Jan 25 2005, 04:16 PM
I've a rather silly question ... I think.
In all the years I've been playing shadowrun (on and off since 1st Ed back in the really late 80s) I've never been in a situation like the one I've encountered recently.
One of my players decided to insanely charge a bunch (4) of heavily armed (AK-98s) gangers. Rather than shoot them he runs for them and starts a melee. Where the heck are the rules about shooting while in melee in SR3???
Jan 25 2005, 04:21 PM
the gangers each take +2 to their firing TNs. that's pretty much it.
Jan 25 2005, 04:43 PM
Lemme see if I get this straight.
4 gangbangers w/ AK-98s (regular ammo, Assault Rifle Skill 4/AK-98 6) in Armored Jackets (Ballistic 5 / Impact 3)
1 Troll cyber-monster w/ Claymore (BOD 15(16) due to Dermal Plating 3 and Titanium Bone Lacing; Pole Arms 6/Claymore 7) in Armored Jacket and Half-Body Form Fit suit (Ballistic 9 / Impact 5)
Assume gangbangers win initiative and each fires off two 3-round bursts (TN 6 and 9 respectively) each dealing 11S damage which the armor of the troll reduces to 2S damage (assuming half the bursts hit) which his 16 BOD dice will pretty much mean squat damage taken.
Troll rushes in, attacks the gangers (+2 per opponent right?) at a TN of 12 less his reach of 3 (Troll 1 + Claymore 2) and his Aptitude in Pole Arms reducing his TN to 8 dealing damage roughly of 16D (thanks to Muscle Augmentation 4 and Dikote on his claymore) - except the players argued that the troll shouldn't be taking the +2 per opponent penalty since none of the gangers are technically set up for melee combat.
Technically the troll will wipe the floor with the gangers.
Ehr ... is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
Crusher Bob
Jan 25 2005, 04:53 PM
Within 14-20 feet a knife will almost always will against a gun (at least if you do the rushing stabbing madly approach). This used to be a srious problem for cops, as anyone that close who had a knife could probably kill you before you could shoot them. With the new vests, your survival odds are much better...
Where a bunch of gangers learns to shoot like that (4/6) I have no idea...
The best I'd expect them to have would be 1/3 or 2 in gun skills. It takes actual training to get much better than that, and gang members tend not to have the means a discipline...
The Jopp
Jan 25 2005, 04:53 PM
Well, just so that the Troll player doesn't start thinking that gangs are simple cannon fodder let's add the following modifiers to the pot.
Home ground: All gangers have a -1TN on all actions, this troll IS attacking them in their turf after all.
Friends in Melee: Well, IF the troll manages to attack ALL of them at once then there should be an additional -3 to their TN to hit in close combat (if they harm in is another matter)
Aiming: Aim+BF should become a -1 TN for hitting him.
Called shot: Why BF when you CAN aim for an unarmoured spot (no matter what the rules say, IF a ganger shoot the troll in the EYE there is no armoured jacket to save him...
Friends: 4 gangers, that's no gang, you just forgot about those fifteen other pals tooting everything from light pistols, knives, heavy pistols and perhaps even someone awakened.
Besides, I do think that the example with monster troll is a bit excessive. I have played SR for quite some time and it is very rare that one of our player characters ever have a body above 10. Pitching a power campaign combat troll against a few gangers is just about silly.
Crusher Bob
Jan 25 2005, 04:56 PM
Calling such a situation 'silly' in a realistic world is not quite accuurate, 'as expected' is much more appropriate. You can run over the gangers in a tank too, it is hardly 'silly' that the gang members can't do much more than run away.
My wallhacker there who is in the top .00001% or so of close combat killing machines on the planet should be able to run in and chop 4 people to bits...
Jan 25 2005, 05:04 PM
so the question is, is there something wrong with a purpose-built damage soaking machine being able to soak lots and lots of damage? i'm gonna have to go with "no", bob.
Jan 25 2005, 05:08 PM
The troll is being played by a 1st-timer, using the SR3 Companion rules with 130 build points (just so that she doesn't feel so left behind by the other players who have been playing for about a year now). She can't talk too well and is slooooooow to boot, but boy can she take it and dish it out ... hand to hand combat that is.
