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Talia Invierno
For you! For them! For your car!
I don't really get the point of this thread, but I have a question:

What does NERPs stand for? I see it everywhere in SR books, but I have no idea what it means.
NERP = Nasty Excitable Redmond Postmen. yeah.
Ancient History
Enhancement for
Johnny Silverhand
NERPs for runners! NERPs for funners!
NERPs in your car! NERPs on a star!
NERPs in a bomb! NERPs in your mom!
NERPs for dumb questions!

NERPs stands for the following:
NERPs for explanations
NERPs for Johnny
Large Mike

Not Essential for Role Playing Shadowrun

Bun fun anyways.
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (akarenti)
I don't really get the point of this thread, but I have a question:

What does NERPs stand for? I see it everywhere in SR books, but I have no idea what it means.

It doesn't mean anything. It's been explained to be an acronym for a couple of things (same as FASA), but it's just a placeholder for anything and everything trendy.
Johnny Silverhand
NERPs is the new aspirin.
Aspirin is the new cellophane.
Cellophane is the new fairy dust.
Fairy dust is the new Elk phallace.
Elkphallace is the new god-sex.
God-sex is the new sex.
Sex is the new power.
Power is the new NERPs.

NERPs is that which was, and NERPs is that which will be.
NERPs is that which simultaneously is, is not, is not not, and is, is yet not.
NERPs for Nargjuna, NERPs for Abraham, NERPs for Ra, NERPs for Zeus.
NERPs for everyone, NERPs for no one, NERPs for not no one.
NERPs for NERPs!
Okay. So it really doesn't mean anything. Right. Thanks.
Actually it does. but we can't tell you.
Sure, taunt the new guy.

***I'm a Moving Target! Victory is Mine!***
Necro Tech
Yeah sure, take away our +1 stationary target bonus.

Just have to lead you in the future.
Sure, taunt the new guy.

I don't know what it means either but it sure is fun to say.

NERPs!! spin.gif
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
It's been explained to be an acronym for a couple of things (same as FASA)

The only explanation for what FASA is an acronym for that I've ever seen is Freedonian Aeronautic and Space Administration (Freedonia being a small European country from the Marx Brother's 1933 film, Duck Soup).

I'm curious to what else you've heard it's an acronym for, since as far as I know, that was the official one.
It's been some time but as I recall Nerps is...

Steve/Scott (I dont recall if it was one or the other I think it depended on when you asked the question which name was there.)
Yep! It was an in-joke from the original development team.
It's like Fnord, only not. Get it? Didn't think so.
One NERPS to rule them all, one NERPS to find them, one NERPS to bring them all, and in the NERPS-ness bind them.

NERPS just *is*. Let's move on, shall we?
NERPS™ for Health! NERPS™ for Vigor! NERPS™ for Industry!

I'm glad I've never asked about it.
hahnsoo-- folks can see the NERPS. That's the difference.

Time for a NERPS break....
Large Mike
NERPS for him!
NERPS for her!
NERPS for couples!
-only $14.95-

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to NERPS.
Caution: NERPS may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.
NERPS Contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.
Do not use NERPS on concrete.

Discontinue use of NERPS if any of the following occurs:
Tingling in extremities
Loss of balance or coordination
Slurred speech
Temporary blindness
Profuse sweating
Heart palpitations

If NERPS begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
NERPS may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, NERPS should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration...

Failure to do so relieves the makers of NERPS of any and all liability.

Ingredients of NERPS include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

NERPS has been shipped to our troops in Desert Wars.

Do not taunt NERPS.

NERPS comes with a lifetime guarantee.


Discontinue use of NERPS if any of the following occurs:
Tingling in extremities
Loss of balance or coordination
Slurred speech
Temporary blindness
Profuse sweating
Heart palpitations

If I started noticing most of those symptoms while simply reading the list, is there a chance I might be suffering from severe hypocondria?

So what's this NERPS really all about? rotfl.gif
NERPS, as far as I've known, stands for the Net Enhancement for Role-Playing Shadownrun. There have been a number of NERPS net products on the web that spwaned from the NERPS group. If that's what FASA meant by it, I can't say for sure.
NERPS: Contents under pressure. Do not expose to excessive heat, vacuum, blunt trauma, immersion in liquids, disintegration, reintegration, hypersleep, humiliation, sorrow, or harsh language.

What is NERPS? It's what they sell at Stuffer Shack.
QUOTE (Reaver)
NERPS, as far as I've known, stands for the Net Enhancement for Role-Playing Shadownrun. There have been a number of NERPS net products on the web that spwaned from the NERPS group. If that's what FASA meant by it, I can't say for sure.

NERPS appeared in FASA products long before the NERPS mailing list and net.books; the list was named after the FASA NERPS, not the other way around.
Sadly the demise of FASA seems to have NERFed NERPS biggrin.gif
Instant Ubik has all the fresh flavor of just-brewed drip coffee. Your husband will say, <bleep>, Sally, I used to think your coffee was only so-so. But now, wow! Safe when taken as directed.


My hair is so dry, so unmanageable. What's a girl to do? Simply rub in creamy Ubik hair conditioner. In just five days you'll discover new body in your hair, new glossiness. And Ubik hairspray, used as directed, is absolutely safe.


Can't make the frug contest, Helen; stomach's upset. I'll fix you Ubik! Ubik drops you back in the thick of things fast. Taken as directed, Ubik speeds relief to head and stomach. Remember: Ubik is only seconds away. Avoid prolonged use.

