's in the guards nature to shoot one of you.

Question: How often can you give commands? (don't have the book with me right now). If you give two commands before the person gets to act, will they do both actions?
QUOTE (Thistledown)
Question:  How often can you give commands? (don't have the book with me right now).  If you give two commands before the person gets to act, will they do both actions?

It's a Complex Action to issue commands, and subsequent commands within some period get a cumulative +1TN penalty.

Anyway, given widely applicable commands, such as "Freeze!", "Duck", etc., how much fiddling can you do to make sure it doesn't hose people on your side? Would pointing, prior instructions to disregard things you say, or the like, be effective? And is it just me, or is it likely to be most useful in a hostage situation?
Crimson Jack
QUOTE (Dexy)
<snip> much fiddling can you do to make sure it doesn't hose people on your side? Would pointing, prior instructions to disregard things you say, or the like, be effective?

I say, fiddle away. I support players making creative uses of their abilities. As to whether pointing or using any other non-verbal methods of making clear whom someone is talking to... sure, why not? We use these forms of communication today to understand who is talking with or to whom. I would rule that unless the command is so vague that it is impossible to tell who the adept is speaking to, the command effects work as intended. ie. you point at the LS officer and utter your command, your teammates don't lost their turns.
Only if they are all looking at you at the time to see your gesture.
Crimson Jack
Hmm, yeah. I suppose the blind swordsman would be at a loss here, eh?
Commanding Voice is a targeted power. it only works on the people the adept wants it to work on. in addition, the modifier for using it on the same target more than once in a 24-hr period is +2, cumulative, not +1.
True. Upon reading it again, the +1 TN applies for every additional person the Adept wants to affect.
What about two physads? Say I command a guard in the morning and you command the same guy that night. Do you have a +2 now? or only the same commander.
It seems to be only the same commander to me.
I believe it specifically says that any further attempts by that Adept to command the target suffer the appropriate penaltiy.
Course, there's also the 'Shoot him' command.

If I was GMing, the result would probably be that the "intended victim" would shoot the target of Commanding Voice. I mean, how would *you* respond if the shadowrunner you were trying to apprehend authoritatively commanded a fellow guard to shoot you -- and the guard *hesistated*?
Either your partner is in with the 'runner or your partner really has it in for you. I would think "the 'runner has otherwise harmless mind control powers" would be a distant 4th behind "shoot first file investigation later".

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