Most of the other PCs are more reasonable (except maybe the mage that refuses to even use combat spells, relying on his dart pistol and enhanced aim spell force 6 that is quickened) with a variety of SMGs and Heavy Pistols.
They were fighting the other gangers when the 4 "leader" types came out to support their group. The troll player just surprised us all by charging forward (yes she was shot many times but nothing actually damaged her).
She attacked them one at a time, pretty much daring them to hurt her.
BTW, should I have NOT applied the +2 penalty for each ganger on the troll?
Crusher Bob
Jan 25 2005, 05:13 PM
Hmm, for the first attack, maybe not as it dosen't sound like the gangers were expecting it either. For the following rounds, I guess it would depend on what the actions of the gangers were...
Let's say the following was what the three remaining gangers decided to do:
1: I'll try to butt stroke him with my rifle. (This one is entering 'normal' close combat)
2: I'll try to shoot him (at very close range) (This one is also 'in close combat')
3: I'll backup (leave close combat) and then try to shoot him. (This one is 'leaving' the combat to try to avoid the +2 penatly of using guns in combat)
This would mean the the troll is fighting 2 guys, with whatever modifier that means...
Austere Emancipator
Jan 25 2005, 05:27 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Called shot: Why BF when you CAN aim for an unarmoured spot (no matter what the rules say, IF a ganger shoot the troll in the EYE there is no armoured jacket to save him... |
True enough, if you ignore the rules which do not allow you to call a shot to an opponents eye nor to ignore his/her personal armor with a gunshot, then it doesn't really matter what the rules say about armor protection in general.
Back to the original situation: like Crusher Bob said, 4/6 for a firearm-related skill for an average ganger is
way too high, unless this is some "elite" gang. Even if they handle the weapons constantly, unless they've trained extensively with them or use them in action all the time, I wouldn't give them higher than maybe 2/4.
Still, you can do some great things with 2/4. AK-97 + GV-2 + Laser Sight + Shock Pads + 2 mags of EX-Ex = ~3,000

Attacking the rushing troll with 8 dice against TN 4 and a Damage Code of 13S = priceless.
You've miscalculated the troll's armor, too. The armor rating of the Form Fitting suit is still halved, even though there's no QUI or Combat Pool penalties for it. A half-suit would only provide 1 point of Ballistic and no Impact in that set-up. He'd have Ballistic 7 (AJ 5, FF 1, TBL 1)/Impact 4 (AJ 3, TBL 1). Also note that the purpose of BOD rating in parentheses is to show the rating as augmented by magic/cyberware/etc, so I assume it should be written as BOD 10 (16) -- +1 from being a troll, +3 from Dermal Plating-3, +2 from Titanium Bone Lacing).
Now, those 3 attacks of 13S with an average of 4 successes behind them each are starting to look a bit worse. He'll need 10 successes per burst to stage them down to nothing with a TN of 6 for the Damage Resistance Test, and his Dodge TN is 5.
The morale of the story? Get Recoil Comp and make sure you know the rules better than any powergaming players.
Crusher Bob
Jan 25 2005, 05:32 PM
Isn't combat pool adding limited by base skill and not the specialization? (Or was that adept added dice, can't remember?)
Austere Emancipator
Jan 25 2005, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (lopus) |
BTW, should I have NOT applied the +2 penalty for each ganger on the troll? |
When the troll rushes into the melee, is he attacking several of the gangers at the same time? If so, he takes a cumulative +2 penalty on every attack after the first (as per sr3.122-123), regardless of whether those opponents are effectively fighting back. If the gangers aren't effectively fighting back, though, you might not want to apply the Opponent Has Friends In Melee (+1/Friend) penalty. That's very debatable, though -- if he's attacking all 4 gangers at the same time, they're certainly all fighting back at the same time.
The troll is running in the Combat Turn in which he attacks the gangers, correct? He's then taking an additional +4 to the TN (+6 if on difficult ground, as per sr3.108).
Do the gangers have the Clubs skill? If so, they get to use their Rifle Butts as an improvised weapon with that, for a Reach of 1. I assume you are well aware of the fact that the SR Companion 'strongly' recommends the GM to consider carefully before allowing any character to have Aptitude in a Combat, Magical or Computer skill.
