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Full Version: Critter Movement power
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Ed Simons
According to SR3 spirits with this power can multiply or divide a subject's movement rate by the spirit's essence.

1) Does this apply to movement rates for spells such as Levitate or Gecko Crawl?

2) Does it apply to falling? If it does, does it affect the damage taken from falling?

3) Does it apply to the distance the subject can be thrown if they're being used as an Improvised Throwing Weapon (CC P.14)?
Kanada Ten
1) Does this apply to movement rates for spells such as Levitate or Gecko Crawl?


2) Does it apply to falling? If it does, does it affect the damage taken from falling?

I've always assumed so (though it must be within the critter's Domain or whatever).

3) Does it apply to the distance the subject can be thrown if they're being used as an Improvised Throwing Weapon (CC P.14)?

1) Does this apply to movement rates for spells such as Levitate or Gecko Crawl?

yes, since it is the quickness x multiplier that affects how the character moves in the first place.

2) Does it apply to falling? If it does, does it affect the damage taken from falling?

No. This is where the Critter Power of Guard would come in. As long as the character is in the domain of the Spirit or Critter it would try and prevent the fall,or break the fall with something from its domain, i.e. the falling character would fall into some vines, or a deep snow patch that would break the fall.

3) Does it apply to the distance the subject can be thrown if they're being used as an Improvised Throwing Weapon (CC P.14)?

No. Since the character is not moving under their own power, but rather what ever happened to launch them.

2) if you're talking about a spirit of the sky, yes. otherwise, no; i'd say the subject isn't in the right domain for it.
You can still be in a city or a forest even if you are not actually on the ground.
Falling off a cliff or mountain snow-drift would still count as the mountain spirit's domain, and when landing you would also land, most likely, in the same domain. I don't hink that the movement power would be appropriate in any of these circumstances in terms of falling speed. Although, maybe if someone is sky-diving, then that would definitely count as a Sky domain, and I would allow the movement power to take an affect then.

how about this: if you fall out of a tree, i'd allow a forest spirit to slow your fall. if you fall out of an airplane that's flying over a forest, you're screwed.
QUOTE (mfb)
how about this: if you fall out of a tree, i'd allow a forest spirit to slow your fall. if you fall out of an airplane that's flying over a forest, you're screwed.

That's fair, but you would normally have time to summon a Spirit of the sky in that case anyway.
Kanada Ten
Sylphs (Spirits of the Wind) also have the Movement power. For some reason I thought Air Elementals also had that power (interestingly, a Great Form Air Elemental could make a tornado or whirlwind that would act as a Domain for the Sylph).
QUOTE (Ed Simons)
According to SR3 spirits with this power can multiply or divide a subject's movement rate by the spirit's essence.

1) Does this apply to movement rates for spells such as Levitate or Gecko Crawl?

2) Does it apply to falling? If it does, does it affect the damage taken from falling?

3) Does it apply to the distance the subject can be thrown if they're being used as an Improvised Throwing Weapon (CC P.14)?

No, the subject is not using their movement rate (walking or running.) So there is no increase or decrease to their movement, 0*essence=0.

1) The subject's moving magically.

2) Not walking or running.

3) Ditto.
QUOTE (Ed Simons)
According to SR3 spirits with this power can multiply or divide a subject's movement rate by the spirit's essence. 
1)  Does this apply to movement rates for spells such as Levitate or Gecko Crawl? 
2)  Does it apply to falling?  If it does, does it affect the damage taken from falling? 

3)  Does it apply to the distance the subject can be thrown if they're being used as an Improvised Throwing Weapon (CC P.14)?

Interestingly enough, there is nothing in canon about how the movement multiplier effects jumping or running-jumps. This was one of the first questions one of my players asked me after he started using cyberskates.

I applied some physics and came up with this:

[ Spoiler ]
I know they're relatively basic, but my eyes glaze over when I see stuff like those formulas. dead.gif
That's fair, but you would normally have time to summon a Spirit of the sky in that case anyway

how so if summoning a spirit is a complex action, surly your mind would be preoccupied with falling and the ground approaching very quickly?

torz x spin.gif
A Complex Action requires at the most 3 seconds. Most awakened charaters have a very high Willpower, so would be able to force themselves to concentrate on something, especially if that something is likely to save their ass.
If a magician is sustaining a spell and takes damage, he needs to make a Sorcery test to keep sustaining it. This is almost like casting the spell again (TN = Force + damage modifiers.) Using this as an example of being in a tense situation, I can see just making a normal conjuring test
Another question about the Movement power.

How does it apply to ships with a Hull rating? Do you just substitute Hull for Body on the test, or is there a conversion?

Idea: Vampire Horse shaman.

QUOTE (mfb)
how about this: if you fall out of a tree, i'd allow a forest spirit to slow your fall. if you fall out of an airplane that's flying over a forest, you're screwed.

If a shadowrunner falls in a forest, and nobody is around to save him, does he make a sound? And do the spirits care? smile.gif
If a shadowrunner falls in a forest, and nobody is around to save him, does he make a sound?

Only if he has a cyber-ear recorder.
QUOTE (Fortune)
If a shadowrunner falls in a forest, and nobody is around to save him, does he make a sound?

Only if he has a cyber-ear recorder.

I know I shouldn't find that funny, but I do nyahnyah.gif
As far as hull goes... the only conversion I know regarding it is (Hull+Bulwark) * 8 = Barrier Rating. The x8 makes me think 1 hull is roughly equivialent to 8 body.
QUOTE (Tarantula)
As far as hull goes... the only conversion I know regarding it is (Hull+Bulwark) * 8 = Barrier Rating. The x8 makes me think 1 hull is roughly equivialent to 8 body.

One barrier rating is not equal to one body. They aren't even comparable terms.
Actually... it is, because if you use another metahuman as a shield, you get a barrier with rating body + armorx2 (front and back) for the bullet to hit you. So one body IS one barrier rating, and thus, ships hull+bulwark to barrier conversion works at 8xhull=ship body.
QUOTE (Tarantula)
Actually... it is, because if you use another metahuman as a shield, you get a barrier with rating body + armorx2 (front and back) for the bullet to hit you. So one body IS one barrier rating, and thus, ships hull+bulwark to barrier conversion works at 8xhull=ship body.

I'm not familiar with this rule... could you provide a source?
I'm pretty sure its there somewhere... I'll have to do some digging once I get home. Might just be one of those old house rules that seem to have mutated into cannon.
That's not canon, it came up on a thread a few months back. I should know, I started the thread.

Each point of body can support 1 firmpoint. Things with a hull rating can support (hull x hull) + 4 firmpoints. I'd use that to figure out a Body rating for the purpose of using movement power.

Hull 1 = TN5
Hull 2 = TN8
Hull 3 = TN13
Hull 4 = TN20
Hull 5 = TN29
Hull 6+ = good luck
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