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Full Version: What race do you play?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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You kept a record of 386 characters? Yow-za!
QUOTE (Spark)
QUOTE (E.O.T.L.F. @ Jan 19 2005, 03:57 AM)
Currently my stable of characters list:
3 Dwarf
3 Troll
3 Ork
3 Elf
3 Human

Yes that is 15 characters I have available to play with 3 more in production. Why you may ask what can I say I like to be prepared. Also as you can see I try to stay even I'm none too picky so long as I get to play and that does not happen often.

You think that's alot? Try 386 characters, all different except some cyberware, which you can't help repeating anyways. 60% Human and 30% troll/ork, the rest is dwarves with one or two elves mixed in.

Sadly I have lots on my plate or I would have more.

Now if you wanna include 1st and 2nd then I could surpass more than 700 characters some I played others were npcs for my games I ran.

But I was just posting the 3rd's I had right now as I said sadly I do not have the time to work up characters let alone runs.

Although if I had a group I guess I would find the time so I guess time really is not an issue lol.
Dwarves! Dwarves will rule the world one day, and then we'll make the rest of you toil in our beer mines.
QUOTE (Spark)
Dude, I love samurai, 17 + 6-7 D6 baby, or just 16+6D6 without using a drug like cram. I love that stuff! eek.gif

Pfff, hack'n'slash.
QUOTE (Da9iel)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jan 18 2005, 01:13 PM)
Just spent some time looking over the post about Racial priorities, and how the cost for different races reflects the racial demographics. Or at least how the developers think they should be. Interested in seeing just how accurate those are.

You do realize that public demographics and the demographics of shadowrunners not only could be different but would assumedly be different, don't you? Checking demographics against shadowrunners is like assuming that women vastly outnumber men because my elementary school's teachers were over 3/4 women.

You do realize that public demographics and the demographics of shadowrunners not only could be different but would assumedly be different, don't you? Checking demographics against shadowrunners is like assuming that women vastly outnumber men because my elementary school's teachers were over 3/4 women.
oops, screwed that post up. Sorry about the screwed up quote.
Anyways, obviously it's not going to be 100% accurate anyways, because we didn't poll every shadowrunner. Just what people play the most.
If you really want to get specific, try good old racial profiling. Orks would most likely go into stuff like shadowrunning, just because there's a lot more of them than most metahumans, not a slow-witted as trolls, get a bum rap from 'norms', generally make less money, and are a hell of a lot tougher than the average human. Does it mean that it's accurate, that there really are more ork shadowrunners? Apparently not. Just wanted to see what everyone played the most compared to what their showing for population. It's a tangent from the post about racial priorities, and the different point costs for things like elves.
I just came across about 5 characers I played back in college. Three were orks, two human. Only one mage.
The White Dwarf
I, of course, had to vote Dwarf.

But I am curious, does the player racial distribution come close to the Seattle distribution?

According to p14 of NewSeattle it breaks down as:

66% human
16% ork
13% elf
2% troll
2% dwarf
1% other

Versus (at the time of this post, rounded, with a little rough consolidation):

58% human
13% ork
12% elf
7% troll
6% dwarf
4% other

All things considered, thats not bad. Seems the runner population mirrors the Seattle population as far as racial demographics. Slightly less humans, which makes sense since more of those would work for a corp, and slightly more of the rarer races given their difficulty fitting into society. Interesting.
I play my elf the most, but my characters include a few humans, a pair of orks, a troll, and a fox shifter.

The fox shifter is the most recent, and has yet to be played (I'm waiting to see if one of my players is willing to do a campaign of her own), but it was based on an idea I got from the adept powers in SotA 2064.
Ah, fox shifters. The only race with an intelligence bonus. I want to try those someday.
Have a shark shaper, test new adept type stuff, and a Surged meta-being(beast), was a Minotaur, now a Saurial (large Lizard).

They are both great fun and no end to social stigmas.
I tend to play humans almost exclusively but I have a real soft spot for SR's dwarves. I can't stand dwarves in every other setting I have ever seen them depicted but there is a piece of art in...jeez I think that it is MitS of two down and out dwarves, one of which is carrying what looks to be a fancy looking shotgun. For me that picture encapsulates everything about SR in one powerful image. I have tried several times to work up a character based on it but so far I have failed to do it justice. Rest assured that once I do I will be firmly in the dwarf camp!
I tend to play humans. However sometimes things don't always remain that way. Due to a large metaphysical accident (don't ask) my human Bat shaman became a Bat shapeshifter. I get to argue with my animal nature at times, quite fun.
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