So, back to the TNs: If my assumptions are correct (troll was running, gangers have Clubs skill, and you do not give either the Friends In Melee bonuses/penalties:
Troll vs. Ganger #1: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) = TN 5
Ganger #1 vs. Troll: 4
Troll vs. G2: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 2 (second target) = TN 7
G2 vs. Troll: 4
Troll vs. G3: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 4 (third target) = TN 9
G3 vs. Troll: 4
Troll vs. G4: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 6 (4th target) = TN 11
G4 vs. Troll: 4
If you interprete it so that Friends In Melee counts, you get the following TNs (Troll vs Ganger, 1 through 4)
8 vs 2
10 vs 2
12 vs 2
14 vs 2
Unless of course some gangers die along the line, in which case the following TNs for the Troll drop by 1 per dead ganger starting from the first and rise by 1 for the gangers after 2 have died.
QUOTE (Crusher Bob) |
Isn't combat pool adding limited by base skill and not the specialization? (Or was that adept added dice, can't remember?) |
It's definitely the specialization if that is used for the test itself -- the wording is that it's up to the rating of the skill used for the test. The adept power Improved Ability is indeed limited by the base skill.
Jan 25 2005, 11:03 PM
Friends in melee would definitely count in this case, and AE is right on with the TN's if the gangers have clubs skill. The troll is in a world of hurt because only 5 out of every 36 of her rolls will be a success, but the ganger she's facing is going to have 5 out of every 6. That means that if the ganger is rolling 2 dice on clubs and 2 combat pool, the troll had better be rolling 24 dice if she wants an even chance of success. 16D doesn't matter unless she can manage to connect with one of them.
Jan 25 2005, 11:16 PM
Aaaah, +4 tn for running isn't on the table for melee modifiers, it's only on the table for ranged attack modifiers, which this isn't. Melee apparently has no movement modifiers at all unless I'm looking at it wrong.
Jan 26 2005, 01:03 AM
The troll is being played by a 1st-timer, using the SR3 Companion rules with 130 build points (just so that she doesn't feel so left behind by the other players who have been playing for about a year now). She can't talk too well and is slooooooow to boot, but boy can she take it and dish it out ... hand to hand combat that is.
isnt this the point of a troll killing machine?
also a body above 10 for a troll isnt anywhere near unreasonable.
Jan 26 2005, 01:31 AM
wow those are some ELITE gangers you have there. Remind me never to stray into the territory of THE DELTA FORCE COMMANDO CRACK RIFLE SQUAD gang.
Kanada Ten
Jan 26 2005, 01:42 AM
Eh? You mean the guns or the armor? He did say these were the leaders, but AKs and armor jackets for a rumble is elite?
[edit] I guess, for myself, I still think back to
this image from the cover of my first SR purchase, the DMZ, when I think of gangs...
Jan 26 2005, 02:11 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher @ Jan 25 2005, 03:16 PM) |
Aaaah, +4 tn for running isn't on the table for melee modifiers, it's only on the table for ranged attack modifiers, which this isn't. Melee apparently has no movement modifiers at all unless I'm looking at it wrong. |
There are lots of penalties that aren't on the Melee modifier table. For example, sustaining a spell, or suffering the +2 from prior shock weapons. The penalty in melee for sustaining a spell is described in the section on sustaining spells. The penalty in melee for electrical shock is described in the section on shock weapons.
The penalty in melee for movement is described in the section on movement.
In the section on Astral Combat it describes that astral movement does not affect target numbers for astral melee. It wouldn't need to describe this exception if there wasn't a TN penalty for movement in regular melee.
Whether these rules reflect real-life is a different discussion. Whether people should house-rule a TN benefit for charging into melee is a different discussion. I'm just presenting canon rules.
Jan 26 2005, 02:33 AM
i dunno. the fact that movement modifiers are included in the ranged combat table, but not the melee table, tends to imply that the designers didn't intend for them to be applied to melee combat. i'm aware that a strictly legal reading of the rules doesn't support this--but a strictly legal reading of the rules supports applying movement modifiers twice in ranged combat (once for the movement-mods-apply-to-everything rule, and again for the additional modifiers presented in the ranged combat table). for that reason, i'm going to say that the strictly legal reading is the incorrect reading.
note that this isn't the only case where the strictly legal reading provides the wrong rule. for instance, the wording for magician adept initiation is terribly misleading, as are the rules for centering multiple times per init pass.