This thread made me instantly think of a book by Philip K. Dick. The book's title is, you guessed it, Ubik. Safe when read as directed.
QUOTE (DrJest)
Sadly the demise of FASA seems to have NERFed NERPS biggrin.gif

SOTA: 2063 ...
Little Bill
QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
The only explanation for what FASA is an acronym for that I've ever seen is Freedonian Aeronautic and Space Administration (Freedonia being a small European country from the Marx Brother's 1933 film, Duck Soup).

I'm curious to what else you've heard it's an acronym for, since as far as I know, that was the official one.

FASA's first products were Traveller modules and sourcebooks in the early '80s. GDW at the time assigned sectors of the Traveller universe to several third-party companies to develop at their leisure. FASA's region included a planet named Freedonia (presumably after the Marx Brothers' movie) and they came up with the FASA acronymn for the company name. Just like GURPS, what was probably only half-serious to begin with stuck.
QUOTE (Tai-Pan)
It's been some time but as I recall Nerps is...

Steve/Scott (I dont recall if it was one or the other I think it depended on when you asked the question which name was there.)

Yep. That's it.

Talia Invierno
This product contains One (1) NERP.
  • Use only as directed.
  • Do not apply internally, externally, or in any Heisenbergian space. For indoor and outdoor use only.
  • Not to be used as protection from a tornado.
  • Do not use while sleeping.
Warning: This product may contain NERPs.

You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
All Natural NERPS!

Contains atrificial colors, artificial flavors, atrifical presertives, traces of MSG, Partially hydogenated soy seed oil, mechanically separated krill, and salt.
Johnny Silverhand
NERPs. it's what you do.

(and btw: Net Enhancements, etc... was used as an acronym based on the popularity of NERPs the product. You really should try some NERPs. .... there's even NERPs in some candy that they sell in Germany [warning, may cause goblinization])
QUOTE (Johnny Silverhand)
NERPs stands for the following:

I do believe this one's my favorite.

Johnny Silverhand
biggrin.gif Thanx! biggrin.gif
nyahnyah.gif nyahnyah.gif nyahnyah.gif cyber.gif nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Little Bill)
QUOTE (RunnerPaul @ Feb 28 2005, 03:24 AM)
The only explanation for what FASA is an acronym for that I've ever seen is Freedonian Aeronautic and Space Administration (Freedonia being a small European country from the Marx Brother's 1933 film, Duck Soup).

I'm curious to what else you've heard it's an acronym for, since as far as I know, that was the official one.

FASA's first products were Traveller modules and sourcebooks in the early '80s. GDW at the time assigned sectors of the Traveller universe to several third-party companies to develop at their leisure. FASA's region included a planet named Freedonia (presumably after the Marx Brothers' movie) and they came up with the FASA acronymn for the company name. Just like GURPS, what was probably only half-serious to begin with stuck.

There is a town in upstate New York called Freedonia.
QUOTE (BookWyrm)
There is a town in upstate New York called Freedonia.

Not exactly. There's a Fredonia, New York, with only one E. The Marx Brother's Freedonia has two Es

Didn't stop the city fathers of Fredonia from complaining about "their town's name" being used in the film when it was released. The Marx Brothers' reply? "Change the name of your town, it's hurting our picture."

NERPs ideas posted here may be misused, stolen, spindled or mutilated in Shadowland. (In other words, I need your help! smile.gif )
But if NERPS is like fnord, but you can see it, then people will fnord be distressed by this, and confused about fnord we are talking about, because they can't see it. an of course they will not fnord remember reading this either.

NERPS is a part of this complete breakfast.
Regarding the FASA thing. I have a very old Star Trek:RPG book that lists them as FAntasy Simulations Associates which pre-dates the FASA logo. (thus we get FASA by putting it together). Yes, I am a 'veteran' rp'er. Yes, I also have the 6' bookshelf full of old rp gomi. biggrin.gif
STun Gun

Just thought i'd add my NERPS.

Karl Kombat Mage in Yo chummer.
MK Ultra
NERPS for President!
And on the 7th day God Rested, with NERPS, and pronounced them good.
Kyoto Kid

NERPS is both a Floor Wax and a Desert Topping
NERPS brings out your hair's natural lustre and body
In case of a water landing, NERPS may also be used as an approved flotation device.
NERPS makes your clothes smell fresh as a summer breeze
NERPS fits conveniently in your purse or travel bag
NERPS is also in available in Spanish
NERPS should be used only under adult supervision

NERPS is a registered trademark of NERPS
NERPS may be larger than they appear in rearview mirror.

Personaly, I love the convient carrying size of NERPS. Really handy.

Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (chromedog)
Regarding the FASA thing.  I have a very old Star Trek:RPG book that lists them as FAntasy Simulations Associates which pre-dates the FASA logo.  (thus we get FASA by putting it together). Yes, I am a 'veteran' rp'er.  Yes, I also have the 6' bookshelf full of old rp gomi.  biggrin.gif

Same here,

Still have the original 3 book of D&D set, The first printing of Champions (that one looks like it was typeset on an old Olivetti Underwood). FGU's totally unplayable Chivalry & Sorcery (and the equally mind numbing Space Opera) Traveller and a few games by small press operations that were "here today - gone an hour later". One of the best of these came out of Kansas (believe it or not) called Beasts Men & Gods. Actually quite a fun, well detailed, colourful game with a good chargen, combat & magic system for a level based FRPG.

Now, back to our sponsor...

NERPS, for when your home is invaded by those pesky Drop Bears.
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