Jan 26 2005, 04:35 AM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
Whether these rules reflect real-life is a different discussion. Whether people should house-rule a TN benefit for charging into melee is a different discussion. I'm just presenting canon rules. |
Doesn't charging into melee give you a bonus in the form of +2 to the power level of your attack? I believe that is the rule given in CC, at least.
Jan 26 2005, 04:38 AM
Are the chargers on horse back?
Jan 26 2005, 05:18 AM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
The troll is running in the Combat Turn in which he attacks the gangers, correct? He's then taking an additional +4 to the TN (+6 if on difficult ground, as per sr3.108). |
Right, but the troll is running, giving the gangers a +2 TN because hes moving.
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
Do the gangers have the Clubs skill? If so, they get to use their Rifle Butts as an improvised weapon with that, for a Reach of 1. I assume you are well aware of the fact that the SR Companion 'strongly' recommends the GM to consider carefully before allowing any character to have Aptitude in a Combat, Magical or Computer skill. |
Sure, so the troll still has effective 2 reach on them.
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
So, back to the TNs: If my assumptions are correct (troll was running, gangers have Clubs skill, and you do not give either the Friends In Melee bonuses/penalties: Troll vs. Ganger #1: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) = TN 5 Ganger #1 vs. Troll: 4 Troll vs. G2: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 2 (second target) = TN 7 G2 vs. Troll: 4 Troll vs. G3: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 4 (third target) = TN 9 G3 vs. Troll: 4 Troll vs. G4: 4 + 4 (running) - 2 (net reach 2) - 1 (aptitude) + 6 (4th target) = TN 11 G4 vs. Troll: 4 |
Well, now, with mine its:
Troll vs. Ganger #1: 4 + 4 (running) - 1 aptitude = TN 7
Ganger vs Troll: 4 + 2 (Troll running) +2 inferior reach = TN 8
Troll vs G2: 4 + 4 (running) -1 aptitutde +2 (second target) -2 reach= TN7
G2 vs Troll: 4 + 2 (Troll running) = TN 6
Troll vs G3: 4 + 4 (running) - 1 aptitude +4 third target = TN11
G3 vs Troll: 4 + 2 (Troll running) + 2 inferior reach = TN 8
Troll vs G4: 4 + 4 (running) -1 aptitude =6 (Fourth target) -2 Reach = TN 11
G4 vs Troll: 4 + 2 (Troll running) = TN6
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
If you interprete it so that Friends In Melee counts, you get the following TNs (Troll vs Ganger, 1 through 4) 8 vs 2 10 vs 2 12 vs 2 14 vs 2 Unless of course some gangers die along the line, in which case the following TNs for the Troll drop by 1 per dead ganger starting from the first and rise by 1 for the gangers after 2 have died. |
With mine you get:
10 vs 5
10 vs 3
14 vs 5
14 vs 3
Of course, if you give the Troll a combat with a whirling maneuver, they drop down to:
8 vs 8
8 vs 5
11 vs 8
11 vs 6
Or, give them one with multi-strike, the mild reduction in power won't hurt the troll, and will drop TNs to hit the gangers by:
G2 -1TN
G3 -3TN
G4 - 5TN. Making it quite painful.
Obviously if the troll does it right, he can still make it rather nasty for the gangers, especially if he only attacked 2 instead of all 4 at once.
Even better, on the last gangers, he could do a knockdown attack rather than normal melee, its not likely he'll get many successes, but if he beats them, they'll garunteeable get knocked prone for the next round, making them almost pathetic.
Jan 26 2005, 06:03 AM
Uhhm, she attacked the gang leader-types one at a time. Took her 5 full rounds to take them out. (She was very lucky in turn 4 and had 2 actions).
Solstice, I dunno about you, but pretty much all the info I've read stated how tough the Ancients are supposed to be. I just built the damned gangers on 100 build points except for the leader types at 130. How do you do it?
Jan 26 2005, 07:02 AM
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2005, 07:13 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Right, but the troll is running, giving the gangers a +2 TN because hes moving. |
I took that into account with the gangers' TNs to hit the troll in my first post.
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Sure, so the troll still has effective 2 reach on them. |
Yes, and as you can clearly see from my numbers I took that into account as well. You just used it to increase the TN of the gangers, I used it to decrease the TN of the troll.
As for the running penalty for melee combat, I'm with OurTeam. The modifier is already considered to modify some actions for which it isn't specifically mentioned for. I rather think it's specifically mentioned for ranged combat to make that table as complete as possible. Running on sr3.108 says you get the +4 to TN for "any tests attempted while running", and, as OurTeam said, it doesn't say melee combat is exempted from this.
Jan 26 2005, 07:22 AM
The catch is the running multiplier is specifically mentioned only in the ranged combat secion, *not* the movement section. Same with target movement.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2005, 07:26 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
The catch is the running multiplier is specifically mentioned only in the ranged combat secion, *not* the movement section. Same with target movement. |
Eh? It's quite clearly written in the RUNNING section on page 108 of my SR3 (9th printing, and there's no errata). "Characters who are running take a +4 target modifier to any tests attempted while running (+6 over difficult ground)."
Jan 26 2005, 02:45 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
QUOTE (Tarantula) | Right, but the troll is running, giving the gangers a +2 TN because hes moving. |
I took that into account with the gangers' TNs to hit the troll in my first post.
Looking back, no, you didn't. The gangers TN to hit troll is 4, when it should've been 6. or, later when you give friends in beatdown modifiers, 3. You obviously didn't take this into account.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2005, 03:08 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Looking back, no, you didn't. The gangers TN to hit troll is 4, when it should've been 6. or, later when you give friends in beatdown modifiers, 3. You obviously didn't take this into account. |
"Target Running" or "Opponent Running" is not a TN modifier for melee combat. The +2 TN modifier is only there on the Ranged Combat Modifiers Table. There is no flat +2 TN for attacking a running character such as there is a flat +4 / +6 TN modifier for doing just about anything when you are running yourself.
If the troll uses the Net Reach modifier to lower his own TN, and you don't count in any Friends in Melee bonuses, the gangers' TN is 4, just like I said. If Friends in Melee bonuses are taken into account, it's 2 for all the gangers like I said. If the troll uses the Net Reach modifier to increase the gangers' TNs instead of lowering his own, just increase all TNs all around by 2 -- except for the gangers in the Friends In Melee Bonus scenario, that only rises to 3 (since the TN would actually have been 1 with the Friends bonus, but is automatically raised to 2).
The +2 TN was taken to account in my first post about attacking the troll with the AK-97s, however.
Jan 26 2005, 03:12 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator @ Jan 26 2005, 10:08 AM) |
"Target Running" or "Opponent Running" is not a TN modifier for melee combat. The +2 TN modifier is only there on the Ranged Combat Modifiers Table. There is no flat +2 TN for attacking a running character such as there is a flat +4 / +6 TN modifier for doing just about anything when you are running yourself. |
This is the exact same logic that you refuse to accept about the running penalty not being applied on the troll.
Austere Emancipator
Jan 26 2005, 03:22 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
This is the exact same logic that you refuse to accept about the running penalty not being applied on the troll. |
Argh... No, it's not. Try reading the RUNNING section on page 108 of your SR3. Notice how it says the +4 (+6 over difficult terrain) TN modifier counts for any tests attempted while running. There is no such rule for targeting the running character, the +2 modifier for that only appears on the Ranged Combat Modifiers Table.
Jan 26 2005, 03:25 PM
I'll check as soon as I get home from work.
Jan 26 2005, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (lopus) |
I just built the damned gangers on 100 build points except for the leader types at 130. How do you do it? |
To be a leader of a gang you're probably going to have to have at least a melee 3 and a ranged weapon 3, and quite possibly a four in one or the other. I don't know why everyone is getting into such a tizzy. I really doubt they worked their way to a management position by being good at pushing pencils.
Build them however you want as long as it challenges your players and doesn't challenge the believability of the game world